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How's it going everyone?
I decided to take this week's poll and use it to ask what you guys want the polls to focus on in the short term and also ask for specific suggestions of things you'd like to vote on. I'd also like to clarify a few things about these polls.

Let's start with the clarifications.
These polls are meant to be a fun collaboration between me and you. While yes you guys are the ones deciding between a set of options I'm ultimately the one that decides the options that are able to be chosen. I don't throw in willy-nilly options, they're all ones that I'd be perfectly happy if they won.
(Just wanted that out there since I got a very long DM about how I'll ruin my game if I let other's influence it.) 😁
Alongside that, there are some things that won't be decided by polls but by myself. Such as Alanah's overall role in the story. And of course, poll options will be decided based on some of the things I've already decided.

So let's talk about some of the assumed.
Alanah is a 6'4 voluptuous athletic oceanic woman. There are some things we can assume about her.
Given her body we can guess that she was involved in a sport and given her origin it'd make sense if it was something like a water sport, or volleyball or something along those lines.
And maybe that sport was her profession? Or maybe she's a trainer, a model, maybe she served in the military? or anything like those things.

What would her role be in the story?
With these community made clients, I want them to have a larger role than just client. I want them to serve a purpose and be around more so than the average clients. Tali is more of an exception as she is no longer associated with clients.
So what could Alanah do?
Maybe a bit of personal training? Maybe a bit of bodyguarding? Maybe a few other things? 😉

And now my question for you guys! (but first the build up)
There are a lot of things to decide. We've already decided her overall shape and features, her hair, age, height, origin, birthday month, and first name.
So what's left?

Physically we still have eye color (It'll be brown / hazel but there's many kinds of brown), nail color, nipples (both color and shape), piercings, potentially tattoos (Nothing drastic with tattoos or piercings), and some finer details about the body

Personality wise we have a lot to decide but I have a general archetype I'd like to follow. But there are many things like interests, hobbies, kinks, etc.

and more overall things like her last name, her exact birth date in October, her backstory, deciding a more exact location that she's from, etc

(Not all of the things listed will be polls, they are just ideas for future ones)

So the actual question is which of those categories should we focus on first? And do you have any suggestions for a poll that isn't listed here?
It can be hard to pick because each decision can effect further decisions. So I figure it's best to let you guys decide where to start and go from there!

Mind drop will be out tomorrow so I'll talk to you all then.
Love you guys <3 😊



"Maybe a bit of personal training? Maybe a bit of bodyguarding?" I could see her doing both. Like her current job is Racheal's bodyguard but the MC then says a personal trainer would be nice so she takes on that job as well.

James Smith

Her background could be in the Martial Arts. She could teach the girls some self defense and help the ones who are less confident to be stronger and more assertive.


I think its time for a soccer girl soon 😋 or soccer twins girl and boy , but for this poll, a strong oersonally girl, oceanic she should be like surfer with a junior lifeguard backstory, also into archery and some martial art


Maybe a rugby background?


I like the idea of personality first because I think it can influence the other categories. For example hobbies could influence her backstory and things like tattoos and piercings.

Crab Shack

The same can happen in reverse, though. Tattoo/piercings/tan could influence choices for occupation and activities


i think it depends what culture you're going for. there is a big difference in personality between Polynesian people.


The culture one comes from can effect a lot of things


Rugby is big in many of the countries in that area. Maybe she's a rugby player.


I think since she is an athletic oceanic, an Olympic beach volleyball player could be a great story line


I spotted something that I think would be cool for her. Former volleyball player turned MMA fighter. Who is looking to become a bodyguard when the MMA career is over. Would also be a good fit for the current story arc and I think something that Rachel would be looking for.