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After last week's book I'll go lighter this week. There's really only one thing to talk a lot about.
(Also, first teased render from reworked day 1)

Game related stuff:

- No update this month (More on this below)
I will be living up to my promise and pausing pledges. Next update will be on March 13th and the second update will be on March 27th.
(First update will be 400 renders + the reworked scenes, the second will be 260-300 renders)

- Character sheet out later today or possibly tomorrow.

Dev related stuff:

- Going to be setting in stone some playtesters so the save issues that have happened recently won't happen again.

- Client polls will resume on March 1st.

Personal related stuff:

- After trying for many months I've finally found a nice place to rent... and I'm moving in the next few days. It sucks how quick the turnaround is with it but...
Overall it's still awesome, it took a long time to convince my grandpa to move but he finally agreed and it took an even longer time to find a decent place that would let us rent.
I'm super excited to live somewhere where my power won't go out every day and all of the other issues I've complained about. It'll also be my first time living somewhere with an upper stairs 😁
If you've followed me for a bit then you'll know that my living situation was way less than ideal due to me taking care of my grandpa and living in his house. So I'm super excited for the new place.

The reasons why there won't be an update this month and plans for the next few weeks:

-The first and most obvious being that I'm moving. The hope was to get all the updated scenes render work done before today so I could finish everything else on a laptop or w/e... but I sadly wasn't able to do so.

-Secondly,  there's a lot of things that have needed touched up for a long time. Like organizing my variables, alphabetizing my character names and giving them colors, and things like that.
Non-script wise I have a lot of organization I'd like to get done with my files. I have to manage between 3/4 different computers at a time and things get wacky and out of order quick. Especially when changes happen. How I want things to be is very different than how it is now and will probably take me around 5 days to accomplish. Mainly due to Daz loading times 😁
And what better time to organize than after a move?

-Thirdly I decided to go back and make changes to the most recent lewd scene. (There's gonna be spoilers to the changes so if you haven't played the recent updates then skip to the next bold text)

I know there hasn't been much lewd content these past few updates, which I have no problem with. This part of the story is what it is and that's the way it is. And knowing what's coming up I really don't feel bad about it. 😉
But, with there being less lewd it was a bit dickish to end the scene with Bailey the way I did.
While the scene will still be interrupted by Damien... it'll be extended. There'll also be a choice to if you want Jamie+Shauna to join in or not.

No more spoils
That's the main reasons, there are a few others but they're not really worth mentioning. Just a bunch of small things that I need to handle.

Apologies for the abruptness of this but the application to renting process all happened in just a few days and I've been wanting to move for years.
So overall this is a pause and delay to better my living situation and my work situation with the organization... because holy moly I've wasted a ton of time working between jumbled files. 😁

Another positive is that this gives me the perfect chance to fix my release schedule and get on track to the ideal I've mentioned in the past.

That's all I have to share for now, well not really. There's things I want to mention like a march madness bracket a friend of mine is running for the girls of WVM. But I want to keep this post relatively simple. I'll go into these sorts of things next week. 

I have to go finish packing my stuff 😁
Thank you guys for understanding. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask!
Love you guys and see ya soon <3

POLL: Let's set a scenario. You and Skye are picking teams for a full court game. Skye goes first and selects Ayden with his first pick. Who would your first pick then be?



Congrats on finding a great place! I hope you will be able to move without any issues. Looking forward to the update!

Dipper Pines

Good luck with the move. Can't wait for the next release, absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Congrats on the new place... Hope everything is good with you and yours... Love the game can't wait to see what happens next! ☺


hope the move goes well loving the game cant wait for more


Great news on the new place, congrats. Be forgiving with yourself, moving house is always chaotic and stressful, so don’t put any more pressure on yourself.


Not really surprised to halt the update. Was suggesting a shorter update last week already. GL with your moving! Do you have an idea already on what days for each tier the update will come out?


Good luck with the move mate.


So happy to hear you finally found a new place to live. Good luck with the move I know how stressful those can be. Real life is always more important. We can survive a little longer without an update, no rioting is planned so no worries.


Hey man, despite what some jerks think LIFE should always come first, though I'd still pay you for next month if you'd let me, even if it is only 1$.

Crab Shack

Pick Marcus, just to really rub in the victory


Why leave Harp off the list?


Hope all goes well and have fun with it. Take of yourself and your grandfather.



Phillip Gosson

Don't feel so bad man look at it like this February is like the runt of the litter it only has 28 days sometimes 29 (growth spurt) it doesn't give a lot of time to do things you need to get done. (at least that's what i say when my wife tells to shovel snow).


Happy for you mate that you have found your own four walls for your fiancée your grandpa and you. I'm sure the next update will still be good as always. Don't forget to get enough moving boxes like I did when I moved a month ago xD Take care of yourselves. 😄


March 13th - tier 4 (1st update) March 19th - tier 3-4 (1st update) March 27th - tier 2-4 (2nd update) March 30th - tier 1-4 (2nd update)

Ranger Cealers

Hope you find a place you like that is within your budget. And take your time with the update unlike another erotic developer i know that stopped communication and ran you let us the fans know what is going on, even though you don't have to inform us of everything. Keep up the good work and stay safe


It says when right at the top of the post above...

Red Claw

Why is Ayden not a choice?