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After MUCH anticipation, our sweet daughter, McKenna May Larney is here!!!

8.29.22. 6:52pm. 8 lbs, 8 oz. 18 inches!

She is healthy, happy, and proving to us that love has no limits!

Thanks to modern medicine, I was induced on Sunday night (10 days overdue!) and I enjoyed every second of labor (once the epidural was in)! While we waited, we watched our current favorite show, “The Last Man on Earth”. We were giggling nonstop which may be why I progressed quickly. When McKenna was ready, I pushed for 2 hours to the sound of music. Mostly Enya, haha! “Who can say where the wind goes…” Safe to say those songs will never be the same to me!

Patryk and I were elated, knowing we’d meet her soon. I smiled through every push. The nurses were teasing me about it but I was truly on cloud nine. I’m generally a total nervous wreck in hospitals, so this is a testament to the power of epidurals. I already can’t wait to have another someday! Lol!

For those two hours, we had way too much fun with the nurses, dancing/singing to Lizzo and laughing the baby out. It was beyond my wildest expectations. McKenna did give us a bit of drama on the last push. All of a sudden the doctor yelled “SHOULDER!”. Within seconds, the room was flooded with people. Patryk was whisked away, so I squeezed my doula’s hand (almost broke it) and tried to understand what was going on. McKenna’s shoulder was stuck and they started the clock… which is never comforting. The team of doctors & nurses were incredible and they got her out in no time, assessed her, and she was doing just fine. The moment they put McKenna on my chest, I bawled uncontrollably. It was more magical than I’ll ever be able to describe.

She stared me deep in the eyes and reached out her tiny hand to me. I can’t believe I get to be her mama!

I’m writing you all from the hospital bed. McKenna is finally sleeping peacefully in the bassinet beside me, as is Patryk. Well, he’s on a couch but you know what I mean. :) I am too giddy to sleep at the moment so I thought I’d write you all. My parents are about to pop in for a visit… they landed last night & already met McKenna! The timing was perfect. We are lucky to have them here for a few days, and then Patryk’s parents are coming down.

Thank you for all the sweet & thoughtful messages over the past few weeks. It was truly one of the hardest times for me. I was really down about not having the baby sooner. It was a mental struggle, and I didn’t want to talk about it. I just wanted to hide away and do everything in my power to get her here on my own. Obviously, that all seems silly now, but it was very real for me in the moment.

The night before the induction, I was still determined to induce labor myself. (Hard headed, much?) We went out for Mexican food and I tried eviction notice by JALEPENO! Why not!

By 3AM, I started having contractions. “It worked!”

Hahahaha no… turns out it was just my body saying “WHYYYYYYY?!”.

I started from 0 centimeters on Sunday but the journey ended up being exactly what it needed to be. Now we have this little ray of sunshine in our lives and I cannot wait to share her light with you!

Love you all.




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