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Yo 😎

It's been a very normal week, not a ton to talk about.
This next update will be the monthly release for May, I'm sticking to my word from last week and I will not be sharing any release dates, though I will share that due to me wanting to include all of a current scene and end at a clean point, this update will take me longer than the average and it likely will not be released until later this week.
Work on it has been going very well and I'm very happy with how it is turning out.

I've also changed how I'll be handling some of the side content again as trying to juggle between work on the weeklies, the rework, and catching up on side content has been a challenge so far.

Instead of catching up on Birthday Renders all at once this month, I'm going to spread it out again. I'm going to do the girls for December-February this month, March-May in June, and then I'll be caught up on them in July when I release June's and July's together.

The "Sexy Renders" for this month will be relatively simple. I plan to only include a handful of renders but it will include a good amount of girls.

And the character sheets will also get a big change.
I am not very happy with how the character sheets turned out, I made them in a way that looked nice but cut a lot of corners to save time and work and they feel lackluster because of that. I don't want to put them out just to get them out when I'm not happy with them.
So I'm currently debating on releasing this current version or not, I put all of the girls in the same pose in the same room with the same lighting and it stripped pretty much all of their personality which isn't good for a character sheet lol.
My new plan for them is to make the renders all personalized with their own poses in their own setting and their own outfits.
This is a decent amount of work and my plate is already pretty full so I also plan on spreading this work out and I'll be releasing the sheets with personalized renders for the girls with birthdays in May this month. I may stick with doing these monthly but I want to get them out a bit faster than that so we'll see how it goes.
I'll be posting some examples in the Discord later today.

With these changes, I hopefully won't have to move dates for side content again but the main game will always take top priority and the dates for side content are never concrete. I've moved them enough at this point though and I don't plan on having to slide any of them again.

I do believe that is all I have to share for this week. I want to keep these relatively short.
As always, thank you all so much for everything.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!




Thanks for the update. Keep up the great work! Everything you do is worth the wait. Thanks again


Don't forget to take breaks and clear the mind.


How can I join the discord Server?


I think you should put the character sheets out as is. The work is already done, and then you can improve/update them later


Link your discord to your patreon account and it should auto-add you to my server! 🙂


Is it me, or have we not heard from Mackenzie in a while. I hope she is doing well. <3 I hope of course that you are also well Brain ^^ Good job Brain, keep up the good work!

Loot goblin

Leave the character sheets as is and improve them later. I thought the first two were great, perfection can be built later don't let it slow your pace.

John Smith

It was mentioned in another report earlier that her primary job has gotten a lot busier so she's more focused on that at the moment


Now that Harper has been added to the harem I can't wait to see how it progresses, Plus Jasmine, I'd love to see story line through as well. Both ladies need MC and the stable relationship they both need badly.