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I've been asked a lot of questions recently, figured it's time for an official Q&A :)

I have the sinking feeling that I'm missing about 20 questions or so but if that's the case, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll answer there if I can. :) Love you guys. <3

Q: How long will WVM be?
A: Long, exact amount of days aren't set. But we have a long way to go. 

Q: Is WVM's story planned out?
A: Yes, mostly. All major events are planned and mapped out. There's some side things that are still being developed.

Q: Do you have any help or are you working by yourself?

A: I'm working completely by myself. Everything in WVM is written and made by me. The only exceptions are the logos were done by PixelRepublic and the images in day 6 for other game shoutouts were made by the respective devs.

Q:  Not including "clients" have the roster of romancable women been now introduced?
A: As of right now, there's only one more character planned. Though there are many clients planned.

Q: Will the clients be love interests?
A: Some will and some won't.

Q: Why are there so many changes to the women throughout the progression of WVM?
A: I was brand new at all of this when I started out, meaning limited assets and limited skill in creating characters. I've since attained more assets and I'd like to believe I'm more skilled.
If I feel a characters needs changed then I won't be shy and I'll change them.

Q: Why did the MC's penis shrink in day 2?

A: The penis was never planned to be that large. It was originally planned to be exactly how it is now. When I made that first scene with Jamie, I was using a render queue to load and render everything while I was at work and the penis reverted back to it's default shape.
Me not thinking the game would ever be where it is now or enjoyed by this many people, I decided it wasn't a big deal and that I'd roll with it. When it was met with criticism I decided to go ahead and change it back. And that's that.

Q: How do you determine if something should be changed or not?
A: I do my best to listen to criticism with an open mind. (I am human though so it's not always that simple). I then ask myself if it should be changed and if I want it to be. If both of those are yes then it gets changed. Sometimes there's things that can be heavily criticized that I don't change because I don't agree that it needs to be.
Is that a perfect way to do it? Probably not. But keeping WVM what I want it to be is what allows me to work so passionately on it.

Q: Will early days be updated for these changes?

A: Days 1-2 are actively being worked on being updated right now. With this will come some small changes to the story. Such as female Shauna's backstory and the earrings.

Q: When will the first basketball game be?
A: The first preseason game between the Stars and the Briars will be on Day 9.

Q: Can we effect the outcome of the game?

A: Yes, your choices before games and during games will effect the outcome and final score.

Q: Does WVM follow the rules of the NCAA?

A: No, there are some distinct differences although they're fairly similar.

Q: Will there be preggo sex?

A: You best fucking believe it.

Q: What about progressive preggo sex? (Sex with her when she has a small bump through sex with her when she has a big bump)
A:  You best fucking believe it.

Q: Will we have have the opportunity to impregnate girls outside of Rachael's clients?
A:  You best fucking believe it. 

Q: How many of them?
A:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

Q: Will it be optional?
A: Most.

Q: Will there be any forced relationships besides Jamie and Shauna?
A: No

Q: How long will you continue to do the weekly updates?
A: Until I no longer want to do them. That's not happening anytime soon. I love doing this more now than I did back in the very first week.

Q: Do you take days off?

A: Not generally no. I believe I've taken a total of four days off since starting. three of them were after I finished a full day's release. And the last one was the day my power was out.

Q: Any planned days off or vacations?
A: Will probably take a day off when Day 6 final is released. And I might go on a 3-4 day vacation sometime this year. I'll be sure to give you guys ample notice before I do so.

Q: What does WVM stand for?
A: It's the name of the college the MC is attending. And it stands for




Rob The Weed Enthusiast

Panty Sniffer for life!!! Also tell us what wvm standards for 😭😭😭😭


“... and it stands for...” Lol loved it! Keep up the great work as usual! Cheers


Love your work ethic bro i wish you much success


Will we get a scene where we can see Shauna(Trans) have sex with another girl

Crab Shack

How many is "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" in metric?


The answers for the preggo questions made me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


So... If it's going to be long, will the progressive preggo time periods be realistic? Because that means WVM will be REALLY long. It'll take years to get through first semester.

Crab Shack

Braindrop has mentioned before that after an intro period, it won't be day-by-day game time updates anymore but probably roughly a game-week per update potentially capped off with a basketball game


Dude, having 20 preggo wives would be heaven.


Will Shauna and Jamie be a permanent forced relationship? o,o


I want to get to the sextape with the actress.


"&amp; it stands for" trollolol

Te Tule

Keep it comming


Thanks for sharing this! This is truly amongst the best 3 games of this type out there. Keep up your great work and how you feel and think about it.

Julian Harper

Thanks for the info, but make sure you take some time off, everyone needs a break


Cool q&amp;a, wish You all the best with the project. Any thoughts on Jamie having/doing like all the time a "duck face" 😉🤔


Great Q&amp;A, thanks! Love the game, as i've said previously. Love that you ultimately only make changes that you want to make yourself. If not, you will eventually lose your passion for the game, since it would no longer be the game you wanted to make. When you say that Preg content is mostly avoidable, i hope that means if MC hasn't cum inside a girl, she won't get pregnant :) Also hope that there will always be a "cum outside" option for non-client girls. Btw, important question. Will the game remain total harem, or will eventually some choices between girls have to be made?


Are u planning something like Gallery and endings? For every girl?


What made you decide to have both trans and cis options for Shauna? Keep up the great work :)


All girls will be achievable in a single playthrough, some scenes will be locked to certain routes though. :)


I knew that Shauna would be a forced gf. And even though I'm into trans I know a good portion of people aren't. It adds a lot of work especially considering it also changes what Penelope is. But I think the extra work is worth it. :)


is there anyway to zoom out a little bit on the scenes it is IMHO just a little to close. I know it is first person but I feel like I am right there in the girls faces. I know this may sound strange but it would be nice to be able to see the whole girl in the scene and not just a portion unless it is a kissing animation then I can understand the closeup but when everything just feels like it is up close and in your face it just feels unnatural. I am not asking that you change a bunch of stuff but was wondering if the rendering is what makes it feel that close or maybe it might be my settings. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


Any chance of getting some background music/ sound effects?


Your game is awesome. I can’t wait The pregnancy part. Will there be lactation?

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the Q&amp;A Braindrop ❤


Please create a sex scene with jasmine ❤


How can there be a game of basketball on day 9? As far as I remember, the game should be next Friday. Since day 1 was Saturday, day 9 will be Sunday. Or have the days of the week and the calendar changed again?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) &lt;== Zoe when the pen magically disappeared


Jamie is the best one, those brown eyes are amazing. HAD to say that first but my real question will there be more development with jasmine story?


Hi Braindrop, love the game. Do you plan on any futa/trans on male content, ie. the MC being penetrated by a trans/futa character? Thanks!


if so please make that a choice that i can pick and not have that forced upon me. i respect peoples' choice but please dont have anything forced upon us. Thank you


Maybe several days will go missing in a training montage?


is there anyway to zoom out a little bit on the scenes it is IMHO just a little to close. I know it is first person but I feel like I am right there in the girls faces. I know this may sound strange but it would be nice to be able to see the whole girl in the scene and not just a portion unless it is a kissing animation then I can understand the closeup but when everything just feels like it is up close and in your face it just feels unnatural. I am not asking that you change a bunch of stuff but was wondering if the rendering is what makes it feel that close or maybe it might be my settings. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. I'm hoping that the Dev can give an straight forward answer I like this title but the scenes in Being A DIK by DrPinkCake feel more natural by how your not so up close to the models in the story.


And here are a couple more questions. 1) shouldn't Kimmy be in a different class? She was already a wvm star before mc. Or perhaps all the girls in this specialty are in the same group, regardless of the year of study. That would be weird, though. In General, an interesting point to clarify. 2) will birthdays be celebrated? We all know what they should end up with, especially mc's birthday.


hi! What 3d software do you use?


1. Explained further on in the story, has to do with separating the classes by gender. 2. Yes. :)


Guess it's just my style. No intentions to change it atm but I appreciate the feedback. &lt;3

Wild Bill

If we only accept Rachael's job offer after discussing it with Jamie, will we be able to catch up with the clients we missed in the first few days?

philip ash

i'm guessing you don't want to tell us what WMV stands for


My question is regarding the size of the game since we are already close towards the completion of week 1 of WVM which probably would be completed in upcoming month or two, and also since you mentioned earlier that WVM has a long way to go ahead which probably means many more days &amp; weeks will added to the game and thus the size of the game will drastically increase therefore just would like to know whether are you planning to separate the game files on weekly basis? like separate game files for each different week; if yes, then there might arris the issue carry forwarding the saves of a particular week to another week or even each player can make particular decisions at the start of each week so that it will not affect the further game play.


All I Can Say Is Im Loving This Game 😼


Really awesome story (y)