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So, things have been fucky. 😅

I mentioned in the dev report that I had a hell week of crashes and errors but things were more stable... well that was only temporary as crashes started happening again and have slowed me down a lot.
When things were stable, I was having a lot of fun with a certain scene in this upcoming beta and I decided to expand on it and take it further as I thought I would have time but boy was I wrong. (Though I'm still happy with how the scene is turning out.)
As it stands at this moment, I have around 17 renders left to make and 6 to re-render. And I have 2 animations that were supposed to render overnight and for half of today but I woke up to one of them crashing 8 frames in and the other one made it to 29 frames in. So there's still a good chunk of work remaining.
This beta will be north of 150 renders (likely around 170 when it's all said and done.) and will have 8 animations.

I had a plan in place that I was going to release this first beta and then wait until next Friday to release the second beta and then see how long I could stick to Friday releases as that was the day that was voted on a while ago. I think with the buffer I've built these past few weeks alongside what I've learned in the past few months that I could hit it more than I miss it at this point. I just have to stop adding on to scenes at the last minute. 😅

But with the current situation, I think I'm going to make the call to hold off on this first beta until this upcoming Friday (The 16th) and take the time to properly finish this beta and bug test and with any additional time I have I'll spend on continuing to build the buffer and to hopefully fix my crash issues. I also just need a little time to mentally reset after all of these crashes, shit has been infuriating lol

So, the release date for this beta is now June 16th at 12pm EDT. All tiers down to Fan will receive it in increments of 2 hours. So it will be fully out to all tiers at 10pm EDT on Friday.
Then a release every Friday after hopefully for as long as I can. Due to these changes there may not be a monthly release in June but all weeklies will be available to all tiers to make up for this. Though after this first beta the releases will follow the usual 24 hours between tiers timing.

And side content, I plan to move forward with the original plans for Client polls, Birthday Renders, and the Character Sheets. There will be a client poll soon after this post still as well.
But I will be putting the DITLO and Sexy Renders on hold until I am caught up on both Bday renders and the Character Sheets.
The main reason for putting the DITLO on hold is so I don't have to release another censored version of one. So I'd like to wait until Jasmine's time to release that DITLO. And Harper's uncensored one will be posted alongside Jasmine's.
And Sexy Renders is just the easiest thing for me to pull back from for the moment to help alleviate the amount on my plate.

That's all I wanted to share.
I apologize for all of the changes to things recently, I've really been trying to protect myself and to find solutions for the problems I've been facing so I can keep this going and make it as sustainable as possible and prevent burnout. I've been having so much fun making all of these scenes but I have felt really bad about how much everything has started to slip from me so I'm making these changes now to stop things from spiraling out from underneath me. I've been working really hard and I still feel like I'm slowly falling further and further behind where I want to be so I hope to reverse that with these changes.
I hope you guys understand and I'm forever grateful for the patience I've been shown and given.
I'm trying my best to achieve a balance of things that I can keep going for a long time and it's taking some trial and error but I truly believe we're close to it.
I hope I've properly illustrated why I'm making these decisions. I've tried not to be too hard on myself and ultimately I'm proud of the amount of content I've made but I'm still very disappointed that I haven't achieved consistent releases yet.
I hate delaying but it makes the most sense to take this time to properly prepare and get everything ready to hit the ground running with these Friday releases and see how that works for me.

Sorry for the book.
If you have any questions about things, feel free to ask!
Thank you for reading this and I'll talk to all of you later.
Take care. 🖤



Sounds good to me! Take it easy, and enjoy the process :D

Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

I am always here to support you, and look forward to the releases when they are ready. I think weekly was always ambitious. I think a 2 week schedule might have suited better with a full release every 2nd month. It would mean 26 betas and 6 full updates per year. However, I know you are doing all you can to keep your schedule as tight as possible. Best of luck with the crashes.


I ain't here for long, and I ain't a smart guy, but hey, it's gonna be here when it's gonna be ready - all I hope for is fun, interesting content and the steady good quality you've shown until now. Hold strong n fight! ✨


I don't have internet until Friday when I get 1000/1000 so I'm good, and it won't have to nag me having to wait knowing there's new stuff I can't get 🤭 Also don't feel bad BD you've been a beast pushing out updates in rates I don't see anyone but you doing. I think most of us aren't to fuzzy about you missing a week or three, you communicate to us, and it's better to lower the post and keep a healthy mind.


I have supported multiple Visual Novel creaters in the last few years and you are easely one of my favorites. Some of the creators i have supported had to stop because of the high pressure they put on themselves. The content you make is good quality. Listen to yourself and dont burn out, because i want to se more of you! Keep it strong brother!

Escanor El orgullo

Because of how you do the job. Worth the wait every second . You are amazing 👍😃🕶️


You are already doing an amazing job and put out amazing content. Take the time you need so you don't burn yourself out, and make sure you put stuff out at the quality you want it to be. Is it just you doing everything? Or do you have a few others, cause boy oh boy you should definitely take your time if it's just you. No need to rush and put too much strain on yourself.


Still wondering about the rework for early days. If it is forever at the bottom of the backlog, why even do it?

Eric V

My friend your doing great dont fuss about being late for a week. Other are waaaay long in there schédule. You sir are a class act, and do incridible quality work. Keep the moral up and dont burn yourself out :) You the man !!!


It's being worked on at the same time as this new stuff, though I haven't done much for it these past few weeks so I could build up a buffer for the new releases. Going to start back on it this weekend. 🙂


Software and hardware issues only happen when you can't afford them to. I live my life never sweating the things that I can't control. You can't control when a program or hardware will act up so don't sweat it. Sit back, Take a deep breath and move on. BTW, with my tier on a normal schedule your only 1 day late. I can wait 1 day.. ☻


You're doing awesome man. It has been such a turn around in the best possible way. You have more than earned some good faith.


No worries bud. Take your time. The quality you've provided so far has been fantastic. And you regularly put out updates which beats almost everyone else in the development game. You have our good faith.


Don't be so harsh on yourself now. You've done an amazing job in the last few weeks. I loved the new monthly update, good job Brain!


Don't worry about releases if your not happy with the content. When your happy with it then release it. All the side content can wait for free time.


Very happy to hear that you got enveloped in your work :) That's good for everybody. Very happy things are moving again, but will always wait for quality.


As stated by others and several of us on discord "Quality over quantity", time is something that everyone is willing to wait on. Keep working until YOU are happy with the work regardless if we have to wait another week or not BD.


Update still today but running a few hours behind due to errands. Update will be out around 3-5 pm EDT and will still be out to all tiers by 10pm