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Juliana Poll (Rachael Client)(Hips / Legs)

  • A 32
  • B 95
  • C 269
  • D 382
  • 2023-06-27
  • —2023-07-04
  • 778 votes
{'title': 'Juliana Poll (Rachael Client)(Hips / Legs)', 'choices': [{'text': 'A', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'B', 'votes': 95}, {'text': 'C', 'votes': 269}, {'text': 'D', 'votes': 382}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 4, 22, 32, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 27, 22, 19, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 778}


Juliana will be our 5'5" witty, wild, and humorous 24-27 year old Colombian woman who will be hiring our MC to impregnate her. (If you choose to do so.)
This will not be the final version of her, there will be polls that change her eyes, skin, and various face and body features.

Now that we've selected our eye color, let's move south and see how wide or narrow we want Juliana's hips / legs to be. (Her butt is not part of this poll, that will be a later one.)  I'd say we have about 8-13 polls remaining.
I put the background / red bars to help indicate the changes in size but the background might've been a bit much.

Please choose your preferred option.
Next week's poll is currently undecided but it will be something back up top. Not sure what order I want to go in quite yet.

(Results will be combined between Patreon / SS)
(Any mean-spirited complaining about which choice is / isn't winning will be deleted.)

A. "Slimmest"

B. "Slim"

C. Curvy

D. Wide


Adam Mythalonias

Like me some nice wide hips and look at them thighs. DAYUM, Sexy.