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Hey you Pen & Paper fans out there. This is our newest weekly update.

New Design and Logo

I took some time to finalize my design. I always liked the minimalistic black and white theme of Beneos Battlemaps because it provided space for all the fancy worlds we create. But my logo has always been a pain point for me, so I made a new one.

This is my magic. My holy grail. My spell slots. My coffee mug. I always liked the minimalistic Black Mesa logo, so here is the foundation of the logo: a black circle with a black basis. It symbolizes a small world, like the ones we create, a sky sphere and earth. I really like it!

FoundryVTT Naming Convention for Tier 4 Patreons

As you might have noticed, the latest release has a different naming convention in FoundryVTT. I would appreciate feedback on the changes. Usually we use something like “21-01_Bonegrinder_1f-4K_BM” as a name in the FoundryVTT scene compendium. Pro: All releases are ordered chronologically so the latest Release is always at the bottom of the list. Con: If you toggle it onto the quick access bar for your scenes at the top of the canvas, the prefix numbers (21-01_…) wastes valuable naming space, so most of the scenes looks like “21-01_Bonegin”. The current naming method is like “Bonegrinder 1f-4K BM”. Pro: It’s short and easy to read and at least all Bonegrinder Maps will be together in the compendium. Please give me feedback in the poll below. After the vote I'll switch all names to the winning naming convention in a future release.

Castle Ravenloft and the Next Map

I had to make a judgement call. I will start to work on Castle Ravenloft soon and I will release it floor by floor. Don’t expect me to release it in the next two weeks though because my plan is to go through the adventure sequentially in the most likely way a group would move through the land, with the exception of Castle Ravenloft. It will be releases as I complete each floor as a bonus to normal releases. This decision was made based on your feedback.

The next will be the Tser Pool Camp. This will be an easy one and I also plan to make a cool Fortunes of Ravenloft table scene that fits our style.

Best regards,



I also tend to rename them personally. One thing that might help, check out a module called Compendium Folders. It does exactly what the name implies and allows you to make sub folders within Compendium Folders. You get two benefits out of this. 1) you as a creator can group your Foundry stuff more intuitively (example: a folder within your existing module folder for “Curse of Strahd” with more sub-folders beneath that for “Vallaki”, “Barovia”, “Bonegrinder”, etc. 2) this makes importing for players a lot easier too (assuming they also have the module). They can click import next to the Curse of Strahd folder and import/retain all the sub folders in one go. Or if they just need the Bonegrinder new release, click import next to that folder and get all of Bonegrinder in one go.


I have one question since Argenvost map package. I haven't used any of your maps but with good winds I will start CoS next month. However I noticed that larger maps are split into different areas. I understand why (3d perspective) but I wonder how people use it with Foundry if team splits between those areas? I'm asking this now, since it will be obviously much bigger deal in Ravenloft Castle


You can have the party in multiple scenes in Foundry, and use Multi-level token areas as teleporters to get them from one to another. It does become a bit harder to manage as a DM, of course, but it's quite easily done from a technology standpoint.