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First I want to start off with saying the second half of the spa trip will be uploaded later today. I'm aiming for around noon EST but it may be a few hours later.
This update will be around 170-180 renders and 5 animations. It ended up being a little longer than I thought it would be.  

Second, I will not be pausing pledges this month. This is a decision that I do not come to lightly. I personally do not feel 100% comfortable not pausing and to be honest with you guys I fully intended to pause this month but I had some unexpected expenses happen and I can't afford to go another month without income. Trust me, I would pause if I could without immense stress. I do not just provide for myself. I take care of my family and that's why I can't pause right now.
Pledges have been paused since October. That's 1/3 of a year and they were paused for good reason. I was not delivering enough and I was missing too much and that is currently still the case but we're almost past it.
I never stopped working outside of my week off for the Holidays. These pauses were not for rest.   

I have currently released 1,242 renders and 32 animations since pledges were paused. Those numbers will be at least 1400 renders and 37 animations later today.
These numbers are still well below my target amount for the amount of time taken but work never stopped, I had a few tech issues and a few irl issues but things are what they are. They should have been better.  

I fully support anyone who will decide to stop their pledge. There are absolutely no hard feelings. Furthermore, all content posted this upcoming month including the updates as well as all of the side content will also be posted for all former patrons on the discord. So there is no pressure to stay pledged you will still receive everything.
And since this announcement is so late in the month, anyone who is charged is free to ask for a refund and it will be granted.   

Though just because I'm not pausing this month does not mean I won't go straight back into pausing next month. I will be setting some goals I must hit to not pause again and there will be some transparency changes.   

My goals for February include releasing the rest of Episode 13. Which is everything up until everyone is returning to WVM. I also plan on releasing at least 100-200 renders of Episode 14.  I must catch up on Character Sheets and Birthday Renders and I must post the Season 1 redo progress report.
If all of those conditions are not met then pledges will be paused in March no matter what.

I plan on adding a channel to the discord where I will post a daily update about what work was accomplished that day. It's nothing major but it should at least give further insight to where some of the dev time goes. I admittedly do a very poor job of explaining a lot of the issues I encounter.

This is what the tracker will look like. (Sundays are marked as days off but I will usually get a little work done on those days.)
While there aren't any specifics outside of numbers, it should at least give further insight and even help me stay on track.

With all of this said, I want to once again thank all of you for the support, the kind words, and the well wishes. I hate having to do this but I have to do this. I hope you understand.
I'm going to get back to work on finalizing these last few things for the update today. I'll let you guys know when it's uploading.
Normal Dev report this upcoming weekend. Have a wonderful week everyone.



Just to toss another voice on the pile; I agree wholeheartedly. If you're working at all....then you deserve our support. Pausing is unnecessary.


Could you please provide a link to discord?