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This isn't going to be a normal mind drop. My child has been a handful today and truth be told I don't feel like typing a lot right now and kind of just want to hop in bed. I'm currently half asleep and very low energy. 😎

So some quick word vomit on a few things.

Work week:

It was a solid week, I finished up two scenes and am currently working on starting the next big scene. I remade an animation that I thought looked a little too jerky and I moved a scene around in the script.
I don't have the exact number of renders in front of me at the moment but I know I was around the 20 per day mark.


Currently pondering over some changes to how I release birthday renders. I originally planned to only release them on discord solely because I hate posting too much because I hate spamming notifications and emails.
And that's still the case but I think it's easiest to just have a day of the month that I post all of the bday renders for that month on and that way I can also have a post on patreon / SS.
So the date in my head is the 10th of every month. So for example, I'd post the bday renders for Ivory, Elizabeth, Jamie, and Kimmy on January 10th on here and on discord.
Not set in stone, will likely change some things about it but it's the direction I'm leaning in.
(Bday renders for this month will be up soon)


No planned changes to dates atm. Though I will say I know I'm not currently ready still. There was a setback mentally.
I don't want to talk too much about it here right now just because I'm half asleep and I want to do it justice. But someone who helped me a lot and became my friend, so much so that I decided to include their name and their creation in WVM, recently passed away. They went by "The Krypt Angel".
They were a huge part in growing my confidence as a developer and they even helped me with an upcoming scene and I'm sad as fuck and I feel guilty that they won't be able to play and see what they helped make.
WVM wouldn't be what it is now without them.
I want to talk about them more but I'm not in the head space atm to do so.

There's truly a part of me that wants to say fuck it and just delay things until the start of next year just because I'm stressed as fuck from becoming a parent and dealing with some guilt and dealing with the holidays but I know that it won't accomplish much good at all.
So, beta is still planned though I do anticipate myself taking the time I can to steady myself as much as I can. So the 24th is the likely date.

February 14th is still the planned release date for the full release of days 10-14.

Closing up:

Didn't mean to ruin the mood so much. I don't want anyone of you to worry about me, I'm doing okay. I'm admittedly mentally exhausted but it's all going to be okay. I'm very tired also so apologies for the low effort and low energy post.
Just, you know, reach out to a family member / friend / someone you care about that you haven't talked to in awhile and catch up on things. Life is short, let people know you care about them.

Now with all of this said, I'm gonna go cuddle up with my wife and get a solid two hours of sleep in before I inevitably get woken up to handle baby business. 😁

As always, thanks so much for everything you guys do for me.
Love you guys and see you next week <3




Welcome to parenthood!

Les Perdants

Hopefully everything gets better! Your game is one of the best VN i ever played (maybe it's cause i love basketball, lol)


Stay strong you got this!💯


Having a kid is not for wimps!


Parenthood is about next to zero sleep for the next 4 years until they start school. It eases off slightly, unless they are into early morning sports, like hockey, until they become teens. After that, it's worrying about whether he wound up in jail or her date that evening... Enjoy the peace while it lasts. 💤


well fingers crossed for the 24 th then but i wouldnt be surprised if it will be delayed once more to januari ... This dev has the worst luck all year long feel bad for the dev but man so much bad luck the whole year long is crazy

philip ash

I only knew krypt angel through their posts on F95 and possibly discord (I’m not 100% sure) but the love they had for you, Bailey and your game was obvious. I was genuinely shocked about their passing, and I would like to pass on my deepest sympathies to you and their family. I’m sure wherever they are, they’ve already started another cult to the goddess Bailey


Happy to about the dadness from one dad to a nuther you dad the shit out it good luck my friend and god speed


As a new dad myself, I share your pain. I know how stressful and draining being a parang can be. Just stay strong and you’ll find the good times will always outweigh the bad


Take the holidays to rest, BD. It's deserved.

Thomas J

Dude I play WVM on and off, I've been a patreon for a long time but only just got past the bowling 'incident' . I would play longer sessions longer if the game had had music! It helps with the feel of what is going on.


You're doing great. Nobody's never ready for the first child.


Ive been away for a few months Drop..Congratz on the child..im so happy for you...i been in the hospital the last few weekis like almost 2 months...I have a brain tumor and been out of of commission for the whol;e dang holiday season....glad your back like me...keep it up man...im going strong again so will you..Fist bump bro.


hoping all is well Drop