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(Sorry for the random post, I just wanted to talk about this.)

(I have no clue what all I'll be including in this, I'm sort of just going to start typing and see where it goes. This is something I've wanted to talk about for some time but never knew the best place to do it or the best way to do it. So fuck it, let's go.)

So WVM is 6.5 months old. First release was on Aug 23rd 2019. In that time I've released an update every single Thursday. (Besides this last one, it was the first one I've missed.)

WVM has been insanely successful, something I never imagined happening. I'd like to tell the story about how it all came to be.

The story starts when I was 18 (I'm 22 now). I was living in Pennsylvania with a few of my family members and was deciding about college. It was actually only a few days after my high school graduation when we got a call about my grandmother being sick. She and my grandpa lived in North Carolina, so we packed up a car and went down to be with them. 

I was pretty excited to see my grandpa. I hadn't seen him since I was a little kid and he was always a favorite of mine. A real kind man that would do anything for anybody that always wore a smile on his face. So I was pretty shocked the first time I saw him again, he was sitting by the hospital bed holding my grandmother's hand with his shoulders sunk and his head down.

It became clear really quickly that my grandma wasn't going to get better. My grandparents were the only ones in my family that lived in NC and there was no way my grandpa could take care of himself.

At first we tried to convince him to come with us, but it's not easy to tell a grieving man that's having to watch his wife of 58 years pass away slowly that he now has to leave his home as well. But something had to be done.

With me being at the point in my life that I was, I volunteered to stay with him. I didn't realize at the time that I would still be here now, but it's one of the things I'm proud of myself for doing.

That wasn't the end of the problems though. I had to get a job to help support us but that wasn't anything new. I grew up broke, there were days I didn't eat and days I would sleep in a car/van. Despite that fact I was super lucky to have the parents I had. We didn't have money but I knew they were trying their hardest. They weren't perfect and made a ton of mistakes in their pasts that made it hard for them to find and keep jobs. But I never doubted them, they were doing their best to provide for me.
I'd like to think that's where my work ethic comes from. But anyway, I applied for jobs right away. I got one very quickly as a janitor for a grocery store, within my first week I was moved to be a stocker. About a month later I was lead stocker. I did that for a while, but all of my good employees and friends were leaving because of the store manager. Not to mention my grandpa was getting worse and needed me to be around more.
This is also around the time I got into playing AVN's.

A friend of mine told me about a business he was starting. He offered me a part time position and I took it. I wasn't used to having that much free time. I used some of the funds I saved up to buy a PC. (fx8350, 8GB ram, 1060 6GB)
Due to me having more free time I was playing more VN's. I was having trouble finding one that was exactly what I wanted and thought about making my own.
That led me to search about how they were made. Which led me down many different roads until I found Daz3D. I remember downloading it and playing around with all of the free assets. I was having so much fun with it. I stayed up the entire night just tinkering with stuff and watching videos about it. It was honestly the most fun I had in years.
I ended up blowing my paycheck on some more assets. Those include Shauna and Azel.
Which was pretty stupid of me at the time since I was living paycheck to paycheck and didn't have the money to blow.

I started to form the characters, I already had the story in mind.
(And this was my first time expressing myself through an art form. I've never written anything before or done anything remotely close to art lol)
Every moment that wasn't spent at work or taking care of my grandpa was spent on making Day 1. I made a ton of mistakes but it was the best I could do at the time. My pc couldn't really render scenes with more than one character and struggled when I rendered with backgrounds. But I made it work.
I never thought about making money from it or even having a patreon at all. I was just making it to make it. I heavily debated ever sharing it.
When I was finished with it I made the patreon as a way to share it. I was racking my brain on what I could have as tier rewards and that's when I realized that I wanted to do this weekly. I mean I was going to do the work anyway, might as well share it.
I posted the game on reddit. Then it landed on other sites.

I honestly expected people to hate it, but the opposite happened. I got a few patrons and it blew my mind that someone would actually give me money to do this, and tbh it still does.
I started work on Day 2 and the patron numbers kept growing.
I grew more and more motivated and it still hasn't stopped to this day. I was able to upgrade my PC and now I have two of them. I was able to quit my job and focus all of my time on WVM.
I love my patrons and players, you've all improved my life in ways I'll never be able to properly thank you for. I try my best every day to grow as a developer and as a person. I want to make everyone proud. That's why I took last week so roughly.

I often think back to that time in my life that I was sleeping in the floorboard of an old van with an empty stomach. It motivates me to work as hard as I do. It reminds me of where I came from and the values I have.
I also think about that awful phone call we got about my grandmother 4 years ago. That phone call led to all of this. I know I'm not doing what she would want me to be doing but I hope she would be proud of me. I'm taking care of her husband the best I can and he's been talking about wanting to see her soon. It's really hard some days, it's not easy seeing someone you love deteriorate. I've been through a lot in these past years and I'm super lucky to have the understanding and supportive community that I have now. I owe you guys everything.

I'm sorry for the book, I just wanted to talk about this. I left a lot out due to personal information and all that. But yeah, that's the story of how I got into a place where WVM became possible. I may elaborate on some of these things in the future but for now this is where I'll end it. I love you guys. Teasers and second set of renders coming tomorrow. <3 






Crab Shack

It's a nice story! (of course, it still doesn't tell use what WVM means...)




Thanks for sharing 🙂👍


Quack! &lt;3


You worked hard from Day 1 and continue to do so. You make us proud to be your patrons. As for Grandpa..I know what that's like with my mother-in-law....I'm sure he appreciates you and I'm sure as hell know your Grandma is proud of you for being there for her husband. As the wise and ever smart Dory said "Just keep swimming!".


Work hard at your passion and let your art imitate life. That's just part of the recipe for success and you're making a damn good meal!


We love the work you do.


I have said it more than once you are one of the best devs I have ever supported and I want to thank you for all your hard work and the hours of enjoyment this game has given me there has been many a day that sitting down and playing your creation has been the highlight of my day so thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us

Jill Valentine

Thanks for sharing your story BrainDrop ❤

Gray Metal Fox

You should release bi-weekly and take a little time to make your grand father happy. I've been through a lot and I'm much older than you. But take this when my grandmother passed, my gramps went two years after her. He missed her and the whole family knew she was the best thing in his life. I hope that you have him for a long time but that internal grieving will take him sooner. So go put a smile on his face. Take him to a game or something, a good distraction will help some. Take care of yourself too, you need a life as well. So work hard but remember to breathe in between. Thanks for sharing, you should be commended for what you did for him! I can only hope someone will do the same when I'm up in age. Take care and God Bless you.


You had it rough in life, I'll give you that, you sure turned your life around quickly, you're also a great story teller, you've just explained your life so easily, you'll go far in life, don't you worry, I'll support you until the end and am also very proud of you for taking care of your grandpa, you're special, and it feels nice to have you on my side ;)


I have seen a lot of people that don't have 1% of your hard work, man, i realy hope that your life be better more and more, you are a nice dev, that put a lot of hard work in your game, there is a lot of people there that only come with excuses about everyting, i hope that your life become better and better.

Morgan Standley

I knew when I placed my bets on you, it was money well spent and you continue to prove me right.. keep it up!



Rob The Weed Enthusiast

God bless bro u deserve every penny u get I've been a supporter of since day 1 and will remain and I appreciate the game your making it's a feel good game and it makes me forget all the bad shit that I've been through so I thank u for what u are doing hope u continue to do it and I'll continue to support you and u are very brave for offering to stay with your grandpa

James Kemp

I come in the door late about 4 months ago according to Patron but every update, every post your love of your game. your honesty and concern we would somehow think less of you that your human and make mistakes ;) Hah made 3 before lunch don't worry were fallible! Just knowing you this short amount of time your openness and honesty shines through as well as your talent. So thank you for this wonderful game and I can't wait to see where your devious mind takes us next. But as long as we can have a bit of sexy time with Harper &amp; Azel eventually, I will be a very happy dirty old man... 😘 Just remember no shaking that water block! 😎👍😂

Patrick Evans

I am just glad we can help relieve a bit of what you are going through and admire your will and resolve.




&lt;3 but still want to know what WVM stands 4


Braindrop you just had to make us cry.... :cry::cry::cry: Still a beautiful story. you deserve where you are right now


Respect. You really are telling an engaging story with WVM. I always look forward to the new updates. That MC is one of the most fortunate people on the planet.

Markus Hlastec

Well i am quite happy that this story turned out to be so great for you.


Thank you for sharing that personal story, it is quite moving. It confirms the feeling i've gotten about you; that you have good morals, a kind and caring heart, and solid work ethics. Keep following your vision! I think you have a bright future ahead of you. Always pursue your dreams and what you love doing.




Thank you for telling your story. I wish you good luck with game and your personal life! Be strong....


I know how it fells to lose Grandparents as I have lost all of mine and I think that your Grandma would be proud of what ever you do and you are doing a wonderful job so keep it up and you have all of our support..... :)


Dude, so much love. You showed such huge courage and strength for doing what you did without anything to fall back on. My grandpa is slowly starting to deteriorate with dimentia and it's paining my mom and I to watch it happen so I know how you're feeling. Stay strong. Knowing some of how the story came to be and your work ethic reaffirms that you won't lose this patron's support. You're amazing.


Braindrop I love your game and really appreciate your commitment your game brightens up my month and I really hope it's a long VN because I love every minute I play I wish I could donate more but I cant, but thank you for the game and I hope it's a real real real long one I could play this MC for years.


Braindrop: Your story is really inspiring. I applaud you for stepping up to help your grandpa. You've really made his life better over the last few years. That really shows a lot of class. WVM is really in a category by itself regarding the story, the interesting characters, the fans :). You are doing an awesome job and bringing a lot of enjoyment to many, many people with your work. I am glad that it has become lucrative for you, you really deserve it. I know it's not possible for everyone, or even most developers due to other responsibilities, but I wish more would have even half of your work ethic. Lots of love back to you. And, please don't feel like you have to apologize for delays. You are probably the most dedicated developer I've ever seen in the adult gaming world, so even if you are delayed multiple weeks, you are way ahead of nearly everyone. Plus, we all care about you and don't want you to stress out. Like a previous comment mentioned, I'd love to see WVM continue for years, so its worth taking as many much deserved breaks as you like or are forced to take due to life events without apology. Though a brief status update is always appreciated! Thanks a million.


Braindrop, you make this VN worth becoming a Paetron. Not only is it a good quality VN, but I see a lot of creators jump around from multiple VN's pushing out little bits of content every month or so and in turn they don't have nearly as many paetrons. So, due to your hard work and focus on this one VN has led to your success, and you deserve it. Keep up the great work and don't forget to take time for yourself now and then. Burning out would be much worse than a delay in content now and then.


Braindrop - thanks for sharing some of your back story with us. It makes WVM more meaningful for me and I'm very happy I found this VN so that I could be impressed enough to become a Patron. Hang in there! Your grandfather is lucky to have you there for him, even if it is sometimes harder to hear the gratitude now. Stay healthy and keep up the good work with your family and the great story telling,


Thanks for giving us the backstory Brain. You certainly give a LOT of personality to the game because of how much passion we see you pour into it! Keep doing you bro!


Thanks for sharing your story - very inspiring!