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 As some of you may know, I have been dealing with people using my art to make merchandise and sell them without my permission.  

Since the pictures posted here are all high-resolution and without my signature, I kindly ask you not to repost them on other platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, IG, etc.   

I really appreciate your help and cooperation. Thank you so much for understanding and for your kind support as always! 😭🙏❤❤




Oh got that really sucks I hate seeing your art get stolen like that


Of course Kade! And if you spot another shop using your art, just point it to us, we'll help you to take it down :p


I hope your supporters aren't doing this ! That's so terrible and I hope it stops 😓


I usually try to report when I stumble upon stores using your work illegally. It's just not cool that people are doing this to you. ☹️


Of course I will respect your art, the choice to protect it and help if I can! I love you and your art so much and you deserve the world! 💕


When this pandemic is all over and you can finally open shop, I want to buy almost everything from you! 🙏🏼🌟✨ But this upsets me that people are using your beautiful art for their selfish greed. I definitely will report or let people know where the art is coming from. 😤🌟✨


That sucks. The only reason i became a patron is cuz of bunny girl Mirko. I just love the style you give her. It is Bad that people repost it while others are paying for it


It should go without saying that work posted in your patreon shouldn't be shared outside of the platform from anyone other than yourself. :( If you see other shops trying to profit off your work please let us know so we can help take it down.

Rebekah Kiggins

I love your artwork SO MUCH! I understand as an artist this is frustrating... If the future permits and you decide on opening your own personal shop, I would be willing to purchase your merch! Love you and I hope you keep create immaculate masterpieces. 🥰✨


Yes of course I'll help! I've already seen your kiss one on pintrest and reported it


Of course!! And I will help you report it !


I've been fighting these people for a long time! Many of them were left without profiles but they never stop 😓 But I will never stop too!!! 😁 So do what you think it's right to do and we here to support you 💖


People doing this are disgusting You have all my support! ❤️


So sorry that's happening!


Of course!! I’m so sorry that people are using your art without your permission.. I will try to help you as much as I can! Same as others! I love your art, and admire the time and dedication that you put into it! ❤️❤️


Ma'am, yes, ma'am! These will not leave this safe place! We care too much about you yo cause such trouble, Kade, so rest assured :D


You got it! I will keep it for my own personal collection <3 <3 your art is so amazing and I would HATE for anyone to profit off your work t.t

XxChim85xX .

Roger! I won't share any of this wonderful treasure!! And I totally understand. And I wanna apologize for using one for a TT but I did credit you on it. That's going to be the last time I do! I'm sorry :(


I’m so sorry this keeps happening. I’m always seeing your stuff on Pinterest and it makes me so mad! I’ll make more of an effort to complain and get those pins taken down. We’ll be here to support you no matter what!!


It’s so shitty that people think this okay to do 😑 I’m sorry that you are still dealing with this


Anything I see on TikTok I’ll make sure to hashtag your name so people know it’s you!!!


I'm sorry you're dealing with this!


this is terrible :( I'll definitely be on the look out <3


I would never repost patreon art wtf D:<


I'm sorry that happened :/ I just joined your patreon because of all the times you've been tagged though ♡ I mostly just add your work to my Hawks file and all the work shows up as my Screensaver ♡♡♡


Yes sure👍🏻 We appreciate your work


I will make sure to mention your account if I see your work in another account !! We all will help you on that don’t worry

Vivid Nectarine ♪

kade, I'm a longtime follower on ur twitter and insta. I adressed ur wish on ma story and also on tt to pls not use ur art without explicit permission. maybe when u raie ur pledge to 6 or more dollars, so u can keep it more exlusive and people wont use ur art.


If you post on tiktok try to cover some of the photo please that might help people stealing art like maybe a corner or write over it in marker with the artist ID please


I am so sorry this is happening but scout's honor I would never and look out for others LOVE YOU KADEART!!


I just saw the cute tropical bird on on Instagram its hawks.keigo.official_


If I see someone I'll make sure to inform you

Ryan Nicholas

I have no idea if you're aware, but some of your art is being sold on Amazon, like printed on various things (I live in Italy btw). Damn, I wish there was a way to really help you to decrease this thing as much as possible...


It's completely understandable, if I ever see your art I'll inform you.


It's so sad that people share your art (or even sell it) without your permission...especially them using the opportunity of taking the watermark free art on patreon😭 I will watch out ❤


I would start doing your your signature or maybe a watermark? I hate that they are doing this to you!!


I am so sorry that is happening to you!!! THAT IS NOT RIGHT!!! NO ONE SHOULD STEAL ART!!!!!!


I will not share or repost with out your watermark.


I would still pay that just to get this beautiful fan art

Christa Kessinger

That is not right! People are just wrong to use something that isn't theirs


I found your art on Displate :( just a trace of your art, too