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When touring wraps up this summer, I'll be spending most of my time collaborating with other songwriters in Nashville.. and nesting (let's be honest!).

As I was thinking of who I've loved writing with in the past, I thought of Jeff Cohen. You've probably heard his songs in movies, shows, and on the radio over the years! He wrote one of my favorites pop songs of my youth... Evan and Jaron's "Crazy For This Girl". So catchy! 

As Jeff and I set a date to write this summer, I asked him if I could share the demo of "Kiss You Now," a song we wrote together in 2015!  He was so kind to give me permission. This is one of those that is "technically released" by a UK band called Jess and the Bandits. Their version is downloadable here

Attached is the original demo. Hope you enjoy listening:

<< Download MP3 of Kiss You Now >>

XO - LL 




So fun...!!! Love it... ♥️🌟🎀🌟♥️


I love it!! ❤️❤️🦎🦎