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I'm sorry for having to say this so many times. I beg you not to repost/edit my art, especially the ones from Patreon. Please understand that to report all of the stolen work is very time-consuming and very discouraging for artists. Thank you. 😭😭




I thought the same! I am a new Patron and kinda surpised, that there is no "kadeart" on the pics here. Actually I love the watermark and it never bothered me. It is like an autograph :)


I’m sorry this is happening!! Is there anyway we can help beside bot reposting your art of course

Elo From Mars

I'm so sorry Kade :((( some people really really sucks. Sending all the love ❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry you're dealing this.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! Some people are just so horrible.

Destiny McNeil

Please add watermarks to all of your posts, even the patreon posts. Clearly people will continue to share and post from your patreon and you cannot rely on the individuals to suddenly do the right thing.

Jasmine Morgan-sola

This blows... i'm sorry people do this to you. You dont deserve to be taken advantage of like that ❤


I’m sorry you have to deal with this constantly, kade. I hope people will get the message soon and not steal your work💜

Serena Takami

I am so sorry you have to deal with this😔 I really hope people will get it! Stealing your art work is just so wrong and I can't understand how people can do this...


I'm so sorry Kade, this is so so annoying and people truly are awful 😭 You don't deserve this, it makes me so angry for you 😭


So sorry to hear this is happening to you :( Some people have such a pathological need for attention they create those accounts just for a few likes, and that's how it gets stolen. I hope we can report these accounts on time

Nana Chigusa

I’m sorry this happens often! There should honestly be a system or something to differentiate between the people who want to support you and the people who only join to steal your artwork because it’s not cool what those scammers are doing :(


They’re also on Pinterest to


You shouldn’t have to deal with this 😥

Melina Scholl

So sad to see you having to deal with this. Thank you for sharing your art with us - this gift should not be abused!


I'm sorry that sucks 😔

Strawberry milky

It's unfortunate, people just use others content while others wish to enjoy it and get the pateron exclusive. Not only do we love supporting the content but being able to have exclusive content :(

Wriolette (edited)

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2021-10-18 16:27:57 wah.. those kinds of people who steal others' art still exist...... ;=;
2021-10-18 16:27:57 wah.. those kinds of people who steal others' art still exist...... ;=;
2021-10-18 16:27:57 wah.. those kinds of people who steal others' art still exist...... ;=;
2021-09-01 17:33:11 wah.. those kinds of people who steal others' art still exist...... ;=;

wah.. those kinds of people who steal others' art still exist...... ;=;


This is really disspoainting im so sorry people are doing this to you. I really suggest adding your watermark to all your art work even on Patreon to protect your work! You really inspire me and I will do my best to report any person who is using your art without permission. I really hope whoever is posting your art from Patreon stops because this is very disrespectful on so many levels and an actual crime!!


So rude! Just add watermarks here too, i wouldnt mind.


it's a shame that your illustrations are being stolen. I hope those accounts close!!!

Rachel Inman

At this point I really wouldn't mind if you put watermarks on your Patreon posts, too. People clearly can't respect your reasonable boundaries, and I don't want to see your work constantly stolen. 😭

Njalcazar (edited)

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2021-10-18 16:27:56 Yeah add watermarks if you need to. I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this. If there’s anything we could do to help? Report them or send emails or something?
2021-10-18 16:27:56 Yeah add watermarks if you need to. I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this. If there’s anything we could do to help? Report them or send emails or something?
2021-10-18 16:27:56 Yeah add watermarks if you need to. I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this. If there’s anything we could do to help? Report them or send emails or something?
2021-09-01 18:11:26 Yeah add watermarks if you need to. I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this. If there’s anything we could do to help? Report them or send emails or something?

Yeah add watermarks if you need to. I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this. If there’s anything we could do to help? Report them or send emails or something?

Eléa Frambou

I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this, art thieves are a plague in our social media driven era and anyone contributing to your Patreon should know better than to repost what’s on here. Please tell us if we can do anything to help you (besides being basically respectful by not reposting)


I dont know if you've done this yet, but you should register your art with the copyright office incase you want to consult an intellectual property law attorney


I can't imagine why anyone would do this t.t


I’m sorry to say this but as awful as it is I don’t think the people stealing from you will care about any of this… like a few others previously suggested PLEASE feel free to leave a watermark on Patreon as well if it helps. Our pledges won’t stop if you do. I understand you’re doing this for us but you also have to protect yourself.

Karla Molina

i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this still!!! how unacceptable :( i’m sure your supporters wouldn’t mind if you watermarked your art on here!!!


Thank you everybody for your kind message! For the watermark on patreon post suggestion, I will think about this (but I don't want to add the watermark here since you join here for HD artworks. It make me feel bad if I did it ToT)


I feel so sorry to read and see that... I just can join all the others, who already said it: add the watermark here too. I wouldn't mind it.


we will always be here to support you, and I will continue to report it! And I am fine with the watermark especially if it helps protect your art. If you need some sort of protection for your PS and CS files, it can be done. I will give you the info when I get all the details

Valeriane (edited)

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2021-10-18 16:27:55 Sweet Kadeart, anyone who's ever tried to create anything knows how much work is put into each piece (and you do A LOT) stealing this from you is not okay. If you feel like adding a watermark on Patreon would help you, please don't feel bad for us. I support you on patreon because I love what you do and I want to see more. I can only speak for myself but seeing the others' comments I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one to think this. I understand you dilemma though. Anyway whatever you decide we will support. Take care <3
2021-09-06 08:14:48 Sweet Kadeart, anyone who's ever tried to create anything knows how much work is put into each piece (and you do A LOT) stealing this from you is not okay. If you feel like adding a watermark on Patreon would help you, please don't feel bad for us. I support you on patreon because I love what you do and I want to see more. I can only speak for myself but seeing the others' comments I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one to think this. I understand you dilemma though. Anyway whatever you decide we will support. Take care <3

Sweet Kadeart, anyone who's ever tried to create anything knows how much work is put into each piece (and you do A LOT) stealing this from you is not okay. If you feel like adding a watermark on Patreon would help you, please don't feel bad for us. I support you on patreon because I love what you do and I want to see more. I can only speak for myself but seeing the others' comments I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one to think this. I understand you dilemma though. Anyway whatever you decide we will support. Take care <3

Wisp of Thought

I'll speak up that I didn't join for the lack of the watermark, I joined because of high quality - that INCLUDES it coming from you, not the lack of the signature!

K Kenney

Hey! I would love it if you just added your watermark to the Highres.

K Kenney

We joined for the art, so you'd keep making it, and because we believe in supporting you. You could always provide HighRes without watermark on a by-request basis. I bet it would take up less time than this other ridiculous stuff. I'm happy with a "KadeArt" on my pics. Your signature is great anyway and I like that it's your art.

Kytara Draco

I noticed that there are tons of products on Amazon and eBay that have your pictures, and I was wondering about that. Thieving shts.

Katie (edited)

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2021-11-14 19:29:26 Stealing of artwork is just awful :( is there any place we can currently buy your art that supports you directly? I would love to buy some pieces but I want to make sure they are coming from you and that you are directly profiting off it &lt;3
2021-11-04 11:57:18 Stealing of artwork is just awful :( is there any place we can currently buy your art that supports you directly? I would love to buy some pieces but I want to make sure they are coming from you and that you are directly profiting off it <3

Stealing of artwork is just awful :( is there any place we can currently buy your art that supports you directly? I would love to buy some pieces but I want to make sure they are coming from you and that you are directly profiting off it <3


that’s so frustrating. i’m so sorry this is happening to you


you can get prints and whatnot on their shop here! https://www.homu.in.th/kadeart/?lang=en


DOSNT SAY SORRY FOR PROTECTING YOUR ART, TALENT AND TIME. It sucks that you are dealing with this and people should learn how to respect others properly. Like bish if I literally got Patreon to see ur art and support, others can do too. U have options for broke bishes like me so why not support. I Stan u.


I just became a patreon to support your work, and I am already frustrated at the people who steal your work. If there is anything we can do to help this process, let us know Kade! I really love your work, and as a fellow artist, having this happen is literally the worst and most annoying thing.