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So after the last poll I want to talk about a few things before getting into this.

I know it sucks when your favored option isn't the one being voted on the most. That's just a nasty side to doing polls. But at the end of the day these polls are meant to be fun and get you guys involved in a character. And when comments are very negative about which one is winning it really sucks the fun out of it.
So I'm going to politely ask you to keep those comments to yourself or phrase them in a different way. As in.
"Awh! I really wish B was winning!" is okay
"Man, it really sucks F is winning. That's so boring." is not okay.

With that out of the way. Let's move on to options.
(With this character not being implemented for a little bit we can take our time with these polls and get pretty defined.)
Voluptuous won the last poll but we're going to set another body type on the base voluptuous. I tried not to veer too far away from the base.
(Don't mind breasts size or glutes size) Those will be done in the next polls.

Option A:
Voluptuous Athletic

Option B:
Voluptuous Base

Option C:
Voluptuous Heavy

Option D:
Voluptuous Thick

Option E:  
Voluptuous Toned



I think I'm going to need a side shot to compare... for science...


E definitely got my gears going 😘


Well said. Rude comments are never productive.


Dis gaem needs mo fat bitches ASAP! I wanna get crushed in the eyes of the MC. XD

Harrison S Burd

A and E are the top two for my choices, so I’m pretty happy rn


Pretty clear based on the last two polls that the community wants more fit girls in the mix. Hopefully we will get toned AND athletic characters in the future!


honestly think all of them are pretty freakin hot


gimme those abs!

Christophe Schannes

Ah, I apologize if I was one of the guys being a bit overly enthusiastic with my choice and critical of others ^^' was really not meant as hostility, I was just a bit annoyed at the disparity between what people commented and what was actually happening in the polls. I definitely don't have a big problem with 'voluptuous' either and even if I did, that wouldn't really matter xD I'm excited that E seems to be winning it though


I'm always voting for the ones with the less %, the war isn't finished


Who keeps deleting comments?


I do, please read the post before typing the exact thing I say will get deleted.