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Hey you P&P Fans out there. I've got a lot of feedback over the last months and I am starting more and more to take this hobby serious :P The reason why is that so many people joined us here on patreon. Way, way more people than I ever considered being interested in what I do! That makes me proud but also at the same time is a big responsibility that I need to implement in may daily routine and my workflow. 

1: Animated Tokens

What do you think about animated tokens? I have (legally and licensed of course) access to hundreds of great 3D models and animations. Besides costs, way of distribution, road map and stuff and besides "concentrate only on maps, please dont get burned out with content" are you interested in animated tokens? 

Here are some WIP shots I made.

2: Landing Pages

In comments and messages people often asks me where I get my cool landing pages for my group. A Landing Page is an overview scene for your players. A place you can show when no battlemap or scenery is needed and that doesnt destract your players during the session. 

Until now i did my landing pages with photoshop but i played arround with unreal engine to create some pretty cool animated landing pages. What do you think about them? I think it would be much fun to make a special release with like 4-5 Landing pages for different campaign settings as well as a special Curse of Strahd Landing page in the style of my maps. Since yoiu support me because of my maps i need to ask if you are cool with a special release of landing pages =)

Here is an early (30 minutes of work) WIP test export of a post apocalyptic/Last of us Style Landing Page.

Goal is to offer a animated scene with light flicker (etc.) and the option to edit it for your group to add a world map and/or character sheets (via overlay png in your VTT or via photoshop psd file).

3: Isometric

This is a short one. Are you interested in or do you use Isometric Tokens or battlemaps? This is just to get a feeling of there is a need for isometric content (it is of course more effort to edit my maps to isometric view, but it is way easier than create it from the scratch).



Animated tokens are super cool looking, but for my personal games, we generally use still tokens for mapped encounters and use theater of the mind for fights, chases, etc. The landing page looks super great, and I love the idea of having a landing page for those no-map encounters or just background mood setting. Aesthetic is always wonderful to add to games in my opinion.


I saw your animated tokens in previous post and OMG that wonderful. I hope you can get some group of tokens out of heroes soon. I'll be very attent ive :)


Hey Santiago, as you see not that many people voted for the Votes (compared to the total number of patreons) so I need to assume there is no overwhelming need for Tokens and stuff. But maybe I will outsource some stuff to a new Patreon.