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Pretty standard week which is a miracle considering the new changes in my life. A lot of that is in thanks to the large amounts of support I have from family / friends.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- I'm taking a short break from working on the week 1 remake.
I've reached a point in it that requires a lot of custom materials and figures and assets. Which normally isn't too big of a problem but with things how they are right now and the holidays coming that will scrunch my time even more... so I've decided to not dedicate as much time to it and instead work on the required things for it as I find the time to do so.
I intend to get back to the normal 50/50 split at the start of January.

- I'm still settling in to life as a parent and as such I sadly don't have any news on the beta release date. I do feel more comfortable than I did last week but I'm definitely not ready to handle a release. So it will likely be closer to the 24th than the 14th.

Renders made this prior week:

New - 115 renders and 1 animation
Week 1 redo - 21 renders and 1 animation
Renders per day - 19.4 (Didn't quite hit the target of 20 a day but it's still a number I'm proud of with all things considered.)

Upcoming Releases:

- 2nd beta (December 14th - 24th) (350 renders)
As stated previously it will likely be closer to the 24th but I don't want to rule out the possibility of it being earlier.

- 3rd beta (January 6th) (250 renders)

- Full release of days 10-14 (Febuary 14th)

Upcoming side content this week:

- Birthday renders for Rainn (Past due)

- Birthday renders for Bailey (12/12)

- Client poll where we pick out a name (12/14)

- Birthday renders for Yen (12/17)

Random previous Birthday render:

(Join the discord to see b-day renders in 4k)

That's it for this week!
As always, I'm so thankful for all of you and I'm excited and anxious to get back on track with releases.
Love you guys and I'll see you next week <3



Ruff Ryder

Glad to see you're doing well!

Portgas D. Luigi

Happy to hear things are going well! Holiday season is hectic for a lot people so do what you need to do to feel comfortable.


Always good to see you going well and having a good time as a father figure which is a big achievement which we are proud of you and always support you

Crowangel Gaming

lol its been a while since last playthrough.. id forgot how tiny coach was lol


How do i find the discord


Glad things are sort of returning to normal, or at least as much as it can! Real quick question, any update on the monthly render set?


I cant wait for the basketball game even tho MC not playing


Great! Thanks for the update, would be amazing if you could reply to my DM thanks! Have a nice day


So, I’ve got a question regarding the Week 1 remake: when the next full update comes out (Feb or whenever) will that include the week 1 remake or will that continue in vein of the betas, in which we are in the updated storyline, but not have the week 1 remake available yet?

Ruff Ryder

Ayo can someone remind me who that lady in the second picture is?


I love this game. Can't wait to see the future update !


Love this game. Need some action with Azel and coach

Skye Dyvr

Already been stated innumerable times that Azel will never happen.