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Yah, got it, bad joke... bad jokes maybe? 

Don't blame me: Jessica's colossal Growth Spurts in BPE 8 (comic) won't let me show her front side in a public post. Spoiler alert, she is much bigger than Vanessa now, and you can see in the Comparatiddies render set that came right after it! 

On the same day we see Jessy's Priorities (render set) as a mega Giantess crushing Mr. Tyson under her, uh, background? NOICE! 

Later we have Eden at NCA 6 cat walking with her massive mammaries... she had grown so much she got almost all chapter to her. No wonder she loses balance, making Mr. Tyson try to help her by, uh, hugging her thighs and sticking his face oh her butt cheeks? Dude, that wouldn't be the first thing I would check out on Eden, butt – I mean, but... 

Then The Hug Me Render Set welcomes a new mega boobah challenger! And Vivian runs into her... ass? What the F is wrong with me? All I did were ass jokes in a month filled with boobah??? 

Anyway, looking back at it, it was a great month 😀 and I welcome you all to take a look at the schedule listing the bonusses, and thank you all for keeping the Dream alive! 



Pick Me

A great month! I’m excited for new stuff! But I really wanna see more Jessica 😳