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Happy early Mother's day to those that celebrate it tomorrow!
(Had no time to work on a rework graphic this week, but it's coming soon.)

Phew, it's been a weird week. 😅
I shared a peek at the new character sheets yesterday and boy, those have been a headache to get right and ate up so much time of my week. But I do think I'll be finalizing that format and I'm planning to have those out on the 17th. I'm giving myself some more time on all side content as I've fallen behind on progress for the main game and that takes precedent over all side content, gotta get myself into a good spot there first before catching up on side content.

The weekly is still planned to release today for MVP+ and then release to a tier below every 12 hours after.
Though truthfully, I still have a decent chunk left to finish for this weekly today as I added a little bit to the scene that was teased in the prior beta and there were some issues I had to spend a while fixing.
This scene isn't a crazy one and it mainly sets up a scene on Day 35 but I wanted a bit more from it after finishing it.
So, it will likely be released pretty late tonight. Part of me is telling myself to just give it another day and release tomorrow as I haven't slept yet but I'm so tired of missing dates that even if I barely make it in time, I want to try.
Though, to not fuck up my schedule too much and have to set crazy alarms, no matter what time I release, All Star will get access at 8am EDT tomorrow and the tiers will follow that.  

I will not be sharing release windows or target dates for weeklies anymore after this.
They will be uploaded when they're ready and the posts will have all the info you need to know about the update. 🙂

And as far as this monthly release looks, the release after this one will be the monthly build. "Episode 9" but it will likely take me a little over a week to finish as I want to include all of a certain scene in it.

Not much more to share this week, I hope you're all doing well.
As always, thank you all so much for the kind words and support. It truly means a ton to me.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!




Don't forget to rest, you when you need it. Better the release is late than you getting sick and not able to at all.


Yeah like deadman said rest is important and I can tell missing dates is stressing you out but its a creative process/art so don't stress about it. You always make it worth the wait in the end. Keep up the good work!

Tad Stemen

Seriously. Your making a top notch VN, I just wish there was a way to make sure people were not piritating it, and you were getting your just rewards. Like all of us you have our 100% support


I'm going to say this now, I only found WVM because of a pirate site. But in the end I decided to support BD and I'm glad I did.


yup same, people can dislike the sites but its how I ended up supporting a lot of these games.

Tad Stemen

Yea it’s a shame that this is how we all were introduced to this media.But people like you all who see the need, give whatever you can

John Smith

They're basically the best search aggregator, then once you find what you like you can throw some cash in that direction

Jeff Sandau

Me too, ButterB22. I only found WVM because of a pirate site, but I have been a supporter of WVM since version 2 came out. Pretty sure I paid my dues already.

Ernest Leskovar

When is S2-C1-E9 update going to be released?


Literally says in the post that he will it be sharing exact dates anymore so he doesn't feel as rushed to get them out. BD has been getting updates out every week for the last month so just check weekly and you'll be good in a few weeks