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I've been meaning to make this post for the past 10 days but I haven't been able to without quitting and deleting everything halfway. Mainly due to the fact that I have attempted to be as vague as possible concerning recent events in my life and it's very difficult to have a genuine post where I try to convey why I feel certain ways about certain things when I can't provide context to anything.
So, fuck it. I'm going to talk about it in a limited sense just this one time or else there's no point in having this post at all. 

First things first, everyone is okay. I mentioned in my last post that I had been spending a lot of time in hospital rooms. So real quick just wanted to say that my grandpa is doing much better currently and the thing with my mom was just a not super serious surgery that she's already recovered from but anytime a loved one goes under the knife it's stressful.
The big reason why I've been quiet about things is because of my wife.

I haven't explicitly mentioned it in a while though I have alluded to it... I am now a father.
Everyone is happy, healthy, and at home now  and I'm so grateful for it but this past month was not a fun time.
We had complications that I won't go into. It was a very scary time and I'm still in shock from it to be honest. Everything went from perfectly fine to a disaster back to perfectly fine.

I love my little one so much and I can't explain what it feels like to be a dad.
I knew having a child would be difficult and life changing and honestly I'm doing pretty well so far. I've never had a stable sleep schedule so nothing is new there and we have plenty of help for when we need it.
What's really kicked my ass is how emotionally drained I am. This past month has had so many lows and highs and I'm just shell shocked from it all.

Okay, that wraps up the personal life update. Now onto how this impacts things related to WVM.

There will not be a beta this month. I've thought about it a lot and even though the update itself is ready... I'm not. Simply put I'm not in a position mentally to push anything out. Things are still settling in my personal life and I couldn't handle any issues with a release right now.
Not setting any dates yet but there will be 2 betas in December. I've battled some mental health issues this past year and I'm doing my best to protect myself from future ones.
I am genuinely sorry but I hope you understand.

The "What are the girls getting up to during the MC's first away game" monthly set will be out either tomorrow or the following day as well as the remaining B-day renders for this month.

Things should return to normal this following week and Mind drops will continue starting this upcoming Friday.

As far as pledges go I am currently undecided if I will pause or not.
To be as transparent as possible, before becoming a dad it wouldn't even be a question. I'd pause 100%. I haven't been able to work nearly as much as I'd like to this month and I won't have a release out. Even if I have a perfectly good reason as to why.
But now I have someone to take care of... someone's future depends on me. The reality is that this patreon and SS stuff won't last forever especially if I keep being so inconsistent.

I've never tried to screw you guys over and I have tried my best to do the right thing. Which is exactly why I'm mentioning this stuff. You guys deserve to know my thought process on such a thing. Even if it makes me look bad.

In the event that I don't pause. I'd treat it how I did the release of Day 9 final and give this first upcoming beta to any prior supporters for free through discord so you are not required to support another month for something you've already "paid" for.

Which while the topic is brought up. I am very heavily rethinking how I handle releases with tiers. I'm not very happy with incentivizing releases with level of tier since it creates this strange relationship where working on the game isn't enough and adds this arbitrary layer of stress around dates and releases that isn't good for me or the game.
Might just fuck around and start releasing the game for free and have the patreon and SS focus on bonuses and updates. Things like the monthly sets and bday renders and client polls. I hate this guilty feeling around the money caused by things mostly out of my control.

Which I don't want to come off jaded and bitter. I am so fucking thankful for each and every person that has supported me in any way. I just crave a healthier relationship with the money side of things since that's always been an issue for me.
I don't know if it's the way I was raised or the conditions I was raised in but I've never had a healthy relationship with money and the constant guilt I feel from it.

Fuck, I'm typing a lot and it's not formatted well at all and I know if I go back to try and fix things I'm going to get tilted and delete everything again so I'mma leave my word vomit for your guy's brains to process.

Gonna stop here. I'm not good at being serious, I don't like being serious. But I needed to be just to explain some of the things on my mind and why things are the way they are right now.
I hope I didn't come off as angry or anything. I'm actually very stoked and happy I'm just a bit frustrated with how hard this stuff is to write. I'm not good at talking about my personal life anymore.
Hope this post at least makes sense and hopefully no one gets too ang'y.
I still may pause pledges so who knows. Just prepare your pledges accordingly and unpledge if you aren't vibing with it.

I should have dates for some things this Friday for the mind drop. And thanks to anyone who is still reading this post lol
apologies for the book

Thank you all so much for everything and for all the well wishes.
Love you guys <3




First things first, congrats on being a father. Secondly I don't think you should be pausing anything. You've given a consistent and amazing product. I have 0 problems paying for that.

Joseph Johnson

Congratulations on the kid. Father myself and I understand how much a kid can mess up your schedule. Can't wait for the next update but we understand the delay.

Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

First, congratulations on becoming a father. Second, I'm glad throughout all the rollercoaster life put you through recently, things are better and a routine is coming back. Lastly, whether you pause or not, I'll continue to support you and your work.


Take your time! Congrats on being a dad!! Don’t pause I’ll pay for a month of no updates and this is the best game I currently play. I think I speak for your all your supporters when I say some things are worth waiting for. Personally I didn’t even expect an update a month I just pay every month for the updates when they come! Plus two betas next month let’s goooo


Congratulations on becoming a father!

Portgas D. Luigi

Happy to hear everyone is okay. Release when you're ready to release, I'm sure most people feel the same way. I have no issues with you keeping the pay open for Dec. Two more betas will be able to hold people over until the full release. Side note, looks like we have some new girls coming into WVM 😍


Congratulations and don’t sweat worrying about pausing. Can’t speak for everyone but I really don’t worry until 3 months have passed w/o progress much less a full update.


frankly speaking I usually pay like $60 for a broken game sometimes when they happens so you shouldn't pause and I'll gladly pay because the quality of the game is so good and I like the story and congrats on being a father and take a break a little if you need to since everyone needs a little recharge every once in a while


I think just being as transparent as you have about what's going on means that you shouldn't have to pause if you don't feel comfortable doing so. It might make some assholes mad but the opinions of those kind of people are meaningless. I'll still be here as long as possible regardless of if you pause or not or if you remove the early access/beta stuff. I'm subscribing because I think the game is good abs I'd like you to continue your work preferably in a manner that you're comfortable with as that's when people do their best work. I'll pray for the health of you and your family.


Congrats to you and your wife on the little one! It gets easier, sort of. Family first. Game someplace after that. I don't mind if you don't pause, I'll continue to support you as long as I'm able.

Phillip Gosson

Congrats but wait until the terrible two's or crazy three when they are walking oh ya walking putting stuff in their mouth (sorry don't mean to freak you out) I have two one boy one girl love them to death, Hope your Thanksgiving went well and just incase in the future(no one can predict) Merry Christmas and a happy New year. Or plainly Happy Holidays.

Phillip Gosson

Sorry I know I just posted But have you thought about putting it to steam Something to think about


Don't have to worry about your work just focus on your little one for now take some time off it and enjoy with your family and hope everything goes well for you it's an amazing game and Ive non stop playing it it never gets bored for me so take your time and we can wait till it's ready


take it easy on urself and take ur time. many of us arent in a hurry to get it. ur health and ur families health comes first


Congratulations first and foremost, and happy everyone is okay! Worry about you and yours first, everything after that tends to work out in the end

Richard Dunn

Absolutely understand man, you take care of yourself and your family above anything else. We'll still be here looking forward to the new content when things have settled down and you're feeling better :)


I know it is only a dollar, but take my money, I don't care, I'd give way more if I could!


I know things are going to get even more stressful now that you are a dad. Having an income is very important like you have already said. I know you have done this all on your own but have you considered bringing someone else on in a sort of contractor role That can help you push and make certain deadlines. I know brining somoene else can be hard and challenging but it can also help relieve some stress.

Jon Brosseau

Congratulations!! Being a father is the best thing to happen to me! Take your time with your new adjustment and I'm looking forward to the new release!


First of all, congrats on being a dad (I thought you already mentioned it, but I guess that 's what you mean when you said you alluded to it before). I'm glad your loved ones are OK. Allow me to reply to some topics you approached: I understand you in having something ready but you are not ready to push it. Heck I wrote an email at work last week that I couldn't send until a week later. Imagine something bigger like a game update. So don't worry about that. It's ready when you are ready. As for the pledges, don't pause them. Patreon is about supporting creators so they can create content. If people only pay when the content comes out that doesn't help creators as much. I don't pay to play WVM, I pay to support Braindrop. If people are unhappy how their money is spent, they can unpledge and pledge back when a new release is out. I plan on keep pledging as long as you offer the option. I know my pledge is not a lot though... Obviously you have the last word, but this is my thought on this. About the guilt with money, that's a thought that you need to get rid of. You are very talented and deserve all the money you are earning. You are a very talented artist and developer. So no guilt whatsoever.


Congratulations! I seem to be in agreement with everyone that I don't think you need to pause. As it's been said, we are subscribed to support you as you make this game and not just for monthly releases. We can unsub at any time if we are not satisfied with what is going on. You take care of yourself and your family! The quality story and game we have been playing will come afterward and only get better if you and yours are doing well. That's a no-brainer! I am looking forward to continuing this journey with you and all of the others here! I would rather have meaningful, quality updates over just plain shoveled out content to please the masses.


I know my pledge isn't much but just know I'm here for ya. Do what's best you and your family. If that means not pausing pledges cause you need the money for your little one, then so be it. My point is, do what ya gotta do, I'll be here supporting you in any way I can. I believe in you.


Gratz on the bouncing bambino! Do not pause the pledges. You have an extra mouth to feed and I imagine your wife won't be working for a while. Every little bit helps, right now. Just a suggestion, maybe have only 2 tiers. Tier 1 - Supporter - Updates and Polls. Tier 2 - Supporter Plus - Adds special renders and Beta tester privileges. As I said, just a suggestion... Looking forward to the next chapter


First off, I am pleased to hear everyone is doing okay. Second is mental health is very real and very important. Third is that I am supporting you, period. The updates come out when they are ready, I would prefer delays over shoddy or sloppy work. There are hundreds of games available to play and many are updated often. I want yours because the quality of renders and storyline are amazing. Please do what you need to, and the non-fair weather friends will always be here to support you.


1. Congratulations on becoming a dad! 2. Don’t pause, we support the game and it’s development, not the releases. 3. Can you explain a idiot like myself how the betas are going to function and work? Is it a new game or the same game just updates or what is it?


Congratulations on being a Dad!


Congrats on being a new dad! Go through your process release when you're ready. No need to pause most people support the development process, keep putting quality work out at your own pace. Be well!


Amazing works and congrats on being a DAD!!!! Please when you have a moment DM me


As a father of two I know how you feel with the little one. There is nothing like it and there never will be. That small one is your #1 priority now and your wife is next with yourself. Little will need you both so take care of yourselves and your mother/grandfather also. As for the game, take your time and get so your happy with it. When your happy with it, we trust that mean we are getting a better product than one with frequent updates. I see so many with simple errors that could be avoided if they just took an extra day to go over the script or watch the game play. I'm not talking all new creators either. Some have several games out and still make the same mistakes. So far yours have always been fixed and remembering way back, some of the things said by players and yourself still make me laugh. Do what you need to do and put out the game when you are ready. I believe those that like the game will still be around whether you pause patron or not.

Crowangel Gaming

Teething Gel, Calpol solution and Teething Powder... also gripe water for colic - Best advise i can give from one dad to another.. been there 3 times and the 1st listed tri-fecta saved my life many a night when pacing back and forth through the living room with a unsettled baby in my arms was pure torture till i found that 3 miracle cures.. Many Congratz on the new arrival and heed my words well lol it will save your sanity 100%


Another experienced Dad here. My wife had complications during a long birth and ended up with an emergency C-Section that was never part of the birth plan. What was scary was that mama got an infection and baby had to go to the NICU, so we had to stay separated for 48 hours. It was very tiring and stressful. And the sad thing was I couldn’t be at 100% for my wife and baby as I had developed a cold and couldn’t process the emotional rollercoaster as a first time dad a month before my 26th birthday. But now, my little boy is in Kindergarten already lost his first tooth and will be turning 6 in a few months. Meanwhile, my wife has got baby #2 in the oven due first week of May. We actually find out the gender this coming Saturday! Long story short, don’t sweat it! Take time off if you need it. I took 3 weeks off to bond with my baby and help my wife recover. All of us parents totally know what you are going through. 1 more point, don’t worry about the money so much! It’s Patreon, we support you out of our own volition. We support you and your project, but nobody is forcing us to do anything we don’t want to. So relax, and enjoy the ride!


I have patience. December sounds good.


No stress your little one is most important as everything els when you get a beta in December started fine when don't also fine


All good mate family always comez first if we no you have something like that going on ppl will understand like most of us do take care of yourself and you family


First of all congratulations on beeing a dad and I´m really glad everyone is fine! Your family should allways be the first priority and spending time with your loved ones is the most precious thing in the world. As a father of a girl (12) and a boy (8) myself I can still remember the indescribable feelings you were talking about. So take your time to absorb this moment and please don`t pause the pledges we are here to support you and the development of the game. Once you feel the time is right and your are comfortable with it then drop the release.


Congratulations on being a Dad!!


Happy Life of a Father begin Now.


Thank you so much for this message. To be honest, I was wondering. Congratulations on being a father! And I'm glad that the othe other complication are calming down. From my point of view, the game is great, brilliant in fact, and I can wait. I don't want to wait, but I can! As for pledges, I'm going to increase mine. If the releases slow, I do not care. If you restructure for free game drops, I do not care. Just, please, stop worrying! Thank you.


grats on fatherhood...and we'll get the next update once it is ready and you feel comfortable with continuing.


We pay because we trust. That is how Patreon work. Right now, we have no reason not to trust you. I think that, given the circumstances, taking a month off work is completely logical (maybe it's because I'm not living in the USA). And I see no problem being charged for this month, as far as I'm concerned. Good luck to you and your family.

Knoddy Toddas

Congrats on being a parent! It's a great responsibility! Take care of your mental health, it's pretty much the most important thing there is. And as contradictory the next part is to what I just wrote, I will be canceling my pledge for a while. When I first found your game I was thrilled, and I still do love it very much, and was happy to pledge $20 per month. Back then there was a release pretty much every 2nd week, and now it's close to 5 months since the last release. You have been through enough crap that I wouldn't wish on anyone, and you have always been nothing but honest about everything that's happened and I really appreciate that. But in the end I pledged to support and to receive something in return. And while others may feel differently, for me pledging on Patreon isn't pure charity. It has to work both ways. It's an investment in entertainment, sexual release, call it whatever you may. So for a while I'll just pause my pledge and keep on the lookout if you get back to a more consistant release schedule. And as a sincere well-meaning I do really implore you to get someone to help you with the game. You have enough patreons that you should be able take some help on. I know this game is your "baby" (kinda ironically atm...) but if I was you I'd get a 3D artist to help you with the graphics and hold on to the story writing for yourself. I love your visuals, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, but to be able to keep the game your own so to speak, it would make sense to hold on the story writing for yourself. Being a parent will suck a LOT of energy from you and you are already feeling guilty about the money. So make sure to take care of your mental health and get some help with the game. It will reduce your stress and guilt, and potentially you could even increase your amount of pledgers if you again up the release schedule :-) I wish you all the best and hope both you, your spouse and kid recouperate properly after your aparant ordeal.

Oli Giele

Congratulations on the baby! I have many lol so I know what it does to you. Hope the rest of the family is ok as well now. Be ready for countless sleepless nights.... About my pledge, i will continue and hope that you bring back the next release on a timely manner, how timely, I leave that to you, enjoy the baby, enjoy the fatherhood, take care of your close ones and keep us updated is all I can ask.


Congrats Braindrop, but I gave you two years of trust but not any more. I hope you will find a more stable way to live (very difficult now) and to work (find a help !), but actualy you are to erratic


I've said it before i believe but i shall say it again man, do not worry about us, we support you because we want to. Take care of your family always first and foremost. Nothing in the world will ever be more important than them.


Congrats bd!


I will repeat myself again but I am here to support what you create. It is known that personal life is the most important thing and take care of it first. Most of the people who support you think like me. So take it easy, first arrange everything in your private life and then go back to creating WVM.


Your not looking bad at all because you are taking care of yourself and your family. They are the most important thing in life. The feeling of becoming a father is the most amazing feeling. Just a fair warning it gets more and more amazing every day. Seeing your little one grow up and start to develop their own personality, and seeing bits of yourself in them. Don't rush anything.


love the game, but family is the important thing, good luck to you all


congratulations. love your work and the story which part of me wants to continue into the infinite future. I get that there will be an end one day. look after yourself and am happy to pay.


Always glad to hear from you Brain and congratulations, from everything I have seen we are here supporting you financially because we enjoy the story you are providing us. It's always most important that you feel comfortable, this is your Patreon and your project


Congrats on the baby. It really changes everything does it not?