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Yo, I'm saving MD #43 for right before the update since it's my favorite number. 😁
So besides everything but the title this will be a normal mind drop.

  Renders made this prior week:
New - 75 renders and 0 animations
Weeks 1-3 redo - 61 renders and 1 animation
Renders per day - 19.4 (Ever so slightly missed my 20 a day goal but I'm still happy with it since it was a weird week and I didn't get to work for like a day and a half.)

  What's left for the update?
Not much left, one more scene left to make and a few select renders that need to be remade and just a handful of images still need edited.
When that's finished I'll do my own cycle of bug testing and like always I'll tweak a few things here and there then it will be sent to testers. When all of that is finished it will be uploaded and released.

  So when can we expect it?
Early-Mid March depending on if there are any issues that need to be fixed.

  Weeks 1-3 redo:
I was asked a good question in the last MD that I want to include in here.
Q: Will we have to start over when the redo comes out?
With the redo coming in probably a year from now, you will have to start over.
I know how frustrating that can be, especially since WVM is quite a long game and we'll be even further along before the redo. So I will be including an option at the start of the game that will just ask you all of the big choices and skip everything else so you can quickly return from where you left off.
With that being said though, all of the renders and animations will be redone as well as some of the story so I highly recommend playing through it. Both to see all the hard work that was put into it as well as to not be confused when certain things are different.

  Other Stuff:
"Monthly render set" should be released sometime before the end of March
(Due to the weird week I haven't been able to finish the set. I've also obviously been prioritizing the update over it so I don't want to give a hard date but it should be by the 31st.)
The set will be the set I said I'd make a long time ago. "A day in the life of Natalie and Harper"
(The "What will the girls get up to during the MC's first away game" will be the set for April.)

Short and sweet (Not a) Mind Drop. I hope to have positive news next week about the update.
I also want to get this update out so I can play Elden Ring for a day or two. 😁
I hope all of you are staying safe and I hope you all have great weeks.
As always, thank you guys so much for everything.
Talk to you soon, love you guys <3



Rudy M Long

I don't suppose there is a version that works on Chromebook?

philip ash

oh no a reason to do another playthrough, how dare you :-D