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For those that aren't in the know.
The poll was in favor of combining the chunks but due to the backlash I intended to just put the first bit of the chunk out on the 29th... but I mental boomed pretty hard and I left the internet for a few days.
I'm back, I'm deciding to go ahead and put this out... the other 400 renders should be finished soon and it will be uploaded the minute it is ready.

It's been a long time since an update and I've done a shit ton of testing on things so I'm genuinely nervous that this update won't work at all.
For this reason I'm not including a "Update only" version to download.
I've updated my renpy and so many other things that I'd rather just have this version as the new one to build off of.

Very much treating this release as a beta.
But, here it is.

Windows - Mega, Anonfile, Gofile

Mac - Mega, Anonfile, Gofile

Android - Mega, Anonfile, Gofile

(Gofile links uploading still)



i strongly suggest BD that you take some time study what DecentMonkey does, he has a team each team member can code he does the lion share but if he wanted to he could give most of his work to other team members, my point is, hire more folks that can code, his team produces updates like a well oiled machine, always on time, no delays, no setbacks, there is no delays because other team members can code if 1 of the team members gets sick, needs to be mia to take care of the family etc.


It's a fair point but BD is where he is, been a difficult period and now with some help hopefully he can get back to working on the game, which we should remember is pretty damn good.