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After a much needed few days of rest at home with my parents, I am revving up the mini van to slowly make my way out to Ohio! Over the next 7 days, I play 6 shows from OH, to MI, IL, WI and MN!  Send your midwest friends my way!

The morning after the last May show, I fly to Reno for my first ever TedX talk. It'll be an experience far outside of my comfort zone, but I am rehearsing regularly and honored to have the chance to speak on such a huge platform. Still no clue what I'll be wearing but everything else is decided: I'll be singing 3 songs, and speaking on the importance of having an outlet. My chosen outlet is music, obviously. I believe I'm at my best when I am working through my feelings in song. *I'd love to know in the comments if YOU have an outlet... and what it is!*

In June, I'll head out to the west coast for the last leg of the Swollen Ankle Tour (what I've lovingly named this time in my life). Patryk will be with me which will make it all the more enjoyable. We love to travel the west coast together, see the ocean and drink Dutch Bros Coffee. I'm imagining it'll feel like our "babymoon".

Speaking of baby...

My sweet mama (Rosemary) threw the most beautiful baby shower for Little Miss Larney earlier this month. Every detail was magical... rainbow decorated cookies and cake, delicious food and baby photos of Patryk and me on display. There were guesses of who the baby will look like, how much she'll weigh and when she'll arrive. Friends and family took sharpies to diapers so that in the wee (pun intended) hours we'll have fun little messages and drawings to make us smile. It was all so special.

Lately, people have been asking how long of a break I will be taking. 

I’ll be off the road from June 25 - Nov 9th, but obviously I’ll be here on PATREON like always. There is no such thing as paid maternity leave for a musician, so I am more grateful to this incredibly supportive community than you'll ever know.

THANK YOU for being here!!!!

As dear Patreon members, I wanted to tell you about the post baby tour dates well before they're announced publicly. Tickets are not on sale yet but here's what's happening...

11.10 @ Natick Center For The Arts: Natick, MA

11.11 @ City Vineyard: New York, NY

11.12 @ City Winery: Philadephia, PA

11.13 @ City Winery: Washington, D.C.

Am I crazy? Perhaps. Am I weirdly excited about the challenges and joys of taking our 3 month old on the road? YES.


What's next in the Patreon world?

For those of you at the legit lizard level and up: I'll be live from backstage on May 14th! Mark your calendars if you wanna join!

For those of you at the loyal lizard level and up: On June 8th, I'll be doing an online show. Maybe we should pick a theme? I'm also working on a Patreon artists in-the-round show for later this summer. TBD! In case you missed it, the unreleased song was released a few days ago, and the cover song is coming soon.  The artist I'm covering this month rhymes with Schmill Schmoge.

That's all for now...

Love you lots, lizards.





Is it wrong of me that I kind of want to ask to go along on your fall tour as Little Miss Larney’s nanny? I’m an excellent baby caregiver!! And dogs, too. I’ve been known to lull both to sleep in such locations as backyards, kitchen’s, rocking chairs, vet offices (that’s only for the dogs!), doctor’s offices, airplanes, couches, and swings. I’ve also been pooped all over when taking my newborn niece shopping. Luckily, her mom brought me a fresh set of clothes. These things happen and we learn to take them in stride. I’m just saying all of this to get the job. 🤪 Seriously, we’ll see you in the fall. And maybe the whole clan can come to our house. Much love for the entire Larney Clan!


Love you soon to be three so much ❤️❤️❤️see you soon ❤️❤️💕😎