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This update is jam-packed  with good, so let's dive right in!

Moulinette Roadmap!

As we announced the week before last, there are some changes coming to Beneos Battlemaps due to us joining forces with Moulinette, making Beneos Battlemaps more accessible and user friendly. Remember - no more installations, updates, relocations. Every new release will immediately be available via Moulinette.
Implementing these changes to Moulinette and Scene Packer will take another one or two months. When this is done we'll update all packs on Moulinette and gather some feedback from those of you already using Moulinette. When the Moulinette users greenlight the changes and everythings works as intended - then it's time for the final swap. Downloading the map archives separately will still be possible! We'll keep you updated on the process!

What's next?

That's next - the mighty Tser Falls! 

The mansion took a lot of time and energy, so we're gonna take a nice vacation at this serene but atmospheric spot and have a quick breather. Let's take a look at some early work in progress shots!


We can even give you a glimpse of what's to come after that! Depending on how smoothly all the testing and administrative work going on in the background runs (there is so much to do), we'll find ourselves either heading to the Ruins of Berez or the Amber Temple - both equally terrifying and popular requests! 

Speaking of terrifying...

Behold the Amygdalyan!

This creepy bugger is the great evil beseeching our Magnificent Mansion! The latest release over at Beneos Tokens ties into one of the many stories you can tell using the Magnificent Mansion:
The Amygdalyan has infected the wizard’s mind due to the traumatic loss of his companions, materializing within the Mansion due to the connection of the estate to the wizard's slain party. The wizard subconsciously contains it within the barrier of the magic circle, drawing strength from the memories of the Mansion. Can you rid him off this lovecraftian creature before the wizard succumbs to insanity? You can find the stat block detailing the Amygdalyans nightmarish powers for free over at Beneos Tokens! 

This face now lives rent-free in your mind - you're welcome!

Now, to close off this weeks update, we'd love if you'd participate in another poll. Here it comes. Ready?

Feel free to comment on why you do or don't use the pre-gridded maps!

Thank you very much and see you next Wednesday!



Why a map of tser falls? I mean, it will be awesome for my homebrew, but did I miss something in COS? I dont see this as a POI at all? Sure, you can make it to be one if you want. But I dont recall any encounters or content in CoS campaign at this location?


I use the maps with EncounterPlus and use the grid included with the App. So I tend to not use the gridded maps


Many people add encounters or other elements here. The book as written doesn't mention any specific encounters, but the falls are a pretty big landmark. I'm happy to see it come. I've added some stuff that happens at the falls, and I know a number of others do as well.