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Dear Patrons, I'm organizing stuff, simplifying the tiers, but very little will change in my Patreon.

Would you mind reading it and tell me how do you feel?

Here it goes: the schedule and workflow reached some maturity, meaning we'll be able to release one comic per month and still do some bonusses and fix the things around here before I'm able to go back 100% to the stories. 

But compared to when I begin Patreon, I have much less time for making extra bonusses, and the reason is that the X-Variant of the main comic requires extra time for duplicating, adjusting and re-rendering, increasing a lot the final render count of the $5 tier. This is not a bad thing, I  appreciate the X-Variant of the comic myself - I even wish I had it from some other chapters, but it needs to be minded when speaking of the Tier itself.

Then we have the BIG patrons who managed to close the gap I had in patronage, and they need some extra love - meaning I'm working for delivering it.

The last 2 weeks proved this can happen, no migraine this time, so, I may adjust the tiers in a simpler way, where little will change considering last months:

BIG PATRONS - Help me to push BIG on the dream
• Ultimate version of the monthly comic.
• Exclusive render set with growth (bonus on development)
• Spoilers
ACCESS ALL CONTENT on tiers Medium and Little

Medium PATRONS - Base patronage that sponsor spicier content
• Plus Variation + X-Variant of the monthly comic.
• Extra Bonus renders with Bigger sizes and X-Variants

Little PATRONS - The little guy who supports get a big discount
• Standard edition of the monthly comic.  
• Extra Bonus renders
• My BIG thank you for being a supporter.

NON-PATRONS - Those who can't support me here
• Cheap Tricks Standard is still for free in my site
• Free Work in progress Discord
• Public Renders in my social networks

There is a couple of reasons to me to "upgrade" the higher tiers and keep the smaller one: I must be thankful to those who help big, but I want the little guy to be able to access my comics too. As for the middle tier, it feels pretty nice since it is the favorite, so, no changes there.

EXTRA INFO - PATREON PAUSE - Retreating time when releasing Domina's Valley
• Billing will be off - you keep Patreon access for no charge
• No content will be released - I'll be resting or developing material
• Happens whenever I release Domina's Valley who will be sold on my site

This part is a bit more tricky, but it is needed: Domina's Valley is its own thing and is the only comic that is able to keep me floating for more than a month, but is also the comic where I have more work for doing and most of the unfinished assets - a lot of the stuff I did for the second cycle is unfinished, plus lots of scenes are in the old texture system - meaning every time I touch Domina's Valley I have to reinvest a lot of time on it.

MEANING: while I produce content to Patreon I will be saving, preparing material and writing for keeping the Dream working, THEN, when I pause it I will finish and release a chapter of Domina's Valley and use the rest of the time to develop content with a loose schedule so I can focus on whatever thing in development I need to to, take it a week or a month.

Will this work? 


I've been fine tuning my workflow and schedule these last months and I've come from a half-comic-a-month to a full-comic-a-month+plus+animation, so, yeah, productivity is rising and I feel better and better with the results, so I'll keep working for have it all working properly.

Thanks for your support and, I appreciate your feedback.



Honestly, that's pretty generous. Other creators would charge you for both Patreon and the comic itself.