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Some of you will hate me for this, some of you will understand me the same way I now understand other storytellers, some will like it.

In the end all I wish is to you enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying creating it in a more impulsive way, or is it organic?

Take your conclusions.

Happy weekend to you all.




Dude. I love this and I look forward to it. I have a feeling your next stories are gonna be amazing. I'm looking forward to DV 26!


Is Eden starting to get jealous of how massive Giselle is?


I think u had already warned us about the thing ppl might not be happy about but this doesnt say there were no consequences. I actually enjoy getting to see these 2 play off each other. Definitely more a Veronica and Jessy fan but i was a big Giselle fan for awhile. I have a recommendation to help grow ur patreon support, i would post on DA and GC a link saying u get this lil preview. I know u did a post saying ur patreon would be where its posted but im sure some ppl are waiting to see that it's there b4 they join. U dont have to post a reminder for everything exclusive but something like this or the CT download next week could help bring more ppl in! Edit: forgot to say i love the lighting and colors here! It looks beautiful! Excited for whats on the horizon my friend!


Bro ur the best tbh Gisselle has to be the biggest in this story bcz she’s the headline. I wanted to ask how tall is she


No, Eden is friends with Giselle, this is a psychological pattern humans do: become friends, act VERY friendly and, some time later, begin to show their non-friendly side, flaws and sincerity. Eden was just into getting a limo just to her. Ah, Eden's sin is greed ;P


This is the part of my try to write differently: this was not a canon part of the story, I was just fixing Gordon's limo and the idea came out, I just had to let them face reality. I loved making this scene ^^. Thanks, I'm working hard to make it look nicer, I want to ceduce not only by shapes but the whole looks.


No character has to be the biggest, I love them all and I flow the creative inspiration, otherwise this story would be dead. For now this is just a preview, it's an extra scene I built after having the chapter written and posed, so the height chart in the end of the chapter will have yours and others questions answered ( thought I have to take note of the new sizes myself because some were decided on stage).


Oh and when is the next chapter . Like which day r u gonna publish it


About one week before the end of the month, this is my new schedule system.


Oh so DV26 is this month then let’s go


Yo may we see the incident when Gisselle stifled her boobs in the door plz . The one Eden referred too


Can’t wait!!


Indeed, I am so appalled. How could you betray me so? The Girls fitting in cars, how absurd! XD This whole preview actually leads on really well from our previous discussions on transport, I am actually incredibly amused that you thought of using a Limo with an exposed sunroof, that actually works really well although as Giselle said, a little bit indecent for her with no windshield, but hey, viable than always using vans or trucks or walking everywhere. Very amused at sin wise Giselle being Envy and Eden greed, that works so well for her and her smart business mind to accumulate everything in her favour. Although if that’s the case, Eden might be talking too soon as she might very well be the one who can’t get her boobs through the car doors before Giselle. I doubt she will stay as small as she implies if her greed is that natural. Tho lord, who is Lust lol, I feel like half the characters in DV could qualify for that title? XD Regarding the height revisions, that understandably from a story standpoint had to happen mate and I don’t think anyone can fault you for it. On comparison to DV23 Eden certainly looks to have retained some of her gains, which will make the next chapter very interesting to know who kept, retained or gained what and whether Victoria is still the tallest etc. A very delightful preview and really charming to see these two interacting. Best wishes and looking forward to seeing the cast again next month.


Eden was joking that if Giselle keeps growing she’d eventually get her boobs stuck in the door, not that at present she would. Although frankly how Giselle fit in the car in the first place was likely one hell of an ordeal unless she stepped in through the roof lol.


Ah, the struggles of this day and age being a giantess, this is something I really want to exercise. And thew struggles of normal sized man into it. This part of Eden is a bit deep, but a so-nice-girl she must have some faults on her, right? I'm drafting this part of plot, some cases are very clear like Jessy is sloth, Vivian is wrath, some others I still need some more study because it begins to overlap and there's the plot I'm developing, so, some more fun working on that. Thanks, man ^^


In the future she will 😁😁😁. Imagine her growing inside a limo . Or like Mr Tyson dreaming of a super giant Gisselle destroying the city and looking for him . God damn that would be amazing .