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(Patreon killed the quality of the image since I couldn't make an image post with a poll, sorry about that.)
(Full quality image posted in general chat in discord if you're having trouble reading it) (Link your discord to your patreon account to get access to my server)

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well.

(Azel teaser from last week featured again due to me deciding to end at the Day 34 card instead of teasing the start of Day 34)

I moved the dates of the next batch of Birthday renders and the release of the new character sheets back.
I was spreading myself a little too thin trying to get caught up on side content and it caused me a few issues, so I'm moving these back by a bit just to give me a little breathing room so I can focus on the weekly releases as much as I need to.

A lot of work this week animation wise went into the most recent update, so those numbers reflect some of what was in the last update not this upcoming one.

The larger than average releases are finished and the average length of releases will be 100-ish renders long going forward. And there will be a monthly release (Usually a few days after the 3rd weekly of a month) that will usually be around 400-450 renders long.
Next week's weekly will also be the last one given to all tiers. Starting in May we will be following the official tier structure. (Which has been altered, less days between tiers, was too much before)(Also added weeklies to bench warmer)

HoF/MVP - All releases instantly
All Star - Monthlies instantly, Weeklies 1 day after release
Starter - Monthlies 1 day after release, Weeklies 2 days after release
Sixth Man - Monthlies 2 days after release, Weeklies 3 days after release
Bench Warmer - Monthlies 3 days after release, Weeklies 5 days after release
Fan - Monthlies 4 days after release, Weeklies will not be for this tier
(I will be adding a channel in discord to help keep track of who gets what, when.)

I am aware that these will be rather short but 100 is the average amount of renders and game I'm able to make in a week and the weekly structure really helps me stay consistent and stay focused and not get in my head about things.
You can always wait a few weeks for some updates to pile up if you want a larger releaser or you can wait for the monthly releases.

Now, to mention a few things about the rework.

Season 1 rework:
I'm going to try and have a graphic ready for next week so I can start sharing the progress on the rework. For those that want a time table on its release, I'm aiming for Q1 2024 for it to be fully released. though I may start releasing pieces of it on discord sooner.
For those unaware, the first 9 days of the game are being reworked into 31 days.
This will include all new images and animations for those days as well as a few minor story changes. There are a few characters introduced in the rework that didn't exist before but all of those are present in the main game now and their roles in the rework are very minimal. The story is 98% the same, just stretched out over more time. The differences are small and things will end up exactly where they do now.

One thing that will be changing in the rework is the teasing of family members of the MC. Things like Rachael telling the MC to imagine Azel in her underwear.
Due to Patreon's ToS these characters will not be romanceable and they will not have relationships with the MC outside of being close family members.
I apologize for teasing content that I am not able to produce and any content that exists to modify my game will never be made by me. I know of people that have said they intend to make mods and I want to make it very clear that I am not involved or affiliated in any way at all and never will be.

What will be included is the option for Azel, Wendy, and Cedar to date some of the other girls. (Completely optional and never with men)

There are also new features planned for the rework such as a gallery menu to view unlocked scenes, an in-game calendar to keep track of events with history, and an in-game character viewer with relationship stats.

There's still a lot of work to be done and I know a lot of people that are waiting for the rework to continue playing and I'll be putting as much focus into finishing it as I can.
I do have intentions of hiring a writer in the near future to help with dialogue work on the rework (So if you're experienced and have interest, let me know, I need to start looking) and I may be hiring a friend of mine to help with some of the posing for scenes in environments that I've already made and that have a reference from the original content.
All involvement of others will be under a heavy hand by me to make sure any stylistic differences are kept to a minimum.

Other then that, I don't have much to share.
I'm proud of my return so far, things haven't gone to plan at all but I've kept myself steady and my mental is staying strong. I truly appreciate all of the kind words and support I've gotten, thank you to everyone saying they've enjoyed the recent updates... every little bit means a ton to me and I'm just happy to be putting out content again.
Again, thank you everyone. I hope you all have amazing weeks. Take care.

But one last thing,
Last week I mentioned I'd include a COMPLETLY FOR FUN POLL that the results of would only be to gauge interest and to sate my curiosity after it was brought up in discord.
Again, these results will have no effect on the game. I'm just curious what my players are feeling right now.

With that said,
Which girl are you most excited to see have sex with the MC that hasn't yet done so in any form?
(I fucked up and included Zoe, meant to put Zoelle but I did it twice. Can't edit the poll's options so oops 😂)


Neil Caffrey

think for me it would have to be harper then skye ( not sure if either of these characters will be romanceable but this is my view and yes im aware in the story skye used to be a bloke)


I think it will be a great idea to have Azel, Wendy, and Cedar get a option to date other females so we perhaps see them have some action as well since they too hot to have no action at all with ... Wont mind seeing them have fun with other females

Kenneth Campbell

Skye but I can understand why (s)he wasn't on the list, Behind that it is solid list of Zoelle, Millie, and just about the rest of the list.

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

Well If you're up to date with the updates and on the path of sleeping with "everyone" possible you have the answer on whether or not either of these two are romanceable. (HUH, 'twas kinda hard to say this without spoiling anything 😜)

Neil Caffrey

Oh right thx for the info and I'm on the sleeping with everyone path but I'm a few updates behind at the moment.


i think you should have these characters with MC in the romance story i haven't seen them in the list can you add them into the harem Emiko Hannah Ivory Jasmine Kimmy


what about Emiko and Kimmy romances scene i really want to see that


You're totally killing it BD. You are a beast and your renders in the new updates are awesome.


I should vote for Willabell cuz its my favorite girl, but since we already have info about Willabell being romanceable im going for Rain because its so freaking cute too.


Also i voted for Jasmine ... Caus very few chocolate ladies around and damn that ass lmao ...


if we don't get Azel this game will go from something I'd recommend to Trash that coulda been perfect.

Ragin Cajun

There are a lot in that list. I went with the childhood best friend Stacy but Veronica, Mabel, Ruby... I've only ruled out a few so far. Millie (no way with her attitude) and McKenzie are off my list. I also passed on the school nurse. Morals and all...lol.


I'm kind of upset that Granny isn't on this list...


what about pregnant for all girls with MC if they will with a choices will the story have that too I'm curious too in WVM


Pregnancies are a huge planned part of WVM. Most girls will be impregnable (Optional, and a few that aren't optional)


Would it make sense to start over after the remake? 😅

Finnish Master

I respect the decision of leaving Azel, Cedar and Wendy as not romanceable but it does make the story sadder since they don't get to have what the others have. Especially Azel is strange since there's no actual relation at all so Patreon should not have a problem with it (unless she turns out to be the MC's aunt in the rewrite).

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

Rajin Cajun. I could agree more or say it any better when it comes to Millie and McKenzie. As for the middle school nurse.... just NO!!!! (well if its the old lady from when nathalie kneed the MC by accident)


agreed Azel isnt actually related so i dont se why tht would be a prob. Man was looking forward to that too.

Robrth Tapia

It's a shame that Azel, Wendy and Cedar can't have a romantic relationship with the Mc. cedar can create a relationship with elizabeth since they get along very well and with the friend she had in childhood that if I remember correctly the mc was going to look for her to meet her sister maybe she can also have a relationship with the mc azel and wendy can have a relationship with each other, the two mothers of the mc maybe rachel can join them


Azel (They're not related by blood, so no incest in my book.)


I CAN. NOT. WAIT. To get down with Jasmine. She's a fox 🥵


CAN we not get a azel spin off released on discord or something


Ivory, Vanessa, Tali and Rainn for me

Adam Mythalonias

There's too many good choices there ;-; Belle, Ruby, Moon, Veronica, Jasmine also why is Harp not there?

Taylor D



Harp, Natalie