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After months I've finally found the right soul to implant in this girl that changed almost completely in only a couple of days.

it is weird how tis can happen but, I used all the wrong dials (you see that I normally go for the more amazon fitness base build) but now I mixed others in order to reach a more ex-model/volleyball lazy healthy more realistic build (though I can't be accurate in the "soft flesh" areas due to model limitations).

The early model was for a specific kind of girl, much more voluptuous in the bottom but  somehow she wasn't fitting the universe and was lacking, idk, life?

I had a lot of fun making the tests and this morning I finished the last retouch on the meshes and boy I want to show this girl being herself. Nothing special, she is just herself. And I'm loving her.

Probably she will come out later, like Eden did 'cause she too I had challenges developing, but at least now I can follow with her in the plot with the more accurate behavior.




Nice, which story will she be starring in?


Domina's Valley. She is one of the new characters for the 2nd arc of the story.