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  • Make it 2 chapters - Let the Boobah grow free! 245
  • Single chapter - Constrain the Boobah almighty power. 37
  • 2024-05-02
  • 282 votes
{'title': "JUNE'S NCA CATWALK POOL", 'choices': [{'text': 'Make it 2 chapters - Let the Boobah grow free!', 'votes': 245}, {'text': 'Single chapter - Constrain the Boobah almighty power.', 'votes': 37}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 2, 14, 10, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 282}


Lately, I've found out I can't push stories as long as they were back in the day when I didn't have a monthly schedule, but last November I did and it took its toll on me (and in the story that I wished to make bigger), and that happened only because I was going to pause in the following month.

For canonical stories or continuous side stories like BPE or Warehouse Madness, I normally chose a scene or a plot point for making a cut and continue on the next chapter, sometimes scrapping unnecessary parts, sometimes exploring more the best parts.

For NCA Catwalk it is getting a little conflicting because of the growth possibilities, and we know that Eden and Phoebe have A LOT of potential for teasing and growing, and the chapter would easily pass 320 panels, like the last catwalk one. As an example Eden's draft has 85 panels already and we had only 1 growth scene and damn, the teasing ideas keep popping...

I'd like to know if you guys prefer a closed chapter with the two (Eden+Phoebe), I'd cut some ideas, or if you prefer to me to make in in 2 chapters using all ideas and tease the hell of Peter Tyson and flood the venue with boobs (they appear in both chapters anyway).


Man Bayern

Can’t we do it in one chapter and go to Debra and miss domina so we save time


I may be misunderstanding the problem, but Isn't one of the perks of pattern is being able to post portions of your work as you can or as WIP so you do not feel like your cheating the customer and you are not stressing yourself? I may be misreading the situation


The idea of producing a chapter per month is a great thing, the feedback on the last months showed it, so, all I have to do is wrap up stuff in one pack per month - a chapter - and most patrons seem happy to return and enjoy it every few weeks. I was inclined to divide this chapter when I reached the middle of the draft, BUT SOMETIMES audience thinks different, so, I did the pool to feel the tides. The audience thinks strongly like me, so, I'm happy with that and I'll be doing my thing. IF THEY WERE AGAINS it, I would continue the draft on a more objective way and scrap some ideas. No stress at all in this, just about a nice talk with audience ❤ PS. Sometimes I'm a little dramatic... don't mind me.