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Thanks for being patient. I've had a stressful few weeks and I put off having my usual mind drop last week / this weekend. I usually love writing these posts but for whatever reason when I'm stressed I tend to try and avoid it.
But ayy, I'm less stressed currently so here we are.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- I spent a lot of my time these past few weeks trying to fix the android build of the first beta. I've learned a lot but currently the only working build comes from using the newest version of ren'py. Which blows because it won't let you update over the previous build meaning it requires you to move your save or start over.
I'm still attempting to find a solution but for the time being I'll continue releasing with this version.

- Stress / android build issues have made me delay the monthly render sets as I prioritize the game first before all the extra stuff. But you can expect those in the next few days.

- I've been debating on if I should make the upcoming beta another 200-ish render one or extend it a bit. I'll update on that next week.

Renders made these prior 2 weeks:

New - 124 renders and 2 animations
New (remade) - 17 renders and 0 animations
Week 1 redo - 151 renders and 4 animations
Renders per day - 20.8 (14 days since last mind drop)

Personal related stuff:

- Just wanted to say there's no reason to worry about me being stressed right now. It has to do with the thing I don't want to talk about on here anymore and it's something I'm sure everyone goes through. I guess a better word for it would be anxious / eager. It has luckily had a minimal effect on my work flow.

Random previous Birthday render:

Okay, that's it for this week! Small mind drop but I just wanted to update you guys a bit on how things are going. Next mind drop should be this upcoming Fri/Sat and I should have a date and other info for the next beta release then. I also plan to answer a few questions next week.
As always thank you all so much for supporting me. It means the absolute world to me and my family.
Love you guys <3



Hope you feel better don’t push yourself

philip ash

Moving a save isn’t a problem, and even if it was I’m sure most people would like the excuse to play again from the beginning 😊

Portgas D. Luigi

I know how hard it is to focus when stress/anxiety rears it's ugly head, so take care of yourself as best you can.


whos with Bailey? :madge:


damn I didnt remember MC being so wide, not skipping back day I see lol


Hope you feel better man and gonna love the story and everything anyway


love your work man, dont sweat it, we are here to support you

Wild Bill

Damn that birthday render is amazing, Brit's boobs are fucking massive, she looks almost as big as Rachael. And those abs on Keyana are fantastic! 😍


Remember as "The Hitch-Hiker Guide to the Galaxy" Says in big bold letters... DON'T PANIC! I love the Author Douglas Adams, and when I start getting stressed, I remember the Don't Panic on the book


even if saves are broken (or just have to be manually moved), dont we get an update for the first few days as one of the next updates anyway? Hard to enjoy that content if you start after it ;)

Dave Davidson

Love the basketball setting and overall story, hate the lack of paths, the game plays on a rail. Really hate to forced try for a baby, that's rediculous. No way two 18 year olds who have only been dating 2 months and only had sex for 1 week would do that. Especially when the MC is a number one recruit hoping to be a number one draft pick. I can suspend disbelief for a work of fiction but that's out there.

philip ash

I decided to start from the beginning anyway, and I don't mind saying that the family reunion with Wendy and Willow just before the pool party brought tears to my eyes


When my graduating class from high school left nearly half of them were married and started families (or the reverse) of course most of them divorced and remarried by the time I settled down (this was the 70's I didn't settle until the 80's) and were grandparents in their 40's these days of HIV and covid it's far less likely but not unheard of


Me too I've known friends who found family they didn't know about it's an emotional event in RL much less in a novel like this


Really love Bailey's necklace, she would look great with a choker.