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Dear all,  

 I am very sorry to have to say this again and I hope it would not sound like I am being ungrateful. 😥 

I have noticed that many of the pictures posted here exclusively for Patreon subs have been reposted on other social media such as Twitter , IG, Tumblr etc. Please please do not repost my art elsewhere.  

The art posted here are all high-resolution and without watermarks or some arts are super early post or exclusive post only on patreon, and as some of you may know, I have been dealing with lots of people using my art for their product without my permission. It is very difficult to track and report them all.  

 I hope you understand my situation. Thank you so much for always supporting me. 😭🙏




That's terrible. Hope it gets resolved.


Sorry this is still happening, Kade. 😔


maybe just sign all your art more visibly and only leave your own merchandise without signature :0c i personally dont think your signature ruins the artwork


That's horrible to hear! It's sad when people can't respect the rules an artist set when it comes to their work. I hope it gets better for you.


I'm so sorry to hear that...this even happens here qwq I really hope it will get better qwq


wow this is plain rude


Reading this makes me so angry. I don't understand how people can be so disrespectful to you and your work. please feel hugged Kade.


(I don't actually "like" this at all! Just sending love <3 <3 )


I'm sorry to hear that Kade :/


I’m sorry to hear this


That’s so frustrating that this is happening still I’m sorry Kade.


Seriously, whoever is doing this is being an asshat. Y'all know damn well Kade works hard to produce work for us. Do NOT take advantage of her kindness. You're ruining it for all of us!!! 💢🐥


Kade start stretching your watermark across the entire image. That's the only way at this point.


I'm sorry this is happening to you )=


I’m sorry kade. You’re my favorite artist so it makes me sad to see you not getting the credit you deserve :(


Is there any way to find out who and take them off Patreon


I'm sorry kade! please make your watermark bigger! that way maybe they will be less inclined to repost :(


I can't believe people support your patreon just so they can repost it on other platforms without your permission. That's really fucked up.


Who’s ever doing this please stop!! It’s not right and it’s not ok!! Just because you donate to Kades patreon doesn’t mean the art is up for grabs. Please respect the artists wishes!! Kade I am so sorry this is happening. I hope they learn to do and be better.


I hope reposters stop. :( sigh :(


I hate that this is happening to you! People should respect your art and your integrity! You give us smiles and fill our hearts with your amazing art. I’ll be on the lookout and report whomever os doing this!

Little Feather🪶

This doesn’t make you sound ungrateful at all, this is just comes down to having common sense and being respectful. Believe it or not, this is how I found you and a handful of other artists I’m patrons of: because inconsiderate people keep taking exclusive content and reposting it elsewhere. What a disrespectful dick move. I’m so sorry this keeps happening, this is your right, hon, far from ungrateful.