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I want to start off this report with a thanks. Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback on this latest update and once again I want to apologize for taking as long as I did on it.
Pledges have been paused for the previous two months due to me being unhappy with how I communicated the delays but I have and am continuing to work as usual.

I do not currently have a release estimate for Episode 13 but work on it has been ongoing for a while and I have all of the scenes set up already so it should be a much smoother process than Episode 12 was.
Beginning with Episode 13, I will be sending the update to a few play testers before release and I do not plan on setting any release dates until the update is packaged and sent to the testers.

There is another change planned, the "Update-Only" version of the game is in need of a reset as the file has grown too large since it has included Day 32 and everything after.
So, Episode 13 will now be where the update only version resets to. So you'll need up to Episode 12 installed in order to use the update only option going forward.
I will likely "reset" it every couple of episodes or so from now on to keep the file size down.

Side content is not a huge focus of mine at the moment as I want to get Episode 13 out as soon as possible but the Season 1 report will be posted hopefully sometime late this week / early next week.
While side content is not a focus, I do intend to work on it during any downtime I have and will be releasing stuff as I can but on no set schedule.

But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care. Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!



Kenneth Campbell

Could you maybe update on gamcore because they only have S2 C1 E11 b1 unless this was the last update.


Best game ever. All your decisions big and small are brilliant. Your plot and story are dope, character development on point. Bless you fap king.