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Doodle my gf's sona as a deer and drew Grace with it!

My apologies for slow uploads. HRT's been kicking my butt and got my energy draiiiiiined these past few days. I'm gonna be working on the Tori comic and last Patreon sketch some more, but due to it, the Tori comic may get a bigger interval to a page every two weeks until I feel better. I hope you all can understand!



Mecha Kaiju X

so pretty! i wanna hug 'em ^^

IamUnknown (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-09 00:39:07 Oh man, I hope you get to feeling better soon! <3 Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you get back!
2019-10-29 20:29:10 Oh man, I hope you get to feeling better soon! <3 Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you get back!

Oh man, I hope you get to feeling better soon! <3 Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you get back!