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Hey guys 😊

I no longer plan on doing full on teaser posts but I do want to stick to weekly posts where I just wrap up how the week is going. (Though they may sometimes include multiple teaser renders, this week has none as this is the first render from the Jasmine set)
It feels like I was only posting things in regards to delays and I miss having these more calm and clear posts.

So this is just a quick post to keep you guys up to date on how things are going.
I've decided to refrain from saying exactly what my render count is at for my buffer that I'm building but I will say that things are all going very well.
I have my third PC up and rendering and things are going at full pace.

There will be an update near the end of this month and as with all updates moving forward it will be 200-ish renders long. It will be available to Tier 4 first and work its way down the tiers on a daily basis as it will be at the end of the month.
And moving forward into 2021 there will be 2 updates in January. One near the beginning and one closer to the end.

Jasmine's render set should be out this week but a day in the life of Harp&Nat will take some more time as I want to go ahead and go through with that idea I had about putting all of the "A day in the life" sets into their own mini-game.
And these sets should have more time allotted for making them after I'm through rendering Week 1's redone renders.

I believe that's all I have to share game-wise.
My life has been settling down after the whole engagement and it's been a rather uneventful week as I haven't left my house much besides running errands.😅
And that's not about to get better as Cyberpunk comes out at 7pm for me tomorrow and I'll be taking a few days to play it. (Call them half days, I'll still be working on the game just while also playing cyberpunk lol)

So yeah, I hope all of you guys are doing well and I'll have more to share soon.
<3 😊


Bil Trewill

Lol just don't push yourself to hard man plus I've got that game on order


All sounds good BD. Plus I bet a bunch of us will be taking some time for CP2077, so no rush 😁




Congrats on the Engagement and I'm glad life is picking up for you. Call your weekly posts "Braindrop Weekly" simple and works should you move onto another project in the distant? future. I'm going to be one of the few who wait for the initial and inevitable release bugs to be quashed before delving into that game! Looking forward to it though.

Bil Trewill

And have fun 🙃


I think the whole internet is going to be quiet for a couple of days while everyone plays Cyberpunk, enjoy yourself, I hope it lives up to the hype!


Waiting on that game myself. Hope it was worth the wait


Glad to hear that life is treating you better! I think Cyberpunk will have monster sales when it hits - and I'll be one of the happy many playing as well!

Joshua Entrekin

Im excited for Cyberpunk myself.

Carlos Muñoz

It is gratifying to read good news. And we are all looking forward to Cyberpunk. Enjoy it to the fullest.


Congrats with the engagement and doent get to involved with cyberpunk now

Wayne Maurice White Jr

Cyberpunk 36 mins left on my download can't wait and can't wait for your next update


Is week 1 still alive? I thought this was a dead topic. Given the fact that you decided to do day 8(or 9, if assume that day 8 MC almost completely overslept, if I understand the plot correctly) instead of finishing "week 1" and already adding day 8 to it(which would be more logical in my opinion), or even starting day 8 in a separate development with the transfer of saves(to reduce the weight of future releases). But, as they say, everyone has their own tactics, and they adhere to it. If week 1 is still alive, I will be happy to wait for it.:)


Need more Jasmine in my life. :)

philip ash

After spending a stupid amount on my girlfriends presents this year I don’t have any money left for cyberpunk

Alex Torma

I'll jumping into NightCity's dirt with you. :)) Good luck&amp;have fun.


Hype for cyberpunk just went over 9000 with that trailer drop also can't wait for harp and Nat but night city will keep me going for awee bit


Who isn't going to play Cyber punk when it first comes out?


um i think you are confused the end of day 7 was the end of week 1


Well that was a mistake...or maybe that's why I'm single? :)


Me. Not in my budget. I spent it all on a RTX 2070 Super. Needed the card to play the game. Should have waited, but then again I needed the card at the time.

Romen Martin

I'm just glad that there'll be more jasmine


Yes cyberpunk time


When is the next update (0.8.4) ?


thanks @LD.


You both didn't read this post you're commenting on, right? At 5 tiers and moving down one tier a day, that means Christmas will be when the next update is released and New year's eve is when everyone will have it.


I dont mind any kind of title, but how about the title being just keywords on whats in the post? Also what would you rate CP? /10 might try it out even though im still grinding AC Valhalla