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So I'm finalizing some of these sketch commissions and got this Comic that got bought before I could even have a chance to finish it up as a YCH and uploaded. lol

So after MFF I'll be working on this and will keep y'all updated. Though because of the commissions, I'll possibly have to take the morning of the day that I leave (Dec. 3rd) to finish the other two ASAP and y'all won't be able to see anything uploaded from me for a solid week. See y'all at MFF!

Also as a question for my $35 Tier: Due to this massive influx of commissions that I've gotten, I've realized I've been working on a TON of stuff so I was wondering if y'all would be okay that I down the quality of the sketches y'all receive to just B/W sketches or would you prefer I stick to flat colors?

HOPEFULLY FINAL UPDATE:  It took me a minute but I meant to clarify that this doesn't take effect for the sketches I owe y'all for this month!!! I was meaning more for in the future. I'm so sorry for any possible confusion.




I mean, it'd be a bit frustrating after one of the other ones got multiple variants and the sketches for this month were required to fit a theme. That's just my $0.02 tho.


Yeah. I never intended on making variants but I only noticed after being nearly done (like "putting watermark and saving as PNG file" nearly done) and the stuff I did ask for was too good to just delete. Also the person that requested it left an option for it and I stated I'll do what I can to prevent it from happening again cause it wouldn't feel fair to y'all. Forgive me if it came across as rude (not my intentions). Just only wanted to clarify and wanted to keep things transparent with everyone

Gankra (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-09 00:38:44 i'm totally ok with b&w sketches, still a great deal!
2019-12-01 17:41:54 i'm totally ok with b&w sketches, still a great deal!

i'm totally ok with b&w sketches, still a great deal!