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Braindrop here, gonna start this one out.

For the longest time I've been meaning to decorate and customize the MC's home.
I am the furthest thing from an interior designer and I think that shows. That's the main reason why it's taken me as long as it has.
My main goal wasn't to make a well designed house but more so a unique and standout design that the player would easily be able to discern where they are in the home in any cutaway or time passing renders.

And I'm aware that 90% of players don't give a shit about the scenery and just want to unga bunga some hot chicks and I respect that. Another goal was to add a lot of surfaces to do the dirty on for some fun scenes. Though that's mainly evident upstairs but it isn't ready to be shown off yet.

I did post these before & afters in some discords for feedback and there are a few changes that are planned. Such as replacing the chairs in the theatre room with something more comfortable and replacing the texture on the hallway rugs and / or the center wall on the stairs.

You might ask "Why now?"
Well, I've reached the part of the week 1 redo where they move into this home and I sort've had to do it now or else it would be locked in.
Although, I am sticking with the original plan of starting with the before (though slightly different) and having each girl pick a room to decorate and they were designed with this idea in mind.

On top of the changes to this floor, the upstairs, basement, and exterior is all completely redesigned but still being tweaked.

There are many other reasons for these changes, firstly, I really disliked the old look and how empty everything was. Everything looked the same and it did not feel like a home at all.
I designed this in a way that is very render friendly and very optimized. The average time to render for the after is 7.5 minutes faster than the before despite being more detailed.
Before there were many limitations to what I could do in the house, now it's wide open. Especially with the new exterior design that I'll hopefully have finished by tonight.

Now, for the bad news.
I am replacing and implementing this now and this will delay the update by probably a week.
It's better, it makes the update better, and that's what I care about.
I can't say much without spoiling but there's a decently large scene at the house in the update and that is what is being replaced.
The shittiest of timing and another addition to the stack of delays but my logic is that everyone is already upset. Get the rough shit out of the way now and not have to go back and replace things that have already been experienced.
Sadly this delay does tick over the end of the month so I'd like to remind anyone that intends to cancel their pledge to please join the discord first so they'll still have access to the update as it releases.

I do regret giving a hard date only to switch up on it the last second, this wasn't an easy decision to make and not one I'd thought I'd be making yet but I'm trying not to panic and release something that I'll regret in the future.
The thing that matters most to me is releasing a fun and enjoyable game that I'm proud of and I am not happy with the house scene currently after these changes.

This decision is also to benefit the very near future plans but we're not ready to announce those yet.

I do genuinely feel bad about delaying but I know it's best for the long term health of the game. It's a short delay but under the circumstances it's a pretty fucked one admittedly.
I know how bleak things probably look from the outside because all you can see is yet another "He's changing shit again" post. I sadly can't do much to remedy those feelings because well... that's what this is but it's different on my end.
I know things are gonna be rough for a minute, people are gonna say some nasty shit about me but that's okay.
I know what's coming and that's why I'm comfortable making this decision.

I do not take your guy's support for granted. You've stuck with me through my worst days and we're turning a corner very soon. I appreciate all of you and I'm sorry for taking back a hard date promise.
You deserve better and I'm going to be better.

Thanks for reading my bit, that's all from me.


Hello, Mackenzie here.

I want to take a moment to say that I've been very critical of some of Braindrop's choices both publicly and privately.
We sadly can not explain what exactly these changes entail or the many reasons why they needed to be done and why it's best to do them now but this is a change that I'm fully in support of and have been championing since before I was on the team.

We spent a lot of time planning and this throws a wrench into a lot of it but as Braindrop said. It's not a long delay and in the grand scheme of things this is a positive for the game.

The timing probably could not have been worse. We're very aware of that fact and this decision was not made immediately or lightly.
I'll say what I can without spoiling much but the scene in the house is quite large and has an impact on the story. If it was a minimal scene or one that did not matter very much then we would have chosen to wait and only redo the upcoming content for Day 33.

We will keep you all informed as things progress. We do not expect this to take much longer than a week. We will have a new release date as things come close to being finished.

Braindrop is fully focused on finishing this as quickly as he can. We will not be releasing any side content during this time for this reason.

Things will be quite different soon. These are only words though and we'll have to deliver on them.
There's been a lot going on behind the scenes. A lot of internal testing and finding out what works best for us and we intend to hit hard after the update.

There will be a follow up post in the coming days to give you more information about how things progress.

Thanks for understanding and thank you for your continued support.



Mark Jeffrey

WVM is alongside Leap of Faith as the most engaging VN I've played. Both of them have characters I really grew to love as almost-real people. Both of them have be written as stories from the heart, not just scripts dreamed up to link porn scenes together. I'm in WVM for the long ride. Take your time and keep going with it, but always put yourself first.


almost a week on this...pls just put it out in whatever form I consider myself patient but this is getting ridiculous and it probably wont be too long an update as is so pls just give us what we want which isnt perfection its a good game and an engaging story


I'd add in love of magic to that list, but yeah WVM is great, just a shame about the issues of the past year.