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 So to elaborate further. These will be my raw thoughts and from my vent account.

It happened. I'm burnt out. These past few nights I've been sleeping in the living room cause I was so busy with stuff and being overwhelmed with commissions that it made me hate art and if it wasn't for my friend Mixi stepping in last minute this morning, I was gonna make a public post saying I'm quitting art entirely. I think this will be the last I'll say this but as of late I've felt like all I am is just a commission machine to people. Yes, I put those 3 commissions slots out not too long ago but those were from my own accord and personally they were the last I've genuinely enjoyed myself with a commission. To get this out of the way, NO I AM NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING and I am grateful for y'alls support. But I am a human and I reached my limit and it feels that allowing commissions in the first place was such a huge mistake after 5 years because I feel that's all people ever want from me. And I do not wish to demonize/vilify my audience but while I get messages that "Your health comes first, take a break" I still have bills to pay and I need to get stuff done, which is why I've been pushing for Patreon, KoFi and my comic to sell, though sadly I have to legit BEG for those to make some difference, whereas commissions get sold out so quickly, and the stark difference between the two, while it does not (and I cannot stress this enough) say anything bad about my audience, it really hits my sense of self-worth and makes me feel like I ain't worth nothing to people unless it's commissions, which is what made me start to hate it. (1/2)

So where will I go from this? I'm gonna take a hiatus from drawing for possibly a few weeks and when I get back I'll be back to drawing, but   1. It's going to be strictly personal work. 2. I'm going to be posting only to Patreon and Discord only 3. I'm going to be pushing myself forward with pursuing comic work

In terms of how I'll get funds to keep paying my bills, I'll make a thread later for ways to support and I'll be RTing it and when I get back I'll be creating a few expensive YCHs here and there (I'm talking $300-600 range) and that's it. I'll pace myself with the owed work that I'm doing when I return, and I'll update my clients as time goes on but I can't do this and one thing that ain't finna happen is me getting burnt out again to where I nearly quit entirely. Commissions are stressing me out damn near to where I feel literally ill.

If you are on this Trello, then you're good. https://trello.com/b/mX0eX25N/commissions

I apologize if this comes across as hostile or anything, as that's not my intent, though I apologize if the impact has been done. I truly love and appreciate all of y'all and am so grateful cause y'all made this journey one hell of a ride. I just need to hit up a rest area for a bit, is all. I love y'all. 



We love you too, i hope the rest will do you well!

Whiffy Plush

Rest well Alina. I hope you'll be okay.