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As mentioned in the release post, I took a few days off and I'm feeling great again.
I've gone through some of the comments on that post as well as on discord and I'm happy to see such a positive reaction to these most recent releases.
These releases were a huge block for me for a long time and to finally be past them as well as seeing people enjoy them has been a wonderful thing.
Though once again the main gripe was with the black box over MC's face. This originated as a solution for the renders in the game and spread out into normal scenes as I got used to using it. There are still a handful of renders that will have this box in the next few releases but once those are completed we will return to how things were before. Though future basketball games may still use the box or another method at times.

The next release will be on April 3rd. The exact size isn't known yet as I'm still finalizing, but it will be around 300-400 renders with a handful of animations
This will be the last release date I share.
The release plan is changing at this point. From April of this year to April of next year we plan on having 52 small updates approximately one every week though the time will vary. The time range between updates will fall in the 5-9 days range.
The average release will be 90-120 renders long as that is as quickly as I'm able to work. So the average month will have 400-500 renders released.
Though April will be different as I still have a lot of unreleased renders, close to 1000. So this month will have larger than normal releases and we'll hit around 1400-1500 renders by the end of April. So the backlog + new work.

With the "weekly" releases we will also have a finalized monthly release that will be the content of the prior weeklies plus whatever was added that week.
We will have weekly or bi-weekly posts detailing progress and we'll give estimates of time for completed days or weeks so those that like to wait for larger play throughs will have that timeline.

I still need to re-work the patreon / SS pages to match this new release schedule and that will happen either later tonight or tomorrow.
Releases will be tiered, though we're changing things to make it more inclusive for lower tiers. (April will be handled differently, this is how releases will work from May forward)

MVP/HoF - instant access to every release.

All Star - Access to "weekly" releases 2 days after MVP/HoF, Instant access to all monthly / full updates

Starter - Access to "weekly" releases 5 days after MVP/HoF, Access to all monthly / full updates 2 days after releasing

Sixth-Man - Access to "weekly" releases 7 days after MVP/HoF, Access to all monthly / full updates 4 days after releasing

Bench Warmer - Access to all monthly / full updates 5 days after releasing

Fan - Access to all monthly / full updates 10 days after releasing

Once again, that is the plan that will start on May.
These releases for April will be for all patrons though I've decided to lightly tier them to show a small thanks for those that have stuck around at higher tiers through all of this.
All releases should take place around noon-3pm EST. MVP/HoF will have access as soon as it releases, then every tier will be unlocked by one every hour.
So with 6 tiers, if the release takes place at 1pm then it will be fully unlocked by 7pm. Fan / Former patrons will be unlocked at the same time.

How we handle side content for tiers will stay the same and side content will start being shared again very soon.
The focus has been getting releases going again and it took way longer than it should have but the wheels are rolling again.

I'm eternally grateful for all of the support I've been shown.
I'm glad you've all been enjoying these releases for the most part. I make WVM for fun and I share it so others can have some fun too.

I know WVM gets a bad wrap sometimes for being cheesy and over the top but that's the game I want to make and that's how things will continue.
This is a power fantasy, wish fulfillment to the max visual novel and I don't shy away from it. I try my best to make something wholesome with a fun story that people can play and forget about their problems for a bit. There's some drama but I try to wrap things up quickly and I try not to take things too far.
I take pride in that and I'm very happy that things are moving along again.
I caused a lot of anger and frustration and that's the opposite of my goals, I want those that play this game and enjoy it to continue having fun and enjoying themselves.

I have a different style and I get it can be divisive. This game has also been being developed for some time now. I've grown and changed, you've grown and changed the game has grown and changed and some people have stopped liking the game and that's fine.
My goals are not to push the technical limits or to make some grand earth-shattering story. It's to make something fun and interesting and it's been that way since day 1.
For everyone that's still having fun, that's fucking cool and I'm glad you're here.

Putting the past behind me here... don't plan on speaking on it anymore.
The plan is the plan, moving forward with it and things will fall in place.
I want to be a positive person and surround myself with positive energy. Going to focus on what and who matters and not get lost in the sauce again.

(Pledges will still be paused this month)
Thanks for reading and thanks for playing.
See you guys on the 3rd. 😁

What platform do you use to play WVM?



is WVM better on windows than on Android?


Unless you have a 20+ inch tablet, I would have to say yes. All jokes aside, I've played on both and Quality is "to me" the same but reading and seeing all of the details in the renders is easier on my 27" monitor than my 10" tab.

john calvin

It'd be funnier if the main character just wore a brown paper bag on his head with holes cut for the eyes