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Hello everyone!

We do apologize for this mind drop coming out a few days after it was initially planned but after the events surrounding the most recent release we wanted to include some new information about some of what happened.

Sadly due to us wanting to focus on this information as well as the next release, we will once again be pushing the showcase of how the crowd was made to the next mind drop.

Mind Drops should return to a normal state after this one.

We're overall not happy with how the first release went as we feel the issues were very preventable.  
This is our first release as a team and there were communication issues that we will learn from.   
Braindrop was making slight edits up until the night before the release and I did not recognize some of the altered things so I did not update the script or the update only patch before uploading. It was a mistake on both of our parts, I did not ask for clarification on all changes and Braindrop did not note everything.
All of the releases and patches were tested earlier on the 20th and we foolishly assumed the slight edits would not cause any issues and we only did slight tests afterwards. Braindrop luckily decided to do another test before publicly releasing the update where he noticed the issues.

Upon adding the missing content to the scripts, the game started to error out.
Braindrop tried many things to solve the issues but what he believes fixed it is he downloaded an earlier version and copied over all of the changes to it and that was able to make things work. Though he does say that he was trying many things and anyone of those things could have been the fix.

We're both embarrassed about how things went mainly due to the amount of work that has happened between us to make sure things were smooth only for us to relax at the end and screw it up.
It's a learning moment and we hope to not have this issue again.

We are planning a second release this month.
We are aiming for the 30th but we will note that we were set back a bit by the issues so it may release on the 1st.

This second update will be around 400 renders.
We do have plans for the third release as well as a few past it but we are refraining from sharing any release dates for them at this time.

And as far as side content goes, the birthday renders for June and July will be posted on Monday.

We want to remind everyone that we are not striving for perfection right now. We simply want to get better as we go.
Things have been bad for a long time and there's no way to flip a switch and magically make things work. There's many steps that need to be taken and we're in that process.
We're starting with these smaller releases to build up some momentum and get Braindrop used to releasing content again as well as to get me up to speed on how everything works.

There's a lot of content that has been made. There are many renders and animations that have been made this past year and change.
Braindrop wants to touch a lot of it up as he's learned a lot in the last year and he's not happy with some of the work. There's also the large script changes that has completely shifted some content around and we've been working on piecing it all together.

We've taken a step back to evaluate how to get things moving in the right direction and we set goals to achieve that and our focus remains on reaching those goals one at a time.

While we are not happy with how the actual release was handled, we are happy that we are past our first release and we're going to build off of it heading into this next one!

Lastly, we are planning to update the tiers to better reflect the current rewards.
We are still discussing the changes but do expect these changes to occur sometime this week.
(We will note that most changes will be centered around the releases, side content for the tiers will remain mostly untouched)
(All remaining releases for days 32-38 will still be available to all patrons and former patrons.)
We also want to mention that we appreciate all of the recent feedback!
Our goal is to get better while allowing Braindrop to be able to make the game he wants to make. We wouldn't be where we are without you all.

The next Mind Drop will be the first official "Normal" Mind Drop.

Thank you all for the support and thank you all for playing and enjoying WVM!
We'll talk to you soon.



Looking forward to our two "girls" making out


Will the rework affect the game from the beginning? The game are now missing the corridor incident that is mentioned in the game. Will the rework have that incident and when will the complete rework be released in that case?