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Hey everyone, so I haven't posted in a bit. I'm sure some of y'all saw on Twitter, but I at first took a day off on Sept. 11 to mourn for my father's passing 8 years ago and then that same night, I feel into a major panic and had to stay in my parent's house for the weekend to recover. It was there that me and my mom came to the conclusion that I was suffering from high levels of stress and fatigue due to so much backlog of commissions. Right now I'm back home and I'm going to be resting this week so this means NO ART for a whole week. 

While resting I thought more about my life and how exhausted commissions have left me. Like I'm drained. I'm not having fun with it anymore but most importantly, it's been getting in the way of what I really want to do, which is comic work, where I have the most fun. 

I'm going to be working to finish up what I owe and also refund some people, but I came to a decision that once I'm done, I'm cutting out a lot of taking commissions and eventually stop doing them for good. No, the issue isn't me needing to bump up my prices, though I'll still be bumping them up. No, the issue isn't me needing to find commissions that I enjoy and have fun. The issue is commissions themselves. It's taking a physical toll on my health, I'm not making this up. I never wanted to do this for so long and I'm not gonna keep myself to having to do this anymore. I get folks want art from me, but I'm tired of commissions. I'm sick of commissions. Even the thought of adding commission tiers, while would get slots in no time, is something that I go "nope" with because it's not worth it and it takes away the whole point of me plugging my Patreon and comics so much which is to, you know......get away from doing commissions??

So there's that. I'll be looking into offering more stuff in some attempt to get more people on board, hopefully, but I can't do this anymore. Honestly, I was left with the choices of either this or just quit art entirely and find something else I enjoy to pay my bills and I ain't doing the latter so this is what's gonna happen. I appreciate y'all support and would just ask you spread this stuff around and help me get to where I can sustain myself. I'll be doing some YCHs and stream sketch comms here and there but aside from that my DMs on Twitter will be turned off and Discord DMs be closed to friends because seeing even just mere commission inquiries have been exhausting me and I need to get to where I'm happy doing what I do.

I hope y'all understand


Whiffy Plush

i hope you'll be okay Alina. If there anything we can do to help you out alongside patreon please let use know