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Have a few examples and pick the body type you'd most like her to have.

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:
Bottom heavy

Option D:

Option E:

Option F:

Option G:
Top heavy

Option H:



A body builder from Australia would be fun this time around 😉


I voted C. Fat bottomed girls make world go round.


Why can't we choose a combination? I'd go with athletic+voluptuous if I could 😖


I've been playing some games lately with muscled girls in them. They've been driving me crazy in a very very good way. One more wouldn't hurt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


I went with bodybuilder for a few reasons. 1. It is different enough from the other women in the game to make it stand out. 2. It fits with the sports theme to have a fitness coach/ established athletes coming in contact with the MC. 3. Because hard bodies are kinda my thing.

Christophe Schannes

Yes, thought the same thing. Went for B, but wouldn't mind A either. The (rather boring) H seems to win it though.


If she is from Australia, she's more likely to be athletic because if she lives near the coast, she's likely to be a surfer; if she's from inland, she's likely to be a farmer or landworker, either way, she's going to be athletic.

Thomas J

A or H but wouldn't mind a plumper though D

Christophe Schannes

Going full-on vote manipulation now. First choice would be B but changed to A to maybe edge out H. Don't think it'll happen though. Third choice would be either D or G

Arminius Cato

I’m kind of sad to see H winning. It’s not that I don’t like that body style but there’s already several love interests in the game with that style. I’d personally have rather seen a more slender or athletic body style like Bailey’s win. That said I absolutely love this story so whatever you go with will still have my support!


look at it this way...the client after this one wont be able to have that option so maybe next girl will have athletic or so.


Exactly, though, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a petite asian girl as the next client. That's like my kryptonite. Athletic or muscle bound girl will be good too though.

Arminius Cato

@Look-see: You have a really good point there! @C. Richards: I agree wholeheartedly! I’ve always been a fan of petite girls!

Arminius Cato

And like I said... I love the story so I’ll be happy with almost anything.


Tall athletic Aussie is my kryptonite


Just out of curiosity, I wonder if we could also get a chance to vote on a style for one of these as well. Like goth, preppy, nerdy, country, casual, etc. I think that would be cool. Just a thought though. I apologize if this was brought up before.

Dipper Pines

I wanted to vote B, that's my jam right there, but went with A because I would rather A over H and they are actually close. It seems most of the comments on here right are favoring an A or B option.


Commenting again cause somehow my earlier one didn't post or was deleted, but I'm disappointed to see only 6% between D or F. There isn't one game on the market with a single bbw interest unless to make her a joke or dropped after 1-2 releases, and it really sucks. Thick thighs save lives.

Crab Shack

Carly is an actual love interest already in the game, and not merely a client. So you already have your wish


I just had to ask myself who Carly is again, and remembered she has yet to be introduced as an actual interest (no dialogue, no choice, still unsure if she'll just be treated as a joke). So no, I don't have my wish yet.


I dont know how big your thing really runs, but you might want to check CHAIXAS-GAMES. i dont personally play those games so im not sure if its all parody (i doubt it), but the women dont look to be small.

Crab Shack

Carly is not a joke, no. Brain has even included her in several of the weekend renders. She is one of the principle supporting cast members.


Man. I want B as well since I want to see some tone. Wish I could change to A since H looks like it will barely win. I bet a vote with only one toned choice would have won since that's 42% getting split.


Larger girls such as Carly, Moon, and the girl interviewed are not in the game to be "jokes". So far the only one used to deliver a "joke" is the girl interviewed and it wasn't there to be a one off, that was a character moment. She'll return and be built off of that.


I'm surprised G has so few votes. I would vote for G multiple times if I could.


Thank you for that, Tinmoosel. I have seen a few of their early titles but assumed they were abandoned from their small amount of updates and low ratings. Judging by comments tho, it was probably just the internet being the internet. And thank you for clearing that up, BD. I'm now looking even more forward to the later updates (unless i screwed myself not taking the social media boost earlier, hehe).