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As promised in the last post the monthly render set for April will feature one of the girls down below in their birthday suit!

The render set will be at least 15 renders long and there may be an additional poll to decide other things about the set like what the person featured might be doing and where. 😊

Rules are very simple. First place does not win. 5th place does. 😊

And a quick update on my eyes, they're pretty much the same and I've spent 90% of today with my eyes closed. So that kind of blows but I'll have more to share on that soon / on discord. 😊

(If you need a reminder for the names. Check out the character sheet here 



“First place does not win. 5th place does.” I love this


Sucks about your eyes, hope they recover soon. 😊


I very much hope that it will be Rainn. I've been waiting a long time to finally see something of her. It's been a long time since she was seen in play. I would like to know how she would look without things 🤤🥰❤️


Lol love the non first place wins rules. Hope my girl Rainn gets it. Need her some more love. Love the alt look of her

Yellowcake Uranium

All the young ones we will see. Mom, harper (possibly), wendy, willabelle we won't. This could be our only chance.


I really dislike these 1st place doesn’t win polls as, in reality, it is a total crapshoot. Might as well not ask and just pick a name at random.

Crab Shack

There's no reason why we wouldn't see Harper or Willabelle. We saw the middle school nurse for pity's sake

DSpeed 99

Pretty funny...Harp is running away with it cuz so many want to see her...but no one will cuz 5th place wins...dammit! Only chance is if people stop voting for her...or better yet, go back and change your votes...some quick math shows that if no one votes for anyone listed after Yuki and Harp only has 1 vote (or the least votes) we'd all get to see her...ha! Sorry BD...we all really want to see her :)


Can someone help me get onto discord? I have it installed but how do I connect with this group?


Connect your Patreon account to your Discord account and you should be automatically added to the server. To connect your account go to the my profile settings option, there should be another tab called apps where you can connect discord.


Whhyyy does no one reeeaaadddd


Well looks like Brain isn't the only one with eye problems, RIP Harper :D


No Cedey? 😔


Does anyone else realise Damien ain't a girl lol


We need some Azel love!!!!!!


Nah dude, everyone is voting for her so she doesn't get picked. A lot of folks want her "first time" to be special. We love Harp too much to just give her away to an extra render set. The rewarding feeling, when the relationship between her and the MC finally ends up between the bedsheets will be amazing and well deserved. I'm trusting @Braindrop on that one, he'll make it worth the wait 😊

Morgan Standley

Damn it people! Stop voting for Harper! I need her to come in 5th...


Harper, if possible to come 5th. XD Your eyes ok, dude?

Aaron Bishop

Would love to see Harper in her birthday suit


Not a fan of the first place doesn’t win polls. If we are voting for someone who isn’t our favorite, then everyone who wants Harper to get 5th has to vote for everyone that isn’t Harper to win. Which means everyone’s vote is split between 8 other people, and it’s very difficult to get it to your favorite to 5th. In my opinion, the only way for it to be fair and for people to see who they want is for people to vote for their favorite.


No Alexis in the poll :Sadge:


The whole point of these polls not using the conventional rules is to make it fun and unpredictable. If people decide not to read the rules that's on them

Wild Bill

Didn't notice it was another '5th one wins' poll at first, I was like 'WTF? Damien is beating Mack and Lauren??'


Yet another troll by BD. He knows full well many don't properly read these and immediately vote for Harper. She will NEVER "win" one of these unless the top vote getter actually is the one that wins the poll.


may i have a discord invite?


I swear, the people that never read the rules are gonna make us see some Damien meat 😂😂


Damn it, I hoped for Harper or Rainn wins, but PEOPLE WHO DON'T READ RULES will make it impossible. Thank you very much. And great thanks for you Braindrop - I hope for more unconventional polls in the future, its fun. Oh and I'm sorry for your eyes and wish you fast recovery.


FUCk I wanted HARPER but I didnt read the bit I needed to AHAHHH SHIT


Another poll, another Harper wins 1st place... and keeps her swim suit on... :( I think that Harper was the one that created these rules and she gets a cut of the profits (votes = $) to help support the WVM basketball team. Nicely done Harp!


I hate having to try and figure out which to vote for instead of the one I actually want to win... Why not just have the person with the most votes win? so confusing


guess im not the only one who has a crush on the coach, if Harper wasent in this poll it would have been Rainn all the way


Nope, not a fan of the “first place doesn’t win” polls. Might as well be called “ Your vote doesn’t count” polls. Those that say these are fun - I don’t get you.


Let’s rally the troops. The only way we get Harper to get this set is to work together. If you are like me, and want her to win this, then we need to vote for the top 4 that aren’t her. You can change your vote too! So if you want Harper to win, make sure you vote for Rainn, Moon, Vanessa, or Yuki until they all surpass Harper. Then once that is done, we just have to make sure the rest don’t catch up!


I have been wanting to see Harper nude for so long and when he missed the chance in the shower, damn. I know Harp needs a little MC dick, but not until after he gives it to Natalie.


This vote is a setup. Everyone knows that most people don't read, they just click.

Wild Bill

Moon/Vanessa/Yuki three-way! 😀


5th place again.... Just listen to your backers and do a Harper set already!


Yeah, jumping on the "I'm sick of 'random number wins' polls" bandwagon her. They're not fun. :(


these polls are a prime example of the downsides of democracy


I think they're fun 😊


yes, fun for the couple of trolls, who don't care for the outcome of the poll and just want to ruin someone else's day, the others who would actually like to vote for their favorite aren't satisfied and the ones who vote without reading probably don't even give two shits about the outcome I like you Brain, but your rule is really frustrating


I think maybe I'd say it seems to be more a case of a perfect example of bad reading comprehension? In no way aimed at anyone, I am merely remembering the previous polls of this type 😁


Remember, the 5th place wins, not the first.

Kenneth Campbell

Oh Wow Vanessa oh wow we could get to see if she has her natural coloured hair 🤣