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Yo! 🙂

I hope to have the new report images done for next week. I was close to finishing them for this one but I'm not totally happy with them yet.

Going to get straight to it.
Episode 11, Beta 2 is currently in the polishing stage where I'm playtesting and checking for typos while also seeing if there are any changes that need to be made to renders / animations.
I'm still refraining from setting hard dates but this beta should be released within the next 1-3 days and it will follow the normal tier release structure.
Beta 2 will be around 120 renders and a couple animations.

Client poll will either be later tonight or early tomorrow.
Character sheets for both September and October will be released either Tuesday or Wednesday and the birthday renders for August will be released sometime early next week.

Work has gone very well this week. I made a few changes to my schedule, going to keep tweaking things until I find what works best for me.
I'm excited to give an update about the season 1 rework but I want to do so with a graphic and accurate information. An update post on the rework will be separate from the usual report and I plan on having one once a month or so.

But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!



Aj Whitacre

anyone know when the next update is going to be released?


BD loses track of time. It should of been today or tomorrow.

Finnish Master

BD does good lewd scenes but am I the only one who's wishing that there were less of them so we could get on with the story :D


BD, I thought we were going to have more releases? It's been 4 days since you said the beta would be out in 1-3 days? Will there be anymore releases this month? Will there be a finished episode this month?

John Smith

i realy don't know why i keep on supporting this guy for the game he keeps on promising release days and then when the day comes and goes we hear nothing and yet he keeps on expeting us to keep on supporting him and yes i get life happenes and people get sick or something else happenes but we are at least own a update


Apologies for not having the release out yet. This beta has a different vibe in some ways so I've been struggling to get it out in a state that I'm happy with. It's been frustrating. I thought I was happy with it when I posted this report but the more I sat with it, the more I realized that it needed a little more and it escaped me a bit. Due to the amount of time this beta has taken me past what was initially planned, we're not too far from my planned release date for the beta after this one. So, two birds one stone, I think I'm just going to reset and bundle them together as that's helped me get through some release anxiety in the past. So the next beta will now be 200+ renders and will include the entirety of the yacht trip which is the rest of Day 35. (Spa trip still happens, but will happen after midnight so technically on Day 36.) This will release early in the upcoming week and it will be the monthly release. Thank you for understanding and sorry for not posting any update here sooner, I posted a comment in the discord saying that I was still working on it but I need to start posting here as well.

Eric V

No problem BD, take your time ! A good story need time to be ready !

OliLang 256

Can someone help me. I made to much Saves and i want to delete them. I have a Samsung. PLEASE


try to search for %appdata% in your search bar, then in the roaming folder locate the RenPy folder, that is where all my saves are should be the same for you (that of course if your playing on windows)


Just played through episode 10 and i'm very impressed with how the story is going, graphics and pretty much everything and i can't wait for more. Hopefully there will be 10+ episodes coming later cause this is really really good.