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Hey guys, first three renders are from the upcoming update and the fourth is part of the day 1 rework.
Got some big boy stuff to talk about so let's not waste any time 😊

Game related stuff:

- Update near the 13th

- Main topic of the rant below so look down there :)

Dev related stuff:

- Not much to comment on since my week was spent moving and the only things I accomplished dev wise was making the character sheet. 😁 (But man, that character sheet took a lot of time. Waaay longer than I thought it would)

- Well actually another thing I've been working on is the organization of my files. But, for your sake I won't really go into detail about that

Personal related stuff:

- We're moved in completely now. Still a ton of work to do with unpacking things and setting everything up but we're over the biggest hurdle

- If I can give a piece of life advice. Always keep a friend who can lift heavy things.
Most of my irl friends are pretty small women and while I'm sure they would've helped out as much as they possibly could've I would've felt bad if they had gotten hurt or anything.
Same goes for the fiancee
I moved as much of the heavy stuff as I could on my own which was all but a few things and fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I'm so sore and tired 🤣

Mind drop:
Okay, big boy topic and it's also a topic that could anger a lot of people especially because of how turbulent I've been with them.
Update schedules.

And before I really dive into it I want to say that I'm bringing this up now because I want feedback on it. Nothing is set in stone and it's merely just me talking about where my head has been at for a bit now.

So, why do I want to talk about update schedules?
Because even after all the changes I'm still having issues.
It's not a work issue, it's not a life issue, it's something with me.

I'm not sure what changed, I'm not sure when it changed but I do not feel right with the current update schedule of bi-weekly releases.

(Pre-emptive apology if my rant gets confusing or jumps around a bit. None of this is planned out and my goal is to be unapologetically truthful and that pretty much means I'm just gonna write down wherever my head goes)

So what's wrong?
A few things. All of them need some elaboration but to put it plainly. I do not feel efficient, I don't feel very satisfied, and I feel like things could be better.

The reason why I feel inefficient is mainly because of the render cap. I think it fucks with my expectations of myself and while it's great for consistency and my personal life it's just not great for my work ethic. I think I'm teaching myself bad habits.
It's honestly hard to explain as it's really just a mental block and I'm really not sure why it's happening. Like I said the new schedule has been great for everything except my workaholic brain and I could always just remove the render cap but at that point why not just return to weekly releases? Well, I'd just be returning to the old problem of any issues = delay.
And it's not an effort issue. I work just as hard but there's a mental block where I spend more time second guessing things and going over already done stuff and for some reason I just hate holding back on my releases. It's the most flat feeling to have an update that's only 200 renders when you have 600 more renders you could show already.

Not satisfied:
I started this game with weekly releases. It was always how I envisioned working on it and there were always people complaining about "small updates". It's always been a complaint that bugged me because of how much time and effort I put in but I never let it effect me to a point of trying to make changes because I liked having weekly releases. I loved the instant feedback and gratification that came with it. I looked forward to release days and even when there were issues they didn't bum me out too much... until delays and stuff at least.
But lately I have not felt very excited or much satisfaction from releases. I think it comes back to the render cap and knowing what I have to show and not putting it all out.

While unique I think there are some major downsides to bite sized updates.
The biggest one being that they can be well... unsatisfying.

No matter how great a piece of entertainment is, it can be infuriating when you only receive it in small chunks.
Imagine if the finale of your favorite show was broken into 4 parts? It'd be much less smooth and way less satisfying.
But you're a fan and you're going to watch even if you know it'll be a lesser experience overall.

That's basically where I think I find myself now. I think a lot of people including myself have sort of gotten fed up of small updates. I at least have.
The more thought I put into it the less I can justify continuing on with them.

Things could be better:
There's an answer to my problems but it'd be a tough choice to make.
Update when it's done. When a day / week is finished I upload it.

It would fix my inefficiency issue because I could work my ass off with no repercussions if there was an issue in my life as there would be no deadlines.
It'd fix the satisfaction issue for me and a lot of players because you'd be getting the full thing, both the set up and the payoff as it's intended to be experienced without annoying pauses.

I've weighed the pros and cons so many times in my head. And it really boils down to the fact that "Update when its ready" has all of the pros of what would make for the best game and experience. And the pros of the "bi-weekly" release is mainly me fulfilling expectations.

Now there is one big issue that would arise if I took that route and it's pretty much what's holding me back from pulling the trigger on changing the schedule.
My patreon and tiers are all set up for bi-weekly releases. You guys pledged with those in mind. I feel like it'd be fucked up to just change them completely without at the very least getting feedback from you guys first.

My ideas are pretty basic to try and accommodate the tiers a bit. I would love suggestions or ideas on more.

-The first being early access. Higher tiers play sooner. Prob by 3-4 days each tier.
-Weekly polls for all patrons and some tier exclusive polls (Mainly Rachael client polls)
-Monthly render sets that would function the same as releases with rolling out to other tiers later on.
-Polls for those monthly sets
-Random individual renders (Not sets. But more singular pin-up style renders)(also polls for them)

Yeah, mainly images and polls. I don't want anything too crazy as I do want 95%+ of my focus to be on the game itself. But like I said I'm very open to suggestions.

Fuck... where do I go from here?
I guess I could address any potential worries.

You won't use this as an opportunity to work less right?

There's always been a feeling of "less work" around larger release windows. But you guys know how fast I work and what my goals are for a week. Usually it's 1 week = 100-120 renders. So if an update took 8 weeks then you'd expect it to be 800-960 renders long. And that will still be the case.

I thought the new work system was going well?

It was and I'm not happy that I feel the way I do about it because it honestly made a ton of sense and worked in every way except one that is very important to me. But there's a part of me that knows deep down that this is the right move to make.

How will we know when the release will come out?

I would still talk about the update and progress in mind drops. And I'd give heads up to when it's close to dropping.

This post is so weird. It's so fucking hard to write. I feel nervous and my stomach is in knots. I ordered food and it's been here for 15 minutes and I haven't touched it yet because I'm just writing this.

I hate making changes... especially large ones like this. It feels like I'm going back on my word and I don't like it. But I know it's the best thing for the game. I know it's the best thing for me. I especially hate having to fuck with the tiers but it's what would have to happen.

Sometimes I hate that I care so much. It'd be easier if I was the kind of person that could be like "Yo, I'm changing this because it's better. lolokbye"
Instead I'm the kind to write up a thesis on my thoughts. 😁

But I'm not here to take your money, I'm here to give you a good game. And I think this is the best way to do so and that's all that should matter right? Everything else will work itself out and we'll figure it out.

Once again none of this is concrete. I'm definitely leaning towards this change but I'm not all the way there yet.
Nonetheless you can still expect that 400 render release on / near the 13th. (I say near just because the move is taking a bit longer than I thought it would, but it'll be close to that date)
The 300 render one planned for after that is in limbo with this change though.

Also just to quickly clarify. A lot of people always express concern for me whenever I express myself and my own concerns this way. I'm fine, I'm happy and life is going the best it ever has. I just really care about being honest with you guys. You guys mean the world to me and I don't take changes like this lightly. I know in the grand scheme it's not a big deal, it's the way most games are developed for good reason. But it never feels good to change and shift expectations.
I know the majority of you will be fine with this but I also know it's a big change that is coming soon after another big change. But I also feel those changes were always leading to this point. I also talked about how we'd try a few different things.
I considered going to monthly's but it'd just be the same issue over a longer period of time.

Maybe I should've structured this out more. I feel like I have a lot left to say. Maybe I'll elaborate further later on.

I know if I go this route I'll need to have more concrete plans for it. I'll probably pause for March as well just in anticipation for changes.

On a complete side note just because I was thinking about old me from the comments above but I feel like a different person than when I first started WVM. I was broke af, living in a broken home, not much going on.

Now I make more than I ever could have dreamed even with the pauses. Living in a home I never dreamed of living in, I have a beautiful healthy family and if things work out the way they should then I just might be a father soon. Life moves fucking fast.
And I'd never be where I am now without you guys. I'll never let you forget it. 😁

I know some people are going to be really bummed out by this and that sucks. But the more I think and write down the more clear it becomes that it's where WVM needs to go.

I'm going to call it here. I don't need to information overload you guys. There'll probably be another post about this topic this week.

As always thank you all so much for the support.
Love you guys <3

(Would poll about the changes but with the post being public it feels a bit odd. Plus a different lighter topic is always welcomed.)

POLL: In your main playthrough, are you pursuing a relationship with Zoe? 


Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

Personally, I'm fine with the changes. I always like things to be ready to released instead of handcuffed.


I love that you are so honest and open with your patrons. Also the informations you share. For me your changes are fine. Other creators would not even ask us 😅


It sounds like you are second guessing yourself. What counts most is consistency. Plan your work and work your plan. Your plan is to release #X, but you think you can or should do #Y. Do #X and bank the rest of #Y. After how 2020 turned out all around, you know something is going to throw a wrench in the works in the months ahead. If you have work banked, you can keep to your scheduled plan and not kill yourself with anxiety over falling behind. Besides, no one ever complained about getting a bonus when you get far enough ahead to do a surprise release. Be consistent. Stick to your plan. Thumbs Up!


i love it so far and about relases and workpase i think you should go with whatever waorks best for you so you can make clthe best content thst you are satisfied with, also have question one will you add the option to eventually let us return thenfsvour to sexy shauna? and also an idea reward pictures of the charters like how about pinup like picture of shauna in full goth getup? &lt;3


Out of all the visual novels I play, WVM is certainly the most “feel good”. You can really feel the love from all the girls in the story and it feels good to make them happy. So for me it’s worth the wait to get a bigger more satisfying update whenever you’re ready to release it. Keep up the good work, can’t wait to see what’s next.


Braindrop do things how you see fit. I will always be behind you 100%. Your work is amazing.


Hell I pursue everyone who's available in the game lol. As for releases. I'd say it's what ever keeps you fulfilled with what you do. I don't want to see you get burned out from either overload or "underload". What ever makes you happy. And you already do more than many others, with these weekly writings. I surely appreciate them.


You do what is best for you and makes you the happiest with what you put out. Regarding giving your Patreon member tiers a benefit for supporting you.... maybe something like how Killer7 handles his Beta Releases for tiers could find you a happy medium. Release “chunks” as betas when you are happy with the size/content - not on a schedule. That would give the tiers an added benefit and give us a chance to give you the instant feedback you liked from the weekly releases and give us a chance to help with any bugs before a “formal release”. Then you can release the “formal releases” when you are ready and happy with them, if it is 600 renders or 1,200 renders... the # of renders should not be a handcuff on your flow or happiness with the end results. Just a thought....

Wayne Maurice White Jr

Of course Zoe is one of my Queens 👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻


your project, your choice. I enjoy the shit out of it so if you wanna change things up for better quality and improve your own experience as well i say go for it.


Do what you feel is right I love the game


You do you BD I'm good with whatever you decide to do. My pledge stopped being about "getting something" from you a long time ago anyway. I throw you a few bucks every month (when yer willing to take them that is LOL) because you've never bullshitted us when it came to stuff like this. WVM and the community it spawned has given me a place to belong and you personally have been a friend to me when I really needed one on more than one occasion. For that alone I'll stick by ya till I'm either broke or dead :P

Richard salas

Honestly I forgot most of what you put and I don’t mean that in a mean way I formation does stay long in my head but I do remember I believe was the release for the update do what you feel is right but personally I prefer the weekly releases I believe it is.I look forward to them every week or so.But if it changes I would completely understand.I mean sure I feel unsatisfied with the small content but at the same time I feel satisfied if that makes any sense because the quality in terms of story events women that in these update the moments that the Mc shares with all the women of the game make unsatisfied self a satisfied person.But point is these game is amazing keep up the great work.


Oh surprise, Kimmy crying 🤪


This is touching I am glad you as a creator keep us the contributors informed. there are so many creators who don't care as much as you have. Thank You for keeping us in your thoughts shows true character. Keep your head up we will be here for you.

Richard salas

My favorite by the way is Jamie I believe that’s her default name I choose that name but like not because she’s the Mc’s girlfriend it’s because she’s so loving all the characters are loving but I think she put in the extra work in my opinion.


I was just about to say the same thing, except I'd go ahead and schedule those chunks/betas, so it feels like you are meeting goals. Then make the "formal release" public. I know I should learn to wait more, but I download and burn through every release, and larger formal releases lets you find better story breaks. Of course, most of us will support whatever you decide.


Do what you need to do for you! I'm too invested in this game now. I gotta know what happens!!


I think the early-access for various tiers is something that's a bit pointless anyway? The releases are fairly openly available, so I suspect those of us at higher tiers are there primarily because they want to support your project, not because they get sneak peeks.


First time commenting in your posts. WVM was love at first sight, pledged before I finished the first day. Now, release schedules is a topic I feel familiar with from having been a long time pledger for a little known game called Star Citizen. Which went the other way around: started with "when enough features are ready" and went to quarterly releases and then to staggered development. But what I remember not liking about feature/content driven releases, is how they increased up to over a year between releases. This does have its reasons, and certainly WVM doesn't have the same scope of Star Citizen. Now, I don't work in project management, so can't comment on the practicality of release methodologies compared to project sizes, team sizes etc. so this might be a bs advice: How about also setting a maximum deadline between releases? Being a workaholic myself, I can the dangers of content creep lurking behind corners...just because, yknow, you just want to release this *grand* story arc in one complete chunk...:P


In my opinion the best sized updates would contain the entire day because it would start and end directly leading on from/into the last update every time and there wouldn't need to be any pauses for (as you said) render caps, also you wouldn't have to make it a specific render amount and could save/add scenes as you pleased. In general though insane work and you're seriously good at what you're doing!


In my opinion if you're second guessing yourself while working it sounds like you just need some beta testers for them. Get some reliable folks to go through the new updates and give you feedback before you release them. Just my thoughts on how to help. P.S. Amazing game and grats on the move bro


As KryptAngel said you do you BD, whatever feels and works best for you is what you should go for. Personally I'll still be here regardless of what you choose 😁👍


You are making enough coin to hire some help. Like a UNCC student part-time


@braindrop You do what you need to do, I am having to make choices right now and I do not like them either but I will always follow you no matter what choices I have to make, I think you've got a great story and I want you to be happy but realize that we don't all need to be happy for you to be happy, do your best and if it falls short buck up and keep trying. I am always here willing to lend an ear if I can help :) you have the best time and I'm looking forward to the release!!!!


I thought that was your mom. Kimmy cried in the last release. She's out of tears by now.


Do what you need to - this is one of my absolute favourites, so I'll always support.


You know, I have very mixed feelings about this one. While I do love your work and work ethic, I've been around Patreon for quite a few years. Every single time I saw a move like this one, productivity felt as time went by. It's quite easy to understand when you think about it. Life has a funny way of throwing new priorities at us every time, and if a game has no release date set in stone, it's just natural for any of us to post-pone it so we can deal with this new priority, whatever may it be. One of the big reasons I was in love with WVM was, besides its obvious great story and art, how amazingly productive its creator is. In the early days, when I first pledged, the sheer number of QUALITY renders you output per week was out of this world. Pledging was a no-brainer for me. Unfortunately, I could easily come up with a dozen well succeed games list where this move was made and, months after that, productivity per week went really south. I won't name any one of those here, to avoid bashing on other creators (especially because some of those have great, great devs that still I pledge for up to this day), but I've yet to see someone move to an "its ready when it's ready" eta and actually manage to maintain their productivity. If you do make this change, I'm really hoping you will be the first to actually manage to maintain or improve productivity. I would just LOVE to be proven wrong on this topic. Cheers, and keep up the great work.


I've said this from the start work at your own pace and what is comfortable with you we all love what your doing with this game and I for one will keep on going with it to the end like most will as we all see the great work your putting into this so I'm happy what ever way you seam fit to go with the updates as the game will always benefit in the good if your happy working on it the best way you can


I think the majority of people who back people on Patreon are supporting the creator/dev/artist/etc. I'm the same, you release on a schedule that works for you. The other stuff are just welcome bonuses. 🙂

Echo CT-1409

I'm happy to wait longer for updates. As long as the length and quality of the updates justifies the change in schedule.


To be honest i prefer the larger updates with 500-600 renders, where you can play atleast for an hour or so and get back stuck in the story. Then having all these mini updates and 5 min of play time. Like said before, rather a full days story, then cut into little pieces. If the update is only once a month or some what more, then so be it. In the end just do what feels right to you.


I also much prefer larger updates. Im at the point where I wait to play any in progress game until I feel like there is at least an hour of new playtime, instead of smaller chunks, just so you really get back into it, and the characters, before you run out of new stuff.

Aaron Bishop

Well if you ask me I agree with you and a lot of people about this I mean this is my all time favorite game I love what you do so please take all the time you need and keep up the good work amazing game.


United States I would not mined if you went to one update a month if it gives you piece of mind this way you should be able to get through what you need to do with the updates and not be pressured or in a rush just as long as you get the quality you are longing for just my opinion


Like most people I prefer larger updates and currently wait until a full day is completed before I download. I want to see a story move forward and with short updates that may be 30 minutes isn't worth it. I can think of one person in particular that has a release maybe every 4 months or so, but is it of significant substance. I get really excited to play it because the play through is hours long with multiple paths. As people also have already mentioned, the quality and length need to justify the means.


personally i think its up to the developer himself if he feels that this is better then he should pursue it ... But it will suck that we will have to wait even longer then two weeks every time... But if the render count will come up to the same amount as the wait time useally like for example we were at around 400 renders a month recenly so if that stays a thing im not that against it

Kitty Black

Personally I like monthly updates, that's speaking broadly considering all the games I support on patreon. I like to have at least a couple significant events in each update. Granted most games I play don't have such an extensive cast of well defined characters. So your expectation on delivery may be higher given multitude of characters you have to complete a meaningful arc. But In saying this there is nothing to stop me popping in once a month to collect updates. There is no harm in you uploading weekly or bi weekly it needn't effect the players. Players should be grateful for once that they have a developer who issue isn't a shortage of updates which is most often the case. In consideration of what you should do regarding your issues, I will tell you what I tell every good developer. Suite yourself! You are an artist and this is a talent industry. Making sure your in good spirits is the most important metric to producing an outstanding game. So please what ever you decide consider this first. Many thanks - Kit


I agree you should work how it feels best for you. But here are my thoughts. I like larger updates as well. Right now I'm on the tier that gets the updates at the end of the month. If you were to do 1 update a month you could work on like a full day worth of events and still work on your backlog of renders. So not to "cheat" the upper tiers out of getting there up dates first you could do something as follows: Take March for example. you work for the whole month and are ready to release, so the last week of the month has the 28th-31st on Sun thru Wed. You release for the upper tiers on like Sun.(28th) or Mon.(29th) that week then on friday (4/2) or Sat.(4/3) that week you release it for everyone else. So you would still get a large update and the upper tiers still have the update prior to the lower tiers and your still releasing by the end of the month, and you have a whole month to work on the next update and backlog. Like I said just a thought.


I don't mind monthly updates or when it's done. You can effectively as you suggested redo your tier that some high tiers has it from 4 to a week before the others for example. Then depending, the big tiers, 50 or so can have a custom render (you'll probably need to reduce the number of places of that tier just not to overload you). You might ask patrons what they want, might help you organize the tiers.


honestly i don't care how you do it or the way you do it, what i care about is that you keep making a great game


First let me say you have created an amazing game. My wife and I love it. With that being said, I feel you need to do whatever helps you to continue putting out a quality product. We're flexible so we will roll with whatever you decide. Keep up the good work!

Joshua Entrekin

I say take your time. I play several VN's and their updates take alot longer butbits worth it. You put the story out when you think its ready. We will be here waiting. 😀


The render cap you placed on yourself should be a minimum per update also going to one big release a month or so would make more sense


Looks like there are a whole lot of ideas already floating around here! Its awesome to see the community around this game and how many people are on the same page with wanting you to be happy! I think one thing that might help people understand this change or the perception of it, would be to confirm if you have some level of a story board/plan for WVM as a whole. Personally, I think this is something you've hinted at in past posts. Even if its not fully fleshed out, a story board can lend credit to your overall plan and possibly help with identifying release windows. At this point you've got a good amount of experience built up and could gauge the time required. Helping to find a good work and release balance by simply looking over your plan and gauging how long a day might be, renders and/or your time. Matthew Zeigler, had a great idea with possibly incorporating beta into your higher tier(s). That would create some incentive for those tiers and give you some help with any testing you might need. However, I read some other's concerns, without a set date/deadline there might not be consistent/timely feedback. Especially if there's only a few days to a week gap between tiers. This might just be another case of trying it but leaving it open to change. (Basically don't promise it in the tier yet and test it out to see what you like/dislike.) Finally, one thing you might consider doing is to work through the game to specific point and then go back to modify anything you aren't 100% happy with. I've seen a couple developers who release the game in its original entirety and then will do a follow up with extras/re-renders/new features etc. This could also be done as its own large update. Say you have a handful of fixes, re-renders and features you want to drop. Drop a community poll and give the option to hold off on story for a release window and get those out. New content is always great but I get the feeling WVM will be a long game and having reasons to start over as a player can be exciting too. Its easy to forget over the months/years how awesome some of the earlier scenes might have been!


If you look at the other big developers ie: DrPinkCake, Phillygames they have a set story for each of their releases. This allows them to develop the release to a certain goal with a good transition point for the story. They release them when the story is ready and at staggered tier release. This allows them to give the players a release that they can play and does not feel short.


Also while I can't speak for the other players, but I don't mind updates that take a few months to develop. Only thing I ask is that the dev lets us now how he's doing. It can really annoying when devs go weeks, or sometimes month without saying anything.


Pursuing a relationship with all the girls at the same time

Dreamlab Studio

As for me, I tend to wait for a number of updates to come out to play a Game or VN again so I can get a larger amount of new content to play through. I don't have any interest in downloading and playing smaller frequent updates to a story but that gives me the choice of waiting till multiple updates are out before playing again. I'd be fine with you changing your updates to a "Update when it's ready" timeline. As long as you aren't going 5 months between updates I think it's fine. As a patron of your creation my "biggest worry" (if it's worth calling it a worry) isn't that you won't put out enough content. I already see how much you create and I don't know how you are able to do so much in such a little time. :D My worry is that you would push yourself too hard and get burned out and just stop. Or that you end up hating the work so much you lose interest in the story and the quality goes way down. Finally, I think it's great to have concern about what your patrons think on the subject but don't forget you can't please everybody. It must be very tough getting so many suggestions from patrons that are opposites from one another. "Put out more frequent content!" vs "I prefer larger updates every other month." :D I think it's great to listen to advice but then go with what you think is best for you and your project. Congrats on your move! Make sure to spend time enjoying the company of your family and girlfriend Oh, and stop pausing payments dammit! LOL


my full-time job is software developemnt. I totally understand that it's difficult to estimate how long work takes to complete. I am 100% fine that you switch to no deadlines and just release when something is completed or when you feel like it. Even more than that, I wish it for you and hope you get to do that! as long as you keep regular updates on how it's going, all is fine :)


If you give us a updated every week about your progress then I would happily wait.


Just release it when it's done, it's better for thhe development and the game and for our experience as players, as long as there is communication, wich you do a great job with, I see no issues whatsoever :)

Wild Bill

My suggestion would be not to get rid of the render targets for each update, but if your buffer keeps growing, consider expanding the targets to match, so going to 250 instead of 200. Going back to completely bufferless and just releasing everything you've made seems like a bad idea.


I'd say split the difference and go 1 a month, but that's just the selfish fan in me not wanting to wait longer, but truthfully I just want you to be happy, because that meant you are putting out the best product! :)


Personally, one large update monthly is ideal. Just my opinion...


I agree with most people in that you should do what you want to, you will have the support of the majority of us with what you do. (Try to ignore the haters) I can say that I trust you and your work ethic enough to know that you will do your utmost best for this game, but at the same time, I want you to know that it's okay to take breaks from time to time to settle life things, or just recharge in general. The most important thing to me as a supporter is the communication, and you're doing that side of things perfectly! Please know what you're doing is awesome and you'll at least have my support for what you think is best for this game.

justin van mierlo

I know it isn`t a concrete answer. But i will wait as long as need be. because the story and renders are just great. i would have no problems with waiting 2 months for a big release. and you still have a buffer for when life happens. maybe, just maybe you could look into expanding the team? a lot of games i support have a whole team behind it ( most of them aren`t as fast as you) and there are updates which end in a naturual break point in the story. so maybe work till you come across a point in the story where you can say, hey this should be a nice ending or a little tease for what happens in the next update. stay healty and good hopes for the family my man.


I feel my money is to support the creator, not how many updates or extras (those are like dessert to me). You put out a quality game, and that is important to me. If waiting a little longer then that is fine with me. I support what you think is best for you and your creativity. I like how you keep us informed and interact with us. Some creators seem to be swallowed by a black hole, and you are not sure if they are still there making their game or abandoned the whole thing. As long as you interact with us I don't mind when an update comes out... Because I know you did not abandon the project.


I agree with Wild Bill. Keep up your schedule for just a bit longer, keep building up buffer, and then you can consider to gradually increase your render cap per update, until you strike the perfect balance between amount of content that you are happy AND able to release monthly or bi-weekly, while still maintaining a bit of buffer. Don't go all-in and release everything at once, which puts you at risk of unforseen circumstances like irl stuff happening or you deciding to redo something you aren't quite happy with.


You do what's best in your opinion for the way you give releases. But flexing that you're friends with a lot of small women is a big no go. ( insert leaving pepe emote here )

Dipper Pines

Like most people on here I think you should do whatever works best for you as a creative person. I mean, without you there is no game at all. I don't really have any advice for you about how to change things to fit a new release format in regards to the different tiers. I would like to add that as a lower tier I expect to not get so much as the higher tiers, but I would be bothered by being excluded from polls that affect in game things, i.e. Rachael's clients. I could understand if my vote maybe counted less, or something like that. I would be fine with missing out on extras like monthly renders or polls for extras as a lower tier.


I feel the same way as Solstorm. I don't mind waiting a bit longer for updates to be released. IT is also not important for me to habe a (more or less) shedule for when a release will drop. Even if you would not haved paused the charges I would Not be upset or anything because I want to support you creating this wonderfull game no matter what. I think you should also be satisfied with both your workflow and the releases and not just put something together to fit a shedule unless you are also happy with the results... And since you allways keep us informed about the progress and some things in your personal life (I'm glad that it is as goid as it is by the way ;-) ) I know that you still give it your all.

Red Claw

I support this Game, because of the quality of the game and not any upload cycle. I tend to not care about uploads until there's a full day to play through. Weekly reports are important, if there's only a upload once a day is finished. But otherwise I'm fine with it however long it takes as far as the reasoning is ... welll ... reasonable.


Honestly I think that monthly updates is a good way to do it as that keeps people coming back. I've had other devs with "when they ready" stuff and it kinda feels rough sometimes as you know that there is so much to play but you don't really get the opportunity to do so until the 3k+ render drop that happens. I think that this may even work better as the days get shorter as you mentioned would happen further into the story, as that way you don't have super short "day" releases and instead people get the content for "that month" if you know what I mean


I enjoy your Patreon update messages/polls/reveals but I want immersion so I hold off on playing new content until there is at least another day or two... so I have not played any new content since Dec (I think). It would be nice for there to be an easy metric to view showing where we are in WVM days (like a pinned post at the top of your membership page showing day 9.3 and when we flip to day 10.0, the metric updates and I know I have another full days content and enough for me to get re-immersed in WVM so I will do the download and play. Just my two cents!

Florida Man

I'm cool with whatever you decide. I love the game and will continue to play regardless. My answer would be do whats best for you and relieves the most stress for you.


Hey Brain, do not worry so much about us. You are producing some great content and we are all (at least most of us) very happy with the end result. However for your own sake, I think it is important that you work out how you want to structure your work and what is essentially your own company (In my opinion you can think of yourself as a game development studio by now). Work satisfaction means a lot for anyone's mental health. To feel appreciated and to feel like you have done a good job also help verify our position in group dynamics (even if it is you and your fans). So if you can find a system which allows you better work satisfaction that is great. When working with other people with performance anxiety, high personal demands etc I usually advice them to set a starting goal (eg. Today i will start to create X number of renders, this week I will start to create X number of renders, this month I will start to create X number of renders). Since the goal is I shall start to... it is by nature easy to achieve. But here's the thing if I achieve the X-number I can then tell myself that not only did I start to... I also managed to finish. And if by chance I got into a flow or I felt like I had time over so I over achieved and did even more one week, then I can congratulate myself yet again and tell myself that "Wow!! and on top of starting and finishing with the X-number of renders I then also did Y extra renders - I am super good!!!!" That way you get lots of positive re-enforcement in your achievements and you can still deliver what you promised. What I would say though is that you should also set another goal not only on production but on your free-time (quality time alone, with your family and your friends). Set a complementary goal to start using X number of hours every day as free time (not for work). Start using will allow you to realize this goal as well and achieve it. That way you have balance between work and spare time. What to do with your extra renders (the Y-number of renders) Well just give us a surprise update once in a while and keep your normal update schedule for your main goal. See extra satisfaction again since we all (yes I think all of us) will be very happy when there's suddenly a surprise update because you have created an extra day while we were not looking.


Read a few of the posts and I gotta agree. I think setting things up that YOU feel is right for YOUR game and your mental attitude and state is very important. If you feel like you need to make the updates bigger to satisfy your work mentality then by all means, just don't let it overlap into your personal time or family time or whatever other "time" you have. I also agree with a few of the other people in that I save a couple updates before I start playing again just so I can just sit back and re-immerse myself in the story of WVM because that's honestly one of my favorite parts about the game. The sexy times are nice and all, but I really love the story you're writing and look forward to it so much. Being a writer myself I always enjoy good stories and learning how I can improve my own writing by reading stories other people create/write about. Supporting you as a person, a game developer, and writer is why I'm a patron of yours, not because of your release schedule. I enjoy the game and the updates you provide of your own life, it's not something you see a lot of creators do and it's actually really freaking cool of you to do. We got your back dude, adjust things within reason and keep up the flow.

Knoddy Toddas

Agree with a lot that has been said here, and I'd like to emphasize the fact that you need keep building the game in a way that it doesn't become a chore. I realise you make a lot of money from the game each month and that it is your living but if you start to feel that it's a drag then I can guarantee you that it will suffer. Basic human psychology, we tend to be a bit self-destructive on and off and if we find something that is more fun to do then... well it happens. If you want to finish the game, in some way, could be 6 months from now or 2 years from now idk, then you need to keep continously (though obviously not change every other week) adjusting the way you work so that it keeps being fun and probably also a little bit of a challenge. Don't let it get monotonous. Just my two cents.


You got several good responses, especially the one from JW Hodges. No one can know what you are capable of but you. I can tell you this from being a freelance writer for over five years ... do things at a pace that you can handle that is sustainable. If you try to blow it out by doing a tonne, you may get a lot of content out, but then you also may burn yourself out. It's generally best to do the best you can on a sustainable level rather than do huge bursts that will cause you to burn out, and not be able to do anything (or to be extremely limited).


Personally, I'd support a once a month release with the caveat that life happens and sometimes a particular month might not have any release at all. You're great with keeping us up to date as far as your progress and I think that counts for a lot more than consistent releases. You've always kept your patrons in the loop to an extent that many wouldn't even deem necessary (updates on IRL events etc) and pausing pledges when you know you're not going to be able to meet a deadline. The most important thing is always going to be quality over quantity.


TL;DR: IMHO - Quality &gt; quantity. Once a month releases at the most frequent. Push deadlines when necessary. Keep patrons in the loop.