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(Image from Bailey's redone scene in Day 9 that hasn't been implemented yet)

First off, sorry for the late post. I meant to have this up way sooner in the day but I wasn't at home and I have a new phone that I haven't moved my authenticator over to yet so I couldn't log into my account.

I promised the next beta to be on the 30th and I promised that it absolutely wouldn't move again as it's already been slid back a number of times. And unfortunately I have to break that promise.
I won't go too far into why I can't yet solely because I don't want things to come off as nothing but excuses and also because it's a lot to explain.
Simply put, I'm new to the whole dad thing and I severely underestimated the struggle of the first holiday season with a newborn.
I have pretty bad anxiety and I've felt like I've been right on the edge of a few panic attacks. The weight of dealing with a baby, and my grandpa, and managing travel of a bunch of adults, and making sure they don't break quarantine, and dealing with those that do, and all of it while running on pretty much no sleep.

All of that to essentially say I am not ready to put out an update and I'm sorry. I wish I was, trust me.
My real life anxiety has a tendency to bleed into the game. I'm looking at the update right now and all I can think about is a million little things I want to change. (though I likely won't change much of anything. I know it's just the anxiety making me second guess everything.)
I tried buying myself time throughout this month and a half to where I'd hopefully be in a better spot mentally but after a few set backs... I'm really just not there yet. But I don't think I'm super far away.

I will be pausing pledges for this monthly cycle.
I gave reasons for why I didn't last month and while those things are still true, I'm not comfortable doing it 2 months in a row.
This might make me sound crazy but with where I am at this very moment, for my own mental health I'd rather say goodbye to 15 grand than push out this update.

Okay, so if not now, when?

Soon. I'm not going to put an exact date on it but I think I'll settle in much better after new years. I know the 3rd beta was supposed to be on the 6th and since the dates are colliding a bit I will either push it back a bit or just release them at the same time. I suppose it depends on when I release the next one.

So yeah, I'm really sorry for the bad news. Or to make it more festive I'm sorry for putting a piece of coal in your stocking.
2021 was not my best year but I think it went better than 2020 did. I hope to do better in 2022.

I hope you all had a good holiday season and I hope you all have a wonderful new years.
Normal post schedule will continue after the beta update is released.
Love you guys <3



Take all the time you need man just take care of yourself and your family


Being a new parent can be tough and expensive.. what if we still want to give you money to support that though?


All I'm going to say is "welcome to parenthood", been there, I know what you're going through. Hang in there, it does get better!


I appreciate it! I'll be fine, it's just 1 month and then things will be back to normal. Use the money instead to buy someone a late present. 😊


Definitely understand 100%, tough with everything going on. Family always comes first ALWAYS. I’ll say I hope things calm down a bit for you. Hopefully 2022 is a better year for everyone, been rough since 2020. Take care &amp; happy new year


Hang in there, buddy! We're not going to rush you. Holidays during a pandemic with a newborn sounds like an absolute nightmare, even without anxiety flaring up. Just remember to breathe and that we've got your back. Family comes first.


Take care of yourself BD, take all the time you need. It's ready when you think it's ready and I'm happy to wait.


Don’t worry about it. being a new parent is stressful. And having to babysit adults on top of that. I don’t envy you. I want the game to be the best it can be and so if that means you need to push it back. Then do so. And try to enjoy the holidays while you’re at it.


If people want to be be mad that you're taking care of a newborn and taking care of your mental health in notoriously the busiest, most stressful part of the year, I don't know what to tell them. Of course I'd love to see hours and hours of new content, but I also don't want this game to be a source of stress for you. Take the time you need.


Take care of yourself and your family BD, excited for the new content when it comes take your time

Portgas D. Luigi

Take care of yourself and your family first man, game can wait a bit longer, most people will understand.

Michael Michelsen

Brain. Life happens and thats that. No need to stress about that. Happy New Year to you and your family :)


Brah, cut yourself some slack. You've had major life changes and it's the frickin holiday season. Take ya damn time, and take care of yourself + family firstly. The beta will happen when it happens. Enjoy the time and you'll find your new balance soon enough, but not overnight. Cheers BD.

Wayne Maurice White Jr

Damn first John Wick gets pushed back a whole year for some reason and now my favorite game won't update today. I completely understand your situation was just anticipated on playing today


I've said it before, Ill say it again. Take care of yourself, and continue being honest with us, and we will be here when you are ready. Also, TAKE MY MONEY :-)

Juan Vasquez

Instead of throwing out that money, just do little things in the meantime. Pics, little side projects like side stories. Don't promise releases until you're almost finished. That way you don't feel guilty. As a new parent, you're going to need that money. Just make sure if you do anything on the side, you don't get caught up, and take time away from WVM. Anyway, think about doing some pictures fir upcoming holidays, like Valentine's day. Keep up the good work


Bailey 😍


Before pausing pledge, can you please make a poll about it ? a quick post : "do you want me to pause pledge for a month, yes/no ?". Do not blame yourself too much. And do not underestimate our will to support you.


So does that mean the full release will be set back too ? And with all this problems and delays u facing in real life ... Why not make one game day releases happen instead of these 4 game day relases .. Or go back to weekly updates sure they were small but at least we got something


I like Mycroft's idea about polling before pausing pledges. It's probably too late to do that before this month is over, but we realize that with your life situation, you probably need the money. Please take care of your mental health first and foremost. You are NOT responsible for everything that goes on around you, even though it may feel that way at times. Try to find some sort of meditation that will help you calm your mind. a calm mind makes better decisions. Wishing you the best BD.

Markus Hlastec

are you talking for all 3528 supporters here?? the risk he will loose several hundred supporters are maybe too high to risk that??? do not project the will to support BD nonstop from maybe a small group to all suporters.do not forget that maybe 90% of all supporters are not so generous to still pay for something they did not get. and i doubt all 3500 supporters will vote in that poll.

Daniel Whittaker

do not worry about it. I also have anxiety and can relate to how paralysing it can feel so don't sweat it. enjoy your family time.


As far as I can see, all of the comments above are saying the exact same thing: give yourself some slack. You wouldn't get these comments if we did care about your game and, therefore, you and your family. I think it's fair to say that we'll wait and, in that, we would like you to be happy with your lot, delivering the best to your family and, then, to us. As Shaqjor477 says, take my money! That's no extra pressure. I'm just saying that I'm willing to pay AND wait.


Hey, take it easy, Doing all this with a team is hard enough and solo is just that much more work. Take a breath and relax, we will wait. They don't call this the most stressful time of year for nothing. Now that the silly season is past we cane leave it there and return to our regular programming. Take care of yourself and the family first, then WVM. Think of it like a fun job and remember, it's only part of your life, but not your life.

Phillip Gosson

Hey BD For 1 your one hell of writer 2 Don't worry about not releasing the game holidays are crazy whether you have an baby or not,3rd and most important is 2021 might have started off crapy but in the end you recieved the best gift of them all a new baby, keep your head up(except to pee because if you pee on the toilet seat your in trouble with the wife) You are awesome sometimes we have to take a step back now and again to relize this.


One of the hardest things for developers is getting out of the habit of telling people what they want to hear instead of what is realistic. I perpetually miss deadlines because I set them to what I know bosses/customers want instead of what I can actually accomplish. This leads to a cycle of anxiety, depression, and understandably disappointment from the people I committed a date to. This is a very difficult cycle to break, I haven't managed to do it in my 10-year career. I could be projecting, maybe you're setting dates that you believe you can hit and things come up, but I think you'll be a lot happier if you either stop setting dates or pad them by weeks or even months.


I say take my money anyways, but then again I am bottom teir, point is we as a whole SEEM to understand here on Pateron, but MAYBE stay away from F95, those jerks don't seem to know how to be understanding as a whole!


We all understand, dude. Take as much time as you need. Whatever you release is going to be epic.


BD, do what you gotta do for you. If that means you push back the update, fine, do it. Pause pledges, don't pause, whatever, I just want you to be happy with with your headspace, so in turn you can be happy with the game you make. I know how much the wrong mentality can affect the game development...I'm not in the right headspace for even working on my game, so I feel ya. Take care, see ya next year

colin r

It can be very difficult to be both the artist/creator/developer on one side, and the person who has to do customer service and communications on the other. Some people can do it okay, but I think they have to be low-anxiety types at the minimum. For your own mental health *and productivity*, anything you can do to get some help on the customer service side would probably be incredibly valuable, even if it's just someone you trust who can tell you when it's okay to let things slip, and can write the "sorry guys it's not happening" posts. (I'm writing from personal experience. You sound like things I've said and had to learn the hard way.)


I would like to say that yes I would like to have the update out. But I know life can have things come up unexpected. Especially being a new father and I know that all to well so don't worry to much about it. Your mental health is more important. Just release it when your ready to do so. I can wait. "Quality Over Quantity" .

Les Perdants

First of all, take care of yourself! "My real life anxiety has a tendency to bleed into the game" - your game is really well written but one thing that's a little bit weird is how most characters in the game talk about their fathers being a bad person. it would be cool to see some good dads in the game for a change, maybe you could write a dad like the one you want to be for your kids!

Dreamlab Studio

You have a lot of stuff on your plate, don't worry so much about the updates. Take care of yourself and your family most of all. While I love to support a developer who cares so much about their project and their audience the last thing I want is for them to burn out. Enjoy the holidays with your family and take some time to depressurize, relax and recharge. I wish you and your family a great new year.


There are two things we are never prepared for.... The Spanish inquisition and caring for a newborn! Relax, The game will be ready when it's ready. I still support you.