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Classic Marina's new sport clothes are looking very nice on her, the face without makeup also seems natural as the fake red hair is also looking pretty good She stands inside the updated Ron's Gym for the next remake of the series - a step I decided to take because it would save me some time so I could improve my schedule and invest more time in the following project to be released that is still to be decided.

Speaking of which, I'm fine tuning my schedule, so, unfortunately some requests are being postponed so I can focus on the monthly projects - as soon I have it a little less tight I'll be able to do some extra renders.

On that regard, and wishing to produce better content to you guys, when I can I'll take some special shots of work in progress and post them here in Patreon in 4k - this was the idea in the beginning but somehow things went crazy and other stuff was being dome, hehe.

Enjoy the Maison Princess.


