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Yo! 🙂

I hope you're all doing well.

Not going to waste any time, I'm sure you guys are wondering where the update is at.
So, in the last report I mentioned that I wasn't super happy with how things turned out but I was just going to tweak a bit and add on the second beta to hopefully get over any release woes I had.
Well, it hasn't exactly worked out that way.
Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I felt the yacht trip was a little too underwhelming for reasons I can't specify because of spoilers.

There are some upcoming plot points that I'm excited to get to and I didn't give the events on the yacht enough of a chunk to feel worth while.
To say this in the least spoiler way possible, the yacht trip is meant to introduce some side characters and set up some future scenarios as well as set up one bigger thing.

The original idea for it wasn't bad but it just didn't land the way I thought it would on paper, it needed a little more content and to go a little further and that's what I've been working on and it shouldn't be too much longer.

I'm not sure exactly how long the update will be, but it will at least be 350 renders and double digit animations.
I apologize for needing the extra time but I'm super happy with how things are turning out now.
It's a fun update but it does have a different vibe than what I usually do so it may not be for everyone.

These changes have also pushed side content back and I know you guys have really been enjoying the new character sheets.
I've been putting in the time and effort but things just haven't been going to plan these past few months and I don't feel great about how everything has been going.
I said August would be release heavy and it obviously wasn't. So, I'm going to set some goals for September.

September goals:

Updates totaling at least 600 renders
Character sheets for at least September-December
Birthday renders for August and September
2 client polls (Belly and Style)
Dev report every weekend + finishing the new dev report layout
Season 1 redo report

I hope to achieve slightly over these goals, but since the last few months have been shaky.
If these goals are not met I will be pausing pledges for October.

Recent updates have not been very easy to make for multiple reasons and I do think things will be easier on Day 37 when everyone is back at home but for the time being I'm just doing what I can to make things fun.
Once again, I apologize for needing more time. I'll give a heads up in the comments and on discord when it is close to being completely finished. It will not be too much longer.

But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!



Aj Whitacre

any idea when the updates may come out? this week or next just wondering


Not sure, but we should be getting a Dev. Report today. It's been a week.

John Smith

well here we go again been over a week and no update


The usual day for dev reports is Saturday. This one was released on a Friday because I wanted to detail the goals for the month on the 1st. Dev report #20 will be posted in a little under 10 hours. 12pm EDT