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Variant renders and animations are things that are the same but have something that make them different. The variants included in this update are from Shauna being biologically female or trans.
Future variants will include things like pregnant renders.
The (B1) in the version stands for "Beta 1", each weekly is considered a beta and monthly releases will be finalized episodes.

This is the first of the average sized updates, it's short but sweet. The next weekly should be on Saturday or Sunday if I need an additional day.
Hope you enjoy.

(Anything without a link is still uploading and will be available shortly)
(Google Drive uploads really slowly for me for some reason.)

Normal full game links (4.9 GB):

Windows - MEGA (5GB free limit), Google Drive , GoFile

Mac -  MEGA (5GB free limit), Google Drive , GoFile

Android - MEGA , Google Drive , GoFile

Update only links (1.2 GB):

Windows and Mac - MEGA , Google Drive , GoFile

(Update only links should work for all releases past the beginning of Day 32.)
(Update only links include the entirety of Days 32+)

How to install Update only patch for Windows:
Find your previous WVM game file and open it, then open the "Game" folder and drag the two files into there and then start the game.

How to install Update only patch for Mac:
Find your previous WVM game file and open it, then open the "Contents" folder, then "Resources",  then "autorun", then open the "game" folder and drag the two files into there and then start the game.

Average days between releases: (9.67)
Total amount released since backlog: (433 renders, 19 animations)


Marcus Paulsen

Just wanted to say good job im proud of you and love the game 🤗


Just love this game :)


gotta give a shout out to the corgi shorts/boxers. great update and looking forward to what's been setup.

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

Honestly... I'm conflicted about this whole smaller frequent releases. On the one hand, I looooooooooooooooooove the fact that we get releases soooooooo often compared to last year (I'm sorry to bring it back up BD, it's just my feelings and opinion AND I DO NOT WANT TO RESTART A WHOLE BASHING ON THAT SUBJECT). But on the other hand I haaaaaaaaate how small these releases are now. I just genuinely don't know how I feel about it. Like for example, this release, it was sooooo short, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by that, and parts of me wishes that you would have held it up a little bit longer to give us a bigger update. Edit: In addition, after giving it some more thoughts after posting; You might be on a right balance by giving lower tiers a once per month update...

treasure whitney

just so you know emilie you could just wait a few releases and then download it then it will be like a normal release

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

That's true too, but again parts of me are very super impatient 😜 and one could even say a little compulsive, kinda like a Pavlov's dog kinda thing... an update is up I HAVE TO dwl it


Just curious. The last 2 updates I have downloaded on my android. Do saves not carry over? I have to start over every time?


there doesn't seem to just be a patch for android, so yes for the time being you would need to restart each time. You could always go into options and click Unseen text to skip until you get to the update,


Loved the update


When you download it and install it, it should offer the option to update the existing app. Doing so should carry your saves over.


I'm supposed to be on break from games this week and here you go twisting my and making me play.


Will there be an extra post for the monthly updates? I don't know how to phrase it better, I hope you know what I mean. I am waiting for the monthly updates. :D

Big A

LoL I thought I was gonna let the updates add up but I really wans experience this 😂 thank you!


Glad to have my (almost) weekly episode, like a TV show 😉. I think it's a lot of work. I mean, it's easier to do 200 renderings in 14 days than to do 100 renderings in 7 days. So congratulations👍. A small remark about episode 6 though: having a big black square instead of the MC's head is not the best choice. You should have made a black silhouette with more or less the outline of a human head (like a blurred shadow). This would have revealed nothing about the shape of the face, hair, etc... of the MC, and it would have been much better than this disappointing big black square that spoils the image.


Great update. Keep up the good work. I'm really looking forward to the Bailey/Rainn conversation once it happens and getting them back on track hopefully.


I'm on an Android tablet but I play with the PC version, not the Android version. And no more problems with Android porting.😉😊 - I installed "JoiPlay" and its Ren'Py plugin on my tablet. - I created a "game" folder on my SD card and I put my Ren'Py games in it (PC version: Windows or Linux, both work). - From the file explorer "X-plore", I go to the game folder and I click on the "*.exe" or "*.sh" file. - On demand, I choose to open it with JoiPlay to add the game. After that, I either open JoiPlay to launch the game, or I can launch it from an icon (created from JoiPlay) like any other Android application. For game updates, it's like on PC: just copy the new game files to the game folder on your Android device. Agree to replace the old files with the new ones when requested. And that's all. Same thing for Mods. Everything is available for free in the Google PlayStore. Saves are in the "saves" folder, at the root of the game. P.s.: I put the games on my SD card to avoid cluttering my tablet, but you can also put games in the internal storage of your device. A compressed version of the game will use less space and less resources.

Christian McCou

Quick question. I have just downloaded the update portion and when i opened it after extraction it looks different than how a full game download usually looks. Does that mean that it updated my previously existing saved game? For example, my previous one is S2-C1-E8


The two files "Days 32-38" and "Scripts" need to be moved to the full game folder. How to install Update only patch for Windows: Find your previous WVM game file and open it, then open the "Game" folder and drag the two files into there and choose to replace them and then start the game. How to install Update only patch for Mac: Find your previous WVM game file and open it, then open the "Contents" folder, then "Resources", then "autorun", then open the "game" folder and drag the two files into there and choose to replace them and then start the game.

Robert Kirk Patrick

Im VERY impressed, the story and variation in choices is great on its own without the sex. With the sex its awesome. Keep up the good work.

Robrth Tapia

Did someone make the game with shauna trans?

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

Well, if you consider that all the story aspects of Shauna makes more sense if she is a trans, I don't see/understand why someone would make her cis woman


I've played both and it really does make a lot more sense with trans shauna, the only reason why I would keep playing cis shauna is if you can make her pregnant, but it doesn't seem like it will be the case


Great update!! Finally all caught up from that 1 week teaser version. Can't wait for their trip


I had assumed Shauna wouldn't get pregnant, knowing this I might need a new main save. Very excited