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Hey there, it's me again, to remind you that Giselle is your Queen and she demands your, uh, IDK, attention maybe? Haha. 

She is wearing this same outfit at Domina's Valley 29, so, if you didn't, pay your respects to her, here you go - https://www.livethegiantessdream.com/p/dominas-valley-29.html 

Ah, sure, the update - I rendered this while final testing the Queen's Nest, so I added the literal Queen of Boobs Giselle because, why not? 

Nah, that's because I don't want to spoil the next chapter and had to test stuff, I admit.

Edited a little the nest, tested a lot of stuff that didn't work, finalized the refinements and, not sure if you can see it, the lights on the wall look more natural, I also have saved +2 water shaders - wtf every scene water needs more than one depending on the POV - edited a lot of other scenes, and retouched dozens of skins, after all we have X-variation in the horizon and on meetings with the Queen you can't carry anything with you... oops, that was a spoiler ;P

The works aren't going as fast as I wished, future proofing models is an effort that don't pay until you use them in something big, but I'm still on the investment phase, so, until everything gets into track I'll be lagging behind. I edited uncountable models/elements/scenes/shaders these last months, so, I believe sooner or later most of my stuff will be good enough to put in scene and grow girls.

Right now I'm refining the Giantess Dream Chapter 4 script and am looking forward to continue the next chapters that were holding me back for continuing DV and CT story, but there's BPE 5 on my way for March 1st so, yeah, I'm in trouble, haha.

AAAnyway, going back to brute-force work because the schedule here is long, later in the month we talk again after I untie the knots I've put myself into.

Thanks for your support!




Putting a cloth over the large metal ring probably won’t make it any comfier.


Bpe chapter 5 sounds good