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Yo! 😁

Going to keep it real short this week as there isn't much to share.

This week has been another smooth work week. There's just been a lot of posing / rendering as all of the writing and scene creation is complete.
I do not have a release estimate yet, though I do believe I'll be in a position to share one in the next report as there isn't too much left.

After working on the episode 12 scenes, these normal ones are so much easier to make as everything was so laggy and crashed constantly on the yacht. I haven't dealt with one crash in the past two weeks and it's made the process so much simpler. 😎
I'm feeling really good about what I've made so far, I like the vibe and I don't see myself having any issues with replacing anything this time around thankfully.

The Season 1 redo report will be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday.
The Client poll will be held on either Wednesday or Thursday.
And I plan on posting the Bday renders for October this upcoming weekend.

But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care. Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!




Been wondering, on average how long would you say it takes to make 1 render? I always wonder about the time that is put into every frame of these VN's.

Dipper Pines

Not sure if that picture of Jamie, Shauna and the MC is a hot tub scene, or just some really aggressive squirting..........


It varies greatly. Anywhere from 20 minutes to a week or two. The hardest parts are figuring out the setting and then lighting it. Then there's the posing which isn't hard but can take up a lot of time especially if it's a scene with a ton of girls. Rendering is the easy part because the computer is doing all of the work but simple renders usually take around 15-20 minutes to render each. Renders with 4+ girls are usually in the 20-50 minute range. Then you take the render into photoshop and touch it up which I'd say usually only takes a minute or two. I usually work 10 hour days and I always aim for 15-20 renders per day while working on two machines. 🙂


I'm impatient but you somehow have made the story writing, visiual quality and the overall way you impliment sex into an already amazing game makes it worth the wait.


Hey I love your stuff but here’s a thought. Don’t give us roll out dates. You’ve missed every deadline I’ve seen you make and that can be irritating for customers. Don’t give us dates and just let us be pleasantly surprised.